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Hera Group presents Business Plan to 2027

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Financial Results
Hera Spa
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Hera Group: 1H 2024 results approved

The consolidated half-year report at 30 June indicates growth in the Group’s main operating-financial indicators and shows its considerable financial solidity, fully in line with the targets set out in the Business Plan. With the approval of its Climate Transition Plan, with a Net Zero target by 2050, Hera has once again confirmed its commitment to the sustainable development of the areas it serves, creating value for all stakeholders.

Online since 31-07-2024 at 12:57
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Hera Spa
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Hera Group Italy’s first multi-utility with a Net Zero target

The Hera Group’s climate change mitigation strategy is now enriched with the definition of the Climate Transition Plan and the goal of reaching Net Zero by 2050 as regards direct and indirect emissions.

Online since 31-07-2024 at 11:37
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Hera Spa
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Hera Group finalises acquisition of TRS Ecology

Online since 30-07-2024 at 11:11
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Hera Spa
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Circular economy: partnership between Fincantieri and Hera Group

Online since 18-07-2024 at 12:00
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(drafted pursuant to article 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis, of Consob Regulation 11971 / 14 May 1999)

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Hera Spa
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Quality, Safety and Environment: Hera Group confirms a solid protection in compliance with international standards

<p><em>The Bureau Veritas’ certifications have been renewed, with a focus on innovation for sustainability</em></p>
Press releases
Hera Spa
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Hera Group ranks first in the 2024 ESG Identity Corporate Index (formerly IGI)

<p><em>For the fourth consecutive year, the Group is on the podium of the overall index ranking, which rewards Italian companies that stand out for integrating ESG factors into their governance. This comes as further recognition of the Group’s commitment to creating long-term value for its shareholders and all its stakeholders</em></p>
Online since 19-06-2024 at 11:08
Press releases
Hera Spa
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Inrete Distribuzione Energia acquires Soelia’s gas network

<p><em>The Hera Group, through its subsidiary operating in the natural gas distribution sector, strengthens its presence in the area served</em></p>
Online since 11-06-2024 at 11:57
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Shareholders’ meeting
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Hera Spa

Publication of documents pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting

Online since 15-05-2024 at 10:35
Press releases
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Hera Spa

Hera Group acquires Soelia’s gas network

Through its subsidiary Inrete Distribuzione Energia, the Group was awarded the tender for the gas distribution plants and network serving the municipality of Argenta in Ferrara area

Online since 15-05-2024 at 10:38
Press releases
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Financial Results
Hera Spa

Hera Group BoD approves results for 1Q 2024

<p>The consolidated quarterly report at 31 March shows improvement in the main operating and financial indicators. The Group’s financial solidity and commitment to sustainability and the ecological transition were confirmed, along with the creation of value for all stakeholders and significant investments in the areas served to improve our assets resilience and to guarantee service quality and continuity</p>
Online since 14-05-2024 at 12:41
Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa
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Hera Shareholders Meeting: 2023 financial statements approved and dividend increased to 14 cents

The Group continues along its path of uninterrupted growth, closing 2023 with record performance in the main operating and financial indicators, thus constantly creating value for its stakeholders.

Online since 29-04-2024 at 12:53
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Hera Spa
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Hera Group at the top of ARERA’s water service quality ranking

The multiutility confirms itself among Italy’s most outstanding operators, securing the first and third positions, with reference to all macro-indicators, as proof of the very high standards adopted by the Group in this field. A commitment that the Hera fulfils with significant investments to ensure the highest quality and continuity of service to around 3.6 million citizens and an increasingly efficient and circular use of resources. Important results have been achieved, particularly in Emilia-Romagna.

Other press releases
Hera Spa

Publication of the Draft Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements as of 31.12.2023, the Sustainability Report - Consolidated Non-Financial Statement, the Corporate Governance Report, and the Report on Remuneration and Compensation Paid

Hera Spa
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Rigid plastics recycling: one of Europe’s most innovative plants to be built in Modena

<p><em>Thanks to investments totalling approximately 50 million euro, the Hera Group will build a state-of-the-art facility within its own plant complex. Starting from plastic waste that has so far been difficult to recycle, it will produce high quality polymers with characteristics similar to those shown by virgin materials, thus making sectors such as consumer electronics and the automotive industry increasingly sustainable</em></p>
Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa

Publication of documents pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting to be held on 30 April 2024

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Hera Spa
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Financial Results

Hera Group approves results as at 31/12/2023

<p><em>The year closed with main financial indicators rising and the targets included in the strategic Plan to 2026 exceeded three years ahead of schedule. The Group’s financial solidity and flexibility allowed it to continue along its path of industrial growth, increasing its investments and successfully grasping market opportunities, both internal and external, while continuing to generate value benefitting all stakeholders. The proposed dividend was raised, reaching 14 eurocents per share</em></p>
Online since 26-03-2024 at 12:47
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Hera Spa
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Green energy and a new urban forest: the Hera Group’s Energy Park arrives in Bologna

<p><em>Sustainability, decarbonisation, liveability and biodiversity protection are the keywords of this project, which will be developed in the northern part of the city and will contain a new urban park with facilities, complemented by areas dedicated to protecting animal and plant species, and an agrivoltaic field that will allow an annual saving of 6,000 tons of CO2.</em></p>
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Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa
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The passing of Hera S.p.A.'s Vice Chairman, Mr. Gabriele Giacobazzi

We hereby inform you that on March 3, 2024, the Vice Chaiman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Gabriele Giacobazzi, passed away.

Press releases
Hera Spa
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Hera Group among Europe’s leaders in sustainability and the fight against climate change

<p><em>The Group achieved the leadership band in the CDP questionnaire and was included among “TOP 1%” Multi and Water Utilities of the S&amp;P Global’s Sustainability Yearbook 2024. These recognitions prove Hera’s commitment to sustainable development and creating shared value for local areas.</em></p>

Asset Publisher

Hera Group presents Business Plan to 2027

Development, resilience and creating shared value for stakeholders are at the heart of the Group’s new strategic document, which foresees investments totalling 4.4 billion to speed up the ecological transition and enhance asset resilience to climate change. The preliminary results for 2023 outperform the previous Plan’s goals that have been achieved three years ahead of schedule, thanks to the numerous development actions implemented and the Group’s ability to grasp market opportunities.

Business Plan to 2027, operating and financial highlights

  • 2027 Ebitda: 1.650 billion euro (+27% compared to 2022)
  • Five-year investments at 4.4 billion euro
  • Increased return on net invested capital, from 7.9% to 9.5% in 2027
  • Net debt/Ebitda below 3x over the period covered by the Plan: 2.7x in 2027
  • 7% average annual increase in Earnings per Share
  • Dividends to rise by 28% (up to 16 €cents per share in 2027)
  • Average annual Total Shareholder Return (TSR) at 12%.

Business highlights: sustainable growth

  • 2.5 billion euro in investments aligned with the European Taxonomy for Sustainable Investments (98% of eligible investments)
  • Shared-value investments coming to over 70% during the entire five-year plan
  • Increase in shared-value Ebitda, up to over 55% in 2027, reaching 64% of total Ebitda
  • Commitment to reduce total CO2 emissions by 29% within 2027 and by 37% within 2030 confirmed
  • 30% of the investment plan goes towards digitisation and infrastructure innovation
  • 40% of the investment plan contributes to increasing the climate-change resilience of the Group’s infrastructures
  • 10 billion euro distributed over the five-year period 2023-2027 to stakeholders in the areas served by the Group

Highlights from 2023 preliminary results

  • Ebitda expected to rise over 1,480 million euro (+14%)
  • Net debt/Ebitda ratio expected to settle below 2.6x (from 3.3x in 2022)
  • Dividend expected at 14 euro cents (+12% over 2022), higher than forecast by the Plan

Today, the Hera Group’s Board of Directors, chaired by Executive Chairman Cristian Fabbri, reviewed the preliminary results for 2023 and approved the Business Plan to 2027.

Growth in all main key operating and financial indicators, from Ebitda to ROI, earnings per share and dividends, accompanies a focus on financial balance, with net debt/Ebitda ratio stably below 3x.
The significant investment plan allocated for the 2023-2027 five-year period will support numerous projects and accelerate activities geared towards strengthening resilience and generating shared value and sustainable development. Hera thus confirms itself as a solid point of reference in its reference markets responding to the challenges of the external context and enabling the ecological, energy and digital transition, the circular economy and resource protection.

Preliminary results 2023
Forecast 2023 annual results highlight an Ebitda in excess of 1,480 million euro, up 185 million compared to the 1,295 million euro seen in 2022. This result comes three years ahead of the target set out in the previous Business Plan to 2026 (1,470 million euro), signs highest track record growth and confirms both the strategy undertaken by the Group and its timing in grasping a number of market opportunities that arose in 2023. After the extraordinary conditions seen on energy markets in 2022, the Group’s focus on cashflow and the efficient management of working capital and financial management led to a reduction in the net debt/Ebitda ratio, which is expected to settle below 2.6x, with a clear improvement from 3.3x in 2022.

Cristian Fabbri, Executive Chairman of Hera Group:
“4.4 billion in investments aimed at industrial development, sustainable growth and resilience underpin our projections of the Ebitda coming to 1.65 billion euro in 2027, up 28% compared to 2022, along with a dividend increase of 5% CAGR. 40% of capex plan will contribute to making our infrastructures even more resilient. A 29% reduction in carbon emissions and our commitment to resource regeneration are concrete examples of our contribution to the ecological transition, and the Ebitda generated by activities that also meet the targets set out in the UN Agenda will rise to 64%. Furthermore, over the five years covered by the Plan we will distribute 10 billion euro to the stakeholders. This Plan fully responds to our Group’s purpose: to generate sustainable value by promoting a ‘just’ transition. The record growth in Ebitda seen in 2023, which we expect to come to over 1.48 billion euro, and the considerable decrease in debt, with the net debt/Ebitda ratio expected below 2.6x, are promising indications and fundamental building blocks of this Business Plan. They are matched by the provisional awarding of more than one million customers in the Italian electricity market liberalization process, allowing us to more rapidly reach 4.3 million energy customers and to consolidate our position as Italy’s third largest operator in this sector.”

Orazio Iacono, CEO of the Hera Group:
“With Ebitda expected to reach almost 1.5 billion euro in 2023, and financial leverage strongly improving to less than 2.6x, we will meet and exceed the targets set out in the previous Business Plan to 2026 three years ahead of schedule. These results prove the validity of our Group’s strategic vision in seizing market opportunities and our commitment towards sustainable growth in the areas served. This commitment has been confirmed once again by our new Business Plan, with shared-value Ebitda expected to exceed 1 billion euro in 2027, showing a 55% increase in absolute terms over 2022-2027, higher than the growth rate of overall Ebitda, testifying to the growing importance of initiatives that not only generate margins for our company, but are also in line with the objectives found in the UN Agenda. More than 70% of the investments made over the time covered by the Plan will indeed be allocated to sustainability projects that benefit all our stakeholders. Regarding our various businesses, the next five years will see an important contribution to growth in the Group’s results coming from all activities, in particular the waste management sector, thanks to our strategy that leverages a portfolio of global waste services that will further strengthen our leadership in this market, and the networks sector, which will see a significant investment plan, accompanying the areas served towards the green transition.”

Business Plan to 2027
The strategic objective underlying the Hera Group’s new Business Plan is to create value benefitting all stakeholders, thanks to financial, environmental and social sustainability objectives, along with a business model and an industrial structure that are resilient to the negative effects of climate change and external market crises.

Creating value: 2027 Ebitda up to 1.650 billion and dividend up to 16 €cents (+28%)
The projects planned will bring overall Ebitda to more than 1,650 million euro in 2027, with a 355 million euro improvement compared to the 2022 result. Taking into account a number of business opportunities that will no longer be present during the time covered by the Plan and that contributed with roughly 120 million euro to the 2022 result, the growth will reach 475 million euro with an average annual rate coming to 7%.
In particular, organic development represents the main driver of growth, coming to 375 million euro, and will be driven by the investment plan, the expansion in liberalised markets, the Group’s ability to offset increases in inflation thanks to efficiencies and innovation, as well as the tariff adjustments recently defined by the Authority concerning all regulated activities. An important contribution is also expected from M&As, coming to 100 million euro and in line with the track record of the Group, which will thus continue to enlarge its perimeter as a consequence of highly fragmented reference markets and its strategy for integration (horizontal or vertical) in the sectors in which it operates.
Thanks to these growth targets in economic indicators, the Plan projects an increased return on investment (ROI) coming to 9.5% in 2027, up from 7.9% in 2022.
In light of the positive preliminary results expected for 2023, the entire dividend policy was also revised upwards, projecting distribution of a dividend coming to 14 €cents per share as early as June 2024, up 12% compared to the last dividend paid and higher than the expectations of the previous Business Plan (12.5 €cents).
More specifically, dividends are expected to increase steadily each year and reach 16 €cents by 2027 (+28% compared to the last dividend paid), with net earnings per share also expected to grow by an average of 7% per year. Based on the current price of Hera stock, this new policy guarantees an average return coming to 5% and offers full visibility for prospective dividends in each year of the Plan.
As a result, total shareholder return (TSR), which covers both trends in expected earnings and the yield in terms of dividends, settles at over 12% per year.

Sustainable growth to support the ecological transition: shared-value Ebitda at 64% in 2027 and economic contribution to local areas at 10 billion euro
The Hera Group has confirmed its focus on the circular economy and decarbonisation, in order to encourage and support the ecological transition of the areas served with initiatives aimed at citizens, public administrations and industrial customers, offering its extensive set of plants and the know-how it has accumulated in various business sectors.
The initiatives set out in the Business Plan to 2027 make it possible to project a path that is perfectly consistent with achieving the industrial objectives to 2030 in terms of circular economy and decarbonisation.
As regards the circular economy, for example, the route to be followed confirms 2030 targets such as an increase in recycled plastics (+150% compared to 2017) and the reuse of wastewater (reaching 18% of total wastewater by 2030).
Concerning the Group’s commitment to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the ambitious reduction target set at 37% by 2030, already validated by the prestigious international network Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) for emissions coming from both the Group and its customers, has been confirmed, projecting a 29% reduction as early as 2027. In addition, Hera will be three years ahead of schedule in reaching its 2030 target of increasing the share of renewable electricity in total sales to over 50%.
With a view to the “just transition”, over the years the Hera Group has placed an increasing focus on generating economic value distributed to all its stakeholders (workers, shareholders, suppliers and PAs). The Group is expected to distribute approximately 10 billion euro over the five years covered by the Plan to the served areas.
At the same time, a significant trend will continue to be seen in shared-value Ebitda. Reported and certified by external auditors since 2016, this figure is expected to rise to 64% of the Group’s total Ebitda in 2027, amounting to more than 1 billion euro (roughly 1,049 million, as against 670 million in 2022), in line with the 2030 target of 70%. The 55% increase in shared-value Ebitda, in absolute terms, over the five-year period also bears witness to a strong focus on developing projects capable of combining the company’s growth with sustainable development in the areas served.

Balanced growth in the multi-business portfolio and increased resilience
The Business Plan expects growth to be equally distributed among the three main lines of business (networks, energy and waste management), maintaining their current balance. Continuity is also expected in the Group’s development model, which has ensured a high degree of resilience in results within all scenarios witnessed over the last twenty years, allowing for uninterrupted growth in both sustainability targets and operating-financial and service performances.
Furthermore, 40% of operational investments will contribute to additional improvement in the resilience of the Group’s plants and networks to external factors, including climate change. This involves upgrading infrastructures, implementing predictive processes, remote monitoring and management in order to protect the continuity of the services provided. The flooding that occurred during 2023 in some territories in which the Group provides services demonstrated the considerable level of strength already achieved.  

Total investments at 4.4 billion euro, with additional projects funded by 400 million in grants coming from the NRRP and other institutions
The investment plan amounts to 4.4 billion euro, 48% of which will go to development initiatives and M&As. 55% of investments will be earmarked for regulated businesses, while the remaining 45% will support growth in free-market businesses.
The over 870 million euro invested each year on average will accelerate the Group’s commitment to the ecological transition (with roughly 60% of the entire investment plan going to decarbonisation and the circular economy) and to generate sustainable development in the areas served. In this sense, more than 70% of the investment plan will be allocated to initiatives capable of creating shared-value Ebitda.
In light of the introduction of the new aspects related to the European Taxonomy, the Group estimates that operational investments coming to 2.5 billion euro (or 98% of eligible investments) will be aligned with the requirements of the European framework, and will therefore be able to gain full access to subsidised sustainable finance instruments, with benefits in terms of financial costs as well. 
In a constantly evolving and highly dynamic context, Hera also plays an active role in the digital transformation of the communities it serves. More than 30% of the investments set out in the Plan will contribute to the digitisation and innovation of infrastructures, business activities and customer solutions.
The investment plan will be fully financed by the positive cashflow, which will also keep leverage below the prudential threshold of 3x, reaching a target of approximately 2.7x by 2027.
In addition to the investments financed by the Group over the period covered by the Plan, others are related to the social and economic value of additional works to be carried out in the areas served, thanks to the almost 400 million euro in grants received, equally subdivided between NRRP resources and other institutions.

Networks: digitisation, efficiency and sustainability to strengthen infrastructure resilience
Ebitda for the network area is expected to increase by 112 million euro, going from 469 million in 2022 to 582 million in 2027.
The regulated networks business, which is the Group’s main asset in terms of invested capital (approximately 60% in 2027), will benefit from a substantial investment plan. Amounting to roughly 2.1 billion euro, it is aimed at further enhancing the resilience and digitalisation of infrastructures and maintaining the Group’s leadership in terms of the service quality provided. Of these resources, roughly 1.2 billion will be allocated to the integrated water cycle, while 0.9 billion will go to gas and electricity distribution.
Thanks to a regulatory framework that has recently been updated with a new definition of economic returns, recognising increases related to inflation and interest rates, Hera has developed a pipeline of long-term projects with positive effects on the areas served for the years following 2027 as well. These projects will make it possible to accompany the areas served along the ecological transition, in order to achieve the objectives set at national and European level.
As the nation’s second-largest operator in the water cycle, the Group has developed a strategy that includes interventions in all localities to address critical issues related to supply in an increasingly drought-affected context and thus preserve the precious resource of water. This commitment has led the Group to achieve increasing levels of efficiency, safety and quality, and these results are responsible for the bonuses recognised by the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment (ARERA). Various circular economy initiatives have thus been planned to save, recover and reuse water for agricultural and industrial purposes, both at our customers’ facilities and in the Group’s activities and sites. This includes an effective optimisation of purification sludge management and recycling materials from water-cycle waste with dedicated plant engineering and innovative tools.
In order to improve the operational efficiency of networks, to increase infrastructural resilience to external factors – especially climate change – and at the same time promote an increasingly efficient management of resources and decarbonise consumption, the Group has planned numerous digitisation and automation projects. The most important call for the use of predictive maintenance models, districtisation and functional modelling, which will make interventions on the systems managed faster and more efficient, benefitting service quality and continuity. The boost given to innovation in this sector will also come from the installation within 2025 of roughly 450,000 second-generation (2G) electricity meters, which will allow consumption to be measured more precisely, 310,000 NexMeter smart gas meters – patented by Hera in 2019, with advanced safety functions in the event of leaks or earthquakes and also usable for “green gas” blends – and 310,000 smart meters for the water cycle.
Evolution in the electricity distribution business will also be driven by new requirements concerning electrification of consumption and infrastructure resilience. Thanks to the support coming from digital technologies, the Group plans to increase the network’s hosting capacity, the extension and robotization of primary and secondary substations, the use of predictive models, and greater support to customers to improve awareness of their consumption. Furthermore, in order to contribute to decarbonisation goals for end use in the gas sector, Hera will adapt and optimise its assets to encourage the introduction of renewable vectors, such as biomethane and hydrogen, into the grid. One example of its activities in this area are the tests already successfully launched in Castelfranco Emilia (Modena). In addition, the power-to-gas plant in Bologna, connected to one of the area’s main water cycle purifiers, will make it possible to use purified water to produce first renewable hydrogen and later biomethane, using waste oxygen for purification processes.
Among the assets enabling the ecological transformation of the localities served, the Group has included a further development of district heating in its strategy. Hera will invest roughly 150 million euro to maximise the use of renewable sources and optimise existing systems, partially thanks to digital solutions capable of making management automated and efficient, with the goal of increasing the heat produced by waste-to-energy and geothermal sources by 30% within 2027. The projects in Bologna, Ferrara and Forlì are a concrete example of the direction taken and, alone, will lead to a reduction in annual emissions coming to 35,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
In addition to the investments financed directly by the Group, further projects in the networks sector will be financed by the NRRP and other institutions, coming to over 300 million euro.

Energy: partner for the energy transition of the communities served, with integrated services, innovative solutions and a target of 4.3 million customers by 2027
Ebitda for the energy sector is expected to increase by 109 million euro, going from 463 million in 2022 to 571 million in 2027, thanks to an increased customer base and driven by factors including a rich portfolio of decarbonisation services that confirm the Hera Group as an enabler of its customers’ energy transition.
The most recent market scenario, characterised by increased volatility in commodity prices combined with a growing sensitivity to the environmental footprint of consumption, has in fact led to a significant increase in demand for decarbonisation services.
After twenty years of uninterrupted growth in its customer base, the Group intends to continue to develop this business with a focus on service and innovation, managing one of the most comprehensive customer portfolios available, to increase its market penetration over the next five years.
The goals set out in the Plan include reaching 4.3 million energy customers by 2027, with a substantial growth in electricity customers (2.3 million), that will exceed gas customers (2 million), consolidating the Group’s position as the third largest in Italy.
More specifically, a significant contribution to expansion in the customer base will come from participating in the tender for the gradual protection service, which has already seen the Hera Group provisionally awarded 7 lots, the maximum allowed, for over 1.1 million electricity customers as of 1 July 2024.
The development of new commercial offers and decarbonisation services will also be accompanied by digital solutions and innovative data strategy and artificial intelligence technologies, to optimise and streamline processes and to amplify and personalise customer experience.
The range of services enabling the energy transition of the ecosystem also include the technological and environmental sustainability proposals included in the Group’s ESCOs: energy requalification initiatives for public administrations, industry and apartment blocks as well an integrated offer of “green” solutions, including energy services and efficiency, sustainable mobility, public lighting and smart cities.
Along a path that has seen many transactions signed with commercial companies in recent years, Hera will continue to pursue its M&A operations aimed at optimising its local presence and integrating its vertical structure in this sector.
Finally, as regards photovoltaic power generation, the Group’s goal is to install approximately 300 MW over the period covered by the Plan, giving preference to works on plants that do not involve further land consumption. This includes agrivoltaic plants and the numerous projects being implemented on landfills or plants in the Group’s water cycle facilities, as well as installations at customers’ premises, including Renewable Energy Communities.  
The two Hydrogen Valleys under construction in Modena and Trieste, which will produce approximately 800 tonnes per year of green hydrogen, will feature photovoltaic parks to power the electrolysers, boosting the decarbonisation of the companies involved and, more generally, the areas concerned while at the same time contributing to the redevelopment of disused areas.
To support this strategy, which also aims to increase the value of customer relations and loyalty, a total of 1 billion euro in investments have been earmarked for the energy sector for the 2023-2027 five-year period.

Waste management: reinforcing our leadership in the waste cycle, by developing plants and sustainable turnkey solutions with a view to the circular economy
Ebitda for the waste management business is expected to grow by 126 million euro, with a total value increasing from 338 million in 2022 to 464 million in 2027, thanks to development driven by both internal and external growth.
As part of this plan, the Group aims to further consolidate its national leadership in the waste management area and foresees approximately 1.2 billion in investments, more than half to reinforce its set of plants.
The increasing attention paid by institutions towards environmental protection and resource regeneration is creating demand for waste treatment services and circular solutions, driving a greater demand for new-generation plant capacity that is particularly necessary in Italy. In line with this approach, Hera’s Business Plan calls for significant growth in waste management activities, to further develop its set of plants, with the aim of increasing the quality and quantity of sorted waste collection (from 67.8% in 2022 to 77.7% in 2027), as well as guaranteeing service continuity and excellence. In addition, the Group plans to increase its market share by making the most of operational and commercial synergies with recently acquired companies, to expand the variety of waste treated and offer new services.
Thanks to over 100 state-of-the-art plants and the creation of new partnerships, the Group expects to reach a total of roughly 5.9 million tonnes marketed in 2027 (+23% compared to 4.8 million tonnes in 2022).
In particular, as regards to municipal waste treatment plants, the organic portion will continue to be valorised for the production of biogas and biomethane, in line with the path already initiated, to combine decarbonisation and circular economy. On the other hand, the modernisation of some plants, such as line 4 of the waste-to-energy plant in Padua, will ensure greater capacity for energy recovery from the residual fraction of non-recyclable waste, with benefits for the resilience of the local system, reliability, energy efficiency and greater sustainability in waste management.
In the special waste management sector, in which Hera is the Italian market leader and among the top 10 companies across Europe, the Group intends to expand and diversify its “global waste” offer, to better meet the needs of the primary customers served, with comprehensive proposals that include, for example, management of environmental declarations, laboratory analyses, logistics services and equipment. In addition, leveraging our leadership, experience, and the operational capacity of the newly acquired ACR, the Plan calls for development in the portfolio of “global services” dedicated to business customers, which will allow for a significant increase in the value of production, the development of new technologies for the management of remediation, deep soil and decomissioning services, thanks to a consolidation of partnerships already underway with major operators and participation in new tenders.
In the plastics recovery market, Group subsidiary Aliplast, one of Italy’s leading operators in the flexible plastics segment, aims to increase its customer base, also at a European level, and to develop new technological and plant engineering solutions to expand the types of recycled products, sustain growth and diversify its reference markets. In particular, with investments coming to over 80 million euro, Aliplast will be able to increase both its plant capacity in the segments already covered (recycled PET for food use and recycled polymers for cosmetics and food) and expand its presence in new markets, also with the aim of promoting increasingly circular and short supply chains. In addition to the rigid plastics recovery plant in Modena, mainly dedicated to the consumer electronics industry, in the innovative plant under construction in Imola, near Bologna, carbon fibre composite materials will be regenerated, with positive spin-offs in terms of sustainability for the automotive, marine and aerospace sectors.
Lastly, our Group will continue to pursue M&As in the waste management sector as well, aimed at optimising our market presence and set of plants.


Online from 24 January 2024 at 12:02:00

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Financial Results
Hera Spa
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Hera Group: 1H 2024 results approved

The consolidated half-year report at 30 June indicates growth in the Group’s main operating-financial indicators and shows its considerable financial solidity, fully in line with the targets set out in the Business Plan. With the approval of its Climate Transition Plan, with a Net Zero target by 2050, Hera has once again confirmed its commitment to the sustainable development of the areas it serves, creating value for all stakeholders.
Online dal 31/07/2024 alle ore 12:57
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Hera Spa
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Hera Group Italy’s first multi-utility with a Net Zero target

The Hera Group’s climate change mitigation strategy is now enriched with the definition of the Climate Transition Plan and the goal of reaching Net Zero by 2050 as regards direct and indirect emissions.
Online dal 31/07/2024 alle ore 11:37
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Hera Spa
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Hera Group finalises acquisition of TRS Ecology

2024-07-30 centrata Hera Group finalises acquisition of TRS Ecology Through its subsidiary Herambiente Servizi Industriali, the Group has further consolidated its leadership in the waste management sector. The acquisition of 70% of Piacenza-based TRS Ecology broadens the Group’s scope of operations and strengthens the growth prospects of a well-established local company. A project to renovate the Caorso platform has already begun, aimed at additional environmental protection and increased material recovery. The closing, following January’s binding agreement A company serving the circular economy, ever closer to businesses and increasingly focused on environmental protection: this is the goal of the finalisation of the acquisition by Herambiente Servizi Industriali (a subsidiary of Herambiente, itself part of the Hera Group) of 70% of TRS Ecology, a company based in Caorso, near Piacenza, and focused on industrial waste treatment and recovery, with 70 employees and a roughly 2,700 current customers. The closing follows up on the binding agreement signed by the parties on 25 January and was made possible by the concurrence of all the conditions precedent foreseen in the preliminary phase. Claudio Dodici at the helm of TRS Ecology TRS Ecology is the newco to which TRS Ecologia (owned by the Dodici family) has transferred its business unit related to the multifunctional platform for special waste treatment located in Caorso in Piacenza area, which will be headed by Claudio Dodici as CEO. The industrial and economic rationale of the operation The merger into Herambiente rests on two main rationales. First of all, it offers TRS customers (located mainly in the provinces of Piacenza, Lodi, Cremona, Brescia and Parma) additional opportunities in the treatment and recovery of their industrial waste, which will have access to Herambiente’s network of approximately 100 plants, by far the largest in the country. TRS Ecology’s platform will also allow Herambiente Servizi Industriali to further expand the geographical scope of its services to western Emilia, lower Piedmont and Lombardy (including the Milan area), also achieving significant technical and commercial synergies with the Group’s other plant solutions and companies. 10 million invested in sustainability at the Caorso platform This new corporate structure will govern the important changes made to the Caorso platform over the upcoming months. Storage spaces will indeed be optimised and reorganised, and new treatment lines will be introduced to increase opportunities for recovery and production of secondary raw materials from incoming waste. The work should be completed by the end of 2027 and will see the use of innovative technologies aimed at further improving environmental protection and safety for workers, in line with European best practices. Ramonda: “TRS shows skills in line with our standards and the same entrepreneurial vision” “This merger creates additional value for all Herambiente’s stakeholders,” explains Andrea Ramonda, CEO of Herambiente. “On the one hand, because it allows us to broaden our scope of action, and on the other because what we have found in TRS are not only distinctive skills fully in line with our standards, but also the same entrepreneurial sensitivity, oriented towards seeing industrial waste as an essential lever for the full implementation of the circular economy.” Dodici: “joining the Hera Group marks a new beginning for TRS” “Becoming part of the Hera Group marks a new beginning for TRS, which looks above all towards development,” states Claudio Dodici, CEO of TRS Ecology. “The Hera Group’s know-how, unique in Italy, and its financial solidity, will act as true accelerators of growth, and will find their first application in the project to renovate the Caorso platform, which when fully operational will also have a significant impact on employment in the area, in terms of both spin-offs and direct hires, amounting to about 30% more than the 70 current employees.”   11:11:00 sede_hera_110-2.jpg sede_hera_110-2.jpg
Online dal 30/07/2024 alle ore 11:11
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Circular economy: partnership between Fincantieri and Hera Group

2024-07-18 centrata To achieve environmental sustainability goals and create value, this leading operator in the shipbuilding industry has signed an agreement with the Hera Group, Italy’s foremost company in the waste management sector, to establish a newco aimed at managing almost 100,000 tonnes per year of industrial waste produced in its shipyards, and creating a new integrated waste management system, intended to reduce waste and enhance recovery with a view to the circular economy. The first area of intervention will be in Monfalcone (Gorizia), and the objective is to subsequently extend the partnership to other Fincantieri shipyards in Italy and potentially abroad. Fincantieri, one of the world’s leading groups in the highly complex shipbuilding industry, and the Hera Group, one of Italy’s largest multi-utilities operating in the waste management, energy and water sectors, have signed a memorandum of understanding to launch a partnership aimed at optimising waste cycle management and creating value in Fincantieri’s shipyards throughout Italy, in accordance with the principles and objectives of the circular economy. The agreement calls for the establishment of a newco – owned by Fincantieri and the Hera Group, through its subsidiaries Herambiente Servizi Industriali (HASI) and ACR di Reggiani Albertino S.p.A. (ACR), part of the Herambiente Group, Italy’s foremost operator in the waste management sector and among the largest in Europe – charged with implementing an integrated and efficient waste management system at Fincantieri’s shipyards, starting with the Monfalcone site, identified as the first area for intervention in the implementation of the project. The new company will also be responsible for the operational administration of the plant, the management of waste disposal and the valorisation of residues and recoverable waste. With this partnership, Fincantieri aims to reduce its waste production, maximise waste recovery by applying advanced technologies for industrial waste treatment and valorisation, create sorted waste collections for the reuse of materials in production cycles, and optimise logistics and waste handling to increase safety on construction sites. The agreement also represents an important opportunity to create value, both economically and in terms of sustainability. The Hera Group’s extensive experience in industrial waste management and in implementing sustainable solutions, shared with its subsidiaries HASI and ACR, who will be responsible for managing operations, will thus enable Fincantieri to accelerate the achievement of ESG goals in its shipyards. This will involve concrete circular economy initiatives in all areas: from reducing waste production to increasing the amount of solid waste sent for recycling, valorising residues, recovering water and reducing CO₂ emissions. The project will be developed over several stages, starting with the establishment of the newco and the beginning of activities in Monfalcone within 2024, with the aim of managing nearly 100 thousand tons per year of industrial waste produced at the shipyards and increasing the portions from which value can be obtained – particularly iron, wood and paper – by 15% as of the first year. Subsequently, this model will be completed thanks to the construction of advanced treatment plants and an optimized waste management. All this will be made possible by a series of structural initiatives, once again with a view to the circular economy, such as the construction and management of a new sorting line, a new water treatment plant for subsequent reuse, and a revamping of the temporary storage facility. Pierroberto Folgiero, CEO and General Manager of Fincantieri: “To meet the challenges of environmental sustainability in our shipyards, we have chosen to collaborate with the most qualified partners who can guarantee innovative and effective technological solutions with a diversified geographic presence and the ability to pursue economies of scale and scope. In this sense, our agreement with the Hera Group, an outstanding Italian company and the leader in its sector, represents a further step that reinforces our commitment to adopting circular economy practices directly in our production sites, fully consistent with our business plan. The combination of our skills and those of the Hera Group will improve waste management at our sites, contributing to environmental protection, optimizing production processes and increasing safety and thus creating value. This partnership is in line with our business plan and above all demonstrates the Group’s all-round commitment to sustainability and the circular economy.” Orazio Iacono, CEO of the Hera Group: “Our partnership with Fincantieri confirms the Hera Group’s role as a strategic partner for the green transition of Italy’s industrial sector. Thanks to our strategy, that leverages a portfolio of global waste services and our leadership in the waste management sector in Italy, we intend to support even large companies in achieving their ESG targets, thus generating benefits that are not only environmental, but also economic and social. Strengthened by decades of experience and the results we have already achieved in the waste management, energy and water sectors, through circular projects such as the ones included in the agreement signed with Fincantieri, we want to increase our presence at the side of the industrial sector in reducing and recycling waste and regenerating resources.”   *** Fincantieri Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups, the only one active in all high-tech marine industry sectors. It is leader in the construction and transformation of cruise, naval and oil & gas and wind offshore vessels, as well as in the production of systems and component equipment, after-sales services and marine interiors solutions. Thanks to the expertise developed in the management of complex projects, the Group boasts first-class references in infrastructures, and is a reference player in digital technologies and cybersecurity, electronics and advanced systems. With over 230 years of history and more than 7,000 ships built, Fincantieri maintains its know-how, expertise and management centres in Italy, here employing over 10,000 workers and creating around 90,000 jobs, which double worldwide thanks to a production network of 18 shipyards operating in three continents and with more than 21,000 employees. Hera Group The Hera Group is one of Italy’s largest multi-utilities and operates in the waste management, energy and water sectors, with roughly 10,000 employees dedicated every day to meeting the multiple needs of approximately 5 million residents located mainly in Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Marche, Tuscany and Abruzzo. Publicly listed since 2003, it is among Italy’s top 40 companies in terms of capitalisation (and is part of the FTSE MIB index) and since 2020 has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, World and Europe. Group subsidiary Herambiente, which owns about one hundred certified plants, employs over 1,600 specialised operators and has a dedicated sales structure, is Italy’s leading operator in the waste treatment sector and operates on the national and international market. Within the Herambiente Group, Herambiente Servizi Industriali (HASI) is the largest Italian company dedicated to managing industrial waste, while A.C.R. di Reggiani Albertino S.p.A., which joined the Group in 2023, is the Italian leader in the remediation and decommissioning sector and in the operational management of waste treatment activities at the plants of large industrial customers. For more information: - –   Contacts FINCANTIERI Press Office Ph. +39 040 3192473 Investor Relations Ph. +39 040 3192111 GRUPPO HERA Head of Media Relations and Publishing for the Hera Group: Cecilia Bondioli Ph. +39 051 287595 – Pr_Fincantieri agreement with Hera Group.docx 12:00:00 sede_hera_110.jpg sede_hera_110.jpg
Online dal 18/07/2024 alle ore 12:00
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(drafted pursuant to article 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis, of Consob Regulation 11971 / 14 May 1999)
Online dal 05/07/2024 alle ore 09:24
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Quality, Safety and Environment: Hera Group confirms a solid protection in compliance with international standards

2024-07-02 The Bureau Veritas’ certifications have been renewed, with a focus on innovation for sustainability centrata Perseverance and continuous improvement, also thanks to innovation: these are the most prominent features of the Hera Group’s commitment to applying best practices for ISO 9001 (quality management system), ISO 14001 (environmental management system) and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety management system), applied, to the benefit of all interested parties, since 2000, 2007 and 2009 respectively. This has been confirmed by Bureau Veritas Italia, after 131 days of audits in which the integrated management system of the Hera Group and its companies Heratech (which manages the technical-commercial and operational services linked to end users, plant engineering services and analysis laboratories), Inrete Distribuzione Energia (which manages natural gas and electricity distribution) and Uniflotte (dedicated to managing the company’s vehicle fleet) was scrutinised by a team of 15 independent auditors. This work was done from February to May of this year, sampling and analysing sites and corporate processes in the provinces of Modena, Ferrara, Bologna, Imola, Forlì Cesena, Ravenna and Rimini, all served by the Group. This represents a significant commitment in terms of verification, directly proportional to the detailed management of Quality, Safety and Environment issues applied by the Group’s companies. In addition to the certification models for quality, safety and the environment, Bureau Veritas also verified the compliance of Hera’s management system with the circular economy standard (AFNOR XP X30-901) and the compliance of Heratech’s management system with UNI/PdR 74:2019 (BIM planning). The Bureau Veritas auditors particularly appreciated Hera’s commitment to sustainability through innovative projects, e.g., in the areas of photovoltaics and agrivoltaics, Green Gas or gas leak detection using predictive algorithms with the help of artificial intelligence. Marcello Guerrini, Central Director of Corporate Services: “This provides further confirmation of the fact that, with the commitment and proactive attitude shown by our people, at all levels, and thanks to the stimuli provided by Bureau Veritas, we can create a virtuous cycle working towards sustainability for the area served, for our customers and suppliers, and for all stakeholders.” Roberta Prati, Certification & Industry Director of Bureau Veritas Italia: “It is a source of pride to be able to contribute – with our audits – to the verification and continuous improvement of the processes that the Hera Group provides for the benefit of the community. It is precisely by addressing people and the environment that we find the correct, deep motivation that guides us in our daily activities.” For more info: Ufficio Stampa Bureau Veritas Italia: Star comunicazione in movimento, Barbara Gazzale, 348.4144780, Ufficio Stampa Gruppo Hera: Cecilia Bondioli - Responsabile Rapporti con i Media ed Editoria, 051.287595,,   20240702 HERA's compliance with international standards.pdf 10:21:00 See the press release sede-hera-110.jpg
Online dal 02/07/2024 alle ore 10:21
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Hera Group ranks first in the 2024 ESG Identity Corporate Index (formerly IGI)

2024-06-19 Press_Hera_ESG.jpg For the fourth consecutive year, the Group is on the podium of the overall index ranking, which rewards Italian companies that stand out for integrating ESG factors into their governance. This comes as further recognition of the Group’s commitment to creating long-term value for its shareholders and all its stakeholders centrata The Hera Group, one of Italy’s largest multi-utilities operating in the waste management, energy and water sectors, has confirmed its position as the Italian company that has most fully and consciously integrated sustainability policies into its business strategies. This is proven by the ESG Identity Corporate Index (formerly the Integrated Governance Index) managed by ETicaNews. As announced today at the 2024 ESG Business Conference in Milan, Hera is among the top 3 positions for the fourth year in a row, the only Italian company to achieve this result, thus remaining in the Top 10 in all the 9 editions of this index, launched in 2016. Sustainability and local roots at the heart of Hera’s strategies Integrating ESG goals into its business strategies and cultivating local roots are among the essential features of the Group, which is committed to providing essential services to over 4 million citizens on a daily basis. The Group has always been aware of its institutional and social role in the local ecosystem and considers creating value to be a cornerstone of its relationship with all stakeholders. In fact, sustainability and creating shared value are key paradigms of its corporate purpose, which is expressed through three strategic drivers: pursuing carbon neutrality, regenerating resources with an eye to the circular economy, and enabling resilience and innovating. By expressing this purpose in its Articles of Association as of 2021, Hera has confirmed its commitment to developing a business model aimed at generating long-term value for its shareholders, by creating value shared with all stakeholders. This new approach to sustainability is now integrated into the company’s reason for being, thus providing a model that inspires strategy and guides innovation. Fully consistent with this purpose, all the Group’s initiatives confirm its will to tackle the new challenges posed by climate change and energy security, in order to make local areas increasingly competitive and resilient. The ESG Identity Corporate Index The ESG ICI is Italy’s only quantitative index that measures the ESG identity of Italian companies, assessing and recognising their commitment to integrating the principles of sustainability, social and environmental responsibility and good governance into their business strategies. The 2024 survey included the top 100 listed companies, the companies that publish a non-financial statement (pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 254 of 30 December 2016) and the top 50 non-listed and industrial companies in the Mediobanca ranking. The Hera Group’s main recognitions Publicly listed since 2003 and on the FTSE MIB since 2019, Hera was also included in the MIB ESG Index in 2021, the first Italian blue-chip index dedicated to ESG best practices, launched by Euronext - Borsa Italiana. Since several years the Group has been top-ranked by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Europe, the Refinitiv’s Diversity & Inclusion Index, and is included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, confirming its commitment to promoting diversity, inclusion and people development. Press_Hera Group ranks first in the 2024 ESG ICI.pdf 11:08:00 sede-hera-110.jpg
Online dal 19/06/2024 alle ore 11:08
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Inrete Distribuzione Energia acquires Soelia’s gas network

2024-06-11 The Hera Group, through its subsidiary operating in the natural gas distribution sector, strengthens its presence in the area served centrata This morning, at the Hera Group’s headquarters, the Group, acting through its subsidiary Inrete Distribuzione Energia, one of the leading operators in the natural gas distribution sector with over 1.1 million active point of delivery (PoD), and Soelia, a multiservice company wholly owned by the municipality of Argenta (Ferrara), finalised the transaction involving the sale of Soelia’s business unit concerning plants, natural gas distribution networks and related management services. This agreement follows up on the tender called by Soelia and awarded on 15 May to Inrete Distribuzione Energia, which also led this Hera Group subsidiary to acquire Soelia’s 2.85% stake in Sinergas. This transaction further strengthens the Hera Group’s presence in its reference area, thus guaranteeing that an increasingly wide community of citizens benefits from the high standards in service quality, continuity and safety provided by the Group. In particular, Hera has now synergistically consolidated its presence in the municipality of Argenta, near Ferrara, where it already operates the integrated water service. Details of the partnership As of 1 July 2024, the company Inrete Distribuzione Energia will take over from Soelia in the gas distribution service in the municipality of Argenta. Inrete has indeed acquired Soelia’s gas distribution network, which serves approximately 10,000 PoD in the municipality of Argenta with facilities including roughly 240 km of pipelines, 5 high to medium pressure reduction and metering plants, 1 final reduction station and 44 local stations for low pressure reduction. Inrete Distribuzione Energia will take up this management under a renewal agreement, with the commitment of keeping the staff of the company branch acquired from Soelia unchanged. 11:57:00 sede_hera_110.jpg sede_hera_110 (5).jpg
Online dal 11/06/2024 alle ore 11:57
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Publication of documents pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting

2024-05-15 Kindly note that as of today the minutes of the Shareholders Meeting held on 30 April 2024, as well as the articles of association containing the amendments approved by the Shareholders' Meeting, are available at company headquarters, on the Hera Group’s website ( ) in the section dedicated to Corporate Governance, and on the authorised storage website 1INFO. We also inform that the aforementioned minutes was registered with the Companies' Register of Bologna on 09 May 2024. Publication of documents pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting (1).pdf 10:35:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 15/05/2024 alle ore 10:35
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Hera Spa

Hera Group acquires Soelia’s gas network

Through its subsidiary Inrete Distribuzione Energia, the Group was awarded the tender for the gas distribution plants and network serving the municipality of Argenta in Ferrara area
Online dal 15/05/2024 alle ore 10:38

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Giuseppe Gagliano






Telephone: +39 051 287111


Viale Carlo Berti Pichat nr. 2/4 - 40127




Telephone: +39 051 287111


Viale Carlo Berti Pichat nr. 2/4 - 40127



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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111