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Data, the key to a smart future

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Data, the key to a smart future

From city to "smart city" thanks to data: with our detection systems we can monitor traffic trends, air quality and consumption of public parks. 

A smart waste bin, one which opens and closes autonomously, and that can recognise users by card or smartphone and record what they have put in, alerting operators wirelessly when it is full. Is that science fiction? No, it's our Smarty waste bin, one of the latest projects launched by Hera to improve and make separate waste collection even more efficient. An initiative that easily and immediately represents, especially for customers, the innovation and digitalisation process that Hera has pursued in recent years, putting data and its analysis first.

Every day we receive millions of data, a volume of information that is not comparable to what we were facing just a few years ago. The most advanced digital systems come to our aid, such as the Internet of Things and business intelligence systems, machine learning algorithms, and artificial intelligence tools.  

The city of the future, the "smart city", is one of the areas in which we can most effectively express the innovation of our services. Thanks to Acantho, Hera Group's digital company with its 4,200 kilometre long proprietary fibre optic network, we have developed public Wi-Fi services, smart security systems, and digital signage such as multifunction totems that display information or promotional content. Our detection devices and sensors, connected to a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, enable us to collect information on traffic trends, air quality, usage of public parks by the building industry, and even satellite reconnaissance of roofs containing asbestos. Valuable information, which is essential to increasingly understand the local area in which we operate and to create shared value. 

Accessing such an advanced data pool places a great responsibility on us: to protect it. According to the World Economic Forum's Global Risk Report 2020, cyber-attacks are one of the top 10 risks for people and the global economy, both in terms of impact and probability. That's why we are continually working to improve our approach to cyber-security, to defend devices, users, identities, and infrastructure. Over the past few years, we have enhanced the security of email and browsing on our employees' devices and strengthened cloud protection and monitoring of our industrial plant networks to comply with the latest regulations such as the GDPR. 

"There are many technologies available to the world of utilities. The critical issue, and the real challenge, lies in identifying the right ones for the company's strategic goals: data analytics and intelligent automation show enormous growth potential. Understanding data and how to use it in a forward-looking approach offer unprecedented opportunities for cost-cutting, and improving our service and competitiveness," explains Salvatore Molè, Central Director of Innovation and Head of ICT at Hera Group.

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Energy Efficiency
Circular Economy

Measure to innovate. Hera Luce's tool is ahead of its time

Measure to innovate. Hera Luce's tool is ahead of its time Waste can spring back to a new life almost indefinitely. This principle is the foundation of the circular economy. It is based on the five Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, regenerate – and aims to minimize waste and the use of resources. And this is also the foundation of our front line fight to manage municipal waste, which today, more than ever before, has become a precious resource, thanks to a circular approach. MG_0694.jpg Our efforts have gone well beyond waste management. Since 2017, we have been trying to apply the same circularity to public lighting systems. But to innovate, you have to measure. That's why Hera Luce developed a measurement system to analyse materials used in public lighting throughout their entire life cycle – from origin to final destination – both in terms of material flows and in economic terms (costs/revenues). In 2017, this approach to measuring circularity had already been brought into line with the guidelines of the Italian Ministry of the Environment and it is now consistent with Circulytics, the new digital tool which accurately measures circularity, developed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in 2019, and which we were involved in as testers. Our evaluation system also anticipated the requirements of the Italian Ministry of the Environment on the minimum environmental criteria (MEC) for public lighting services. In fact, since 2016, our calls for tenders require MEC compliance and, since 2018, also require the material balance. Our strong focus on circularity and environmental sustainability, the awareness raising process launched with our suppliers, and being forerunners of such a measuring tool have been rewarding choices. Hera Luce has thus been awarded the contracts for the municipalities of Ferrara, Lugo, Tavullia, and Cervia, and has qualified as a partner to the Municipal Administrations as able to promote the issues of sustainable, intelligent and solidarity-based development, favouring the achievement of the objectives of the UN's 2030 Agenda. In the coming years, we will extend the use of the Hera Luce circularity evaluation tool to water connection sites. Hera Luce's efforts to improve the efficiency of public lighting contribute to achieving target 7.3 of the UN's 2030 Agenda. Hera Luce no
Energy Efficiency
Circular Economy

Waste-to-energy plants: a resource for the circular economy

Waste-to-energy plants: a resource for the circular economy A waste-to-energy plant, in fact, is a plant in which the heat from the combustion of waste is recovered to generate steam, which is then used to produce electricity or for district heating. link to the district heating page termovalorizzatori.jpg Our nine waste-to-energy plants cover a catchment area of over 3 million inhabitants in the provinces of Ferrara, Modena, Bologna, Forlì-Cesena, Rimini, Isernia, Padua, and Trieste and "enhance" the heat produced for the benefit of the local area. How? By generating both electricity, fed into the Italian distribution network, and heat, sent to homes or users in the surrounding area, through a special distribution network. HOW DOES A WASTE-TO-ENERGY PLANT WORK? Watch the video for a quick and simple explanation of the basic operation of a waste-to-energy plant. ARE WASTE-TO-ENERGY PLANTS DANGEROUS? No. These plants are safe, compliant with the regulations, and contribute less than 1% of total emission sources for dioxins, PM10, NOx, and other major air pollutants (ISPRA data). The only waste consists of ash (about 20% by weight of the treated waste) and particulate (about 3% by weight of the treated waste). Ash is generally used for recovery and production of secondary raw materials for the cement industry, while the particulate is stabilised to reduce any potential pollutants and make it suitable for disposal in an authorised plant. Do you want to know more about our waste-to-energy plant emissions? Visit the section on our website. The waste-to-energy plants are subject to constant monitoring and checks conducted by both Herambiente itself and competent agencies. Checks are carried out with the utmost transparency and anyone can verify the results: the main emission parameters are published and updated every half hour on the website Transparency, in fact, has always been a value for Herambiente, since it manages waste and material and energy recovery activities without compromising the quality of the surrounding environment, with the utmost respect for the territory and adopting solutions with the lowest environmental impact. To dispose of the non-recoverable part of the waste and to make good use of the energy obtained to produce electricity and heat. This is the task of a waste-to-energy plant. no
Circular Economy

SCART®: the beautiful and useful aspect of waste

SCART®: the beautiful and useful aspect of waste To transform waste into art and everyday objects to raise awareness and positively influence the mentality of recovery and reuse. scart.jpg This has been the goal of the SCART® project for over 20 years. It is an ecological initiative based on the desire to breathe life back into materials that become waste every day. The result is, sofas, armchairs, tables, chairs, lamps, drawers, games, musical instruments, clothing, and installations, but also scenery for shows and costumes. There are many initiatives at the Italian and international levels under the SCART® brand. From the prestigious conventions with the Academies of Fine Arts of Florence, Bologna and Ravenna which, every year, involve numerous students in seminars and workshops at the Hera Group's facilities in Santa Croce sull'Arno and Pisa, to the creation of costumes and stage components (for example, for Andrea Bocelli's 2012 concert at the Teatro del Silenzio in Lajatico). Also, on the occasion of the 2019 edition of the Barcolana, the historic international sailing regatta held every year in the Gulf of Trieste, the symbolic "Alice" was made from waste: a giant 10 metre long sardine was set up in Piazza dell'Unità, using about 5 thousand bottles and plastic bottles. SCART® is an invitation to reflect on new intelligent, creative, and above all sustainable lifestyles and contributes to achieving targets 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, and 12.8 of the UN’s 2030 Agenda.

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A source of clean energy from sewers and wet waste: Biomethane

An investment of Euro 37 million. A plant that disposes of 100 thousand tonnes of organic waste produced by separate waste collection and another 35 thousand tonnes coming from green waste and pruning material. 


Biodiesel has been developed also from used food oil

Fuel may also be extracted from vegetable oils. Used domestic vegetable oil (such as frying oil) which is recovered by multiutility services via roadside containers and drop-off points, is transformed into biodiesel, which in turn is used to fuel the vehicles used for urban waste collection.


Bus fuel from trash: Hera's pilot project with "START"

To obtain clean energy to power Ravenna's buses by decomposing waste in landfills. 


Data, the key to a smart future

From city to "smart city" thanks to data: with our detection systems we can monitor traffic trends, air quality and consumption of public parks. 


Dialogue with the urban context for new energy: the Borgo Panigale cogeneration plant

District heating is already in itself a "sustainable" and environment-friendly solution, because it can guarantee better performance than traditional domestic boilers. In addition, the plant located in Borgo Panigale ensures lower emissions into the environment, more reliability and greater availability of energy. The system can heat the equivalent of 8,000 residential units. Currently, the turbines can produce 35,000 MWh of energy per year, almost twice as much as in the past.


Ferrara, the city of "green" heat

What's Ferrara's green secret? It's underground, where a geothermal basin feeds its district heating system. The result? 87% of the thermal energy distributed in the city is "clean" and we avoid about 22 thousand tonnes of CO 2 emissions.


Hera and General Electric together for energy recovery

We have installed a turbo expander at the R&M stations of Ducati's factory in Bologna. The goal is to recover electricity from the decompression process of methane gas. 


Hergo Reti: the smart approach to emergency service and maintenance

More than 130 thousand emergency response reports involving 1,500 employees in 2019. More than 50 thousand emergency response operations in the first six months of 2020, in a local area that includes Emilia-Romagna, Triveneto and Marche.


Hergoambiente, waste bin speaking

Our 300,000 waste bins are talking. How? Thanks to a "tag" that always tells us where they are, how they are working and if they have been emptied. Find out more about the projects of HergoAmbiente, Hera Group's "smart" system to support waste management services.


Innovation takes flight and offers a variety of perspectives

Hera Group's drones are alternative and supplemental investigation tools to provide quality services to the areas we serve.

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111