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Dissertations and research

TESTATA Dissertations and research

Dissertations and research

Dissertations and research

The possibilities for writing theses within the company combine theory with practice. There are many available topics, such as energy management, smart grid, metering, waste cycle management, change management, research and innovation.

The theses written to date include the following:

  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Energy Efficiency Area
    • Evaluating the reporting system for Integrated Reporting: the case of Hera
      (candidate Francesca Olivieri - Advisor: Rebecca Levy Orelli - A.Y. 2014/2015 - University of Bologna)
    • Sustainability Report: GRI guidelines in theory and practice
      (candidate Adriana Alessi - Advisor: Prof. Francesco Lenoci - A.Y. 2013/2014 - Sacro Cuore Catholic University, Milan)
    • Innovative financial instruments for the Green Economy. Green Bonds. The case of Hera S.p.A.
      (candidate Francesco Gianfagna - Advisor: Prof. Gloria Fiorani - A.Y. 2013/2014 - "Tor Vergata" University of Rome)
    • Demystifying the use of Sustainability Reports: The What, Who, How and Why In A Case Study of Italian Utilities' Sustainability Reports
      (candidate Marina Pardini - 2014 - London School of Economics)
    • Dematerialisation and energy savings at Hera S.p.A.: analysis of LCA and energy efficiency bonds
      candidate Claudia Calabrese - Advisor: Prof. Chiara Bonoli - A.Y. 2013/2014
    • Traditional and renewable energy sources: global macroeconomic perspectives
      candidate Alberto Gallon - Advisor: Prof. Luca Lambertini - AY 2012/2013
    • Analysis and management of renewable source energy production plants
      candidate Michele Gambuti - Advisor: Prof. Cesare Saccani - AY 2012/2013
    • Development of a multi-criteria indicator of virtuosity in waste management, for Local Authorities
      candidate Francesco Lalli - Advisor: Prof. Alessandra Bonoli - AY 2012/2013 - University of Bologna
    • The Balanced Scorecard. The HERA Group case
      candidate Alessio Morri - Advisor Prof. Matteo Santi - A.Y. 2012/2013 - University of Bologna
    • CSR governance of the FTSE Italia All-share
      candidate Cristiano Mastrantoni - Advisor Prof. Mario Molteni - A.Y. 2012/2013 - Sacro Cuore Catholic University, Milan
    • Making the most of people with disabilities within the company: from job placement to integration. The case of the HERA Group's "Da obbligo a risorsa" ("From obligation to resource") project
      candidate Cristina Mirti - A.Y. 2011/2012 - University of Bologna
    • Responsible human capital management: strategic asset and communications tool for more competitive businesses
      candidate Laura Zanotta - Advisor Prof. Andrea Fumagalli - A.Y. 2010/2011 - University of Pavia
    • Mobility Management policies within the HERA Group
      candidate Enrico Doria - Advisor Prof. Alessandra Bonoli - A.Y. 2009/2010 - University of Bologna
    • Formalisation of CSR: objectives and tools
      candidates Chiara Motta and Mariachiara Suman - Advisor Prof. Paolo Maccarrone - A.Y. 2009/2010 - Polytechnic University of Milan
    • Cause related marketing: analysis of empirical evidence in companies belonging to the CSR Manager Network
      candidate Valentina Moschini - Advisor Prof. Valerio Melandri - A.Y. 2009/2010 - University of Bologna
    • Residential Advisory Board and participation: the case of the Imola combined cycle turbogas plant
      candidate Alice Bassi - Advisor Prof. Massimo Canali - A.Y. 2008/2009 - University of Bologna
    • CSR and Sustainability Report: a case study
      candidate Elisa Angelini - Advisor Prof. Antonio Matacena - A.Y. 2008/2009 - University of Bologna
  • Herambiente Area
    • "Pozzilli WTE plant - a study of energy generation process phases, emissions data analysis, abatement systems and plant management"
      Candidate: Iacobucci
    • Life Cycle Assessment of an integrated organic fraction treatment plant. The case of Voltana di Lugo (RA)
      Candidate: De Maglie
      Candidate: Domeniconi
  • Energy Networks Area
    • "RE asset development - latest-generation smart metre behaviour"
      Candidate: Scaranari - 2015 - University of Bologna
    • "Energy diagnosis of the Imola cogeneration plant"
      Candidate: Camaggi - 2015 - University of Bologna
    • Investigation into the technical and economic management of the district heating heat production service
      Candidate: Pagano Nicola - 2013 - Master's in Environment, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
    • Sizing of inertial tanks
      Candidate: Dottori Alessandro - 2013 - University of Bologna
  • Development and Remote Control Area
    • Analysis of fluid remote control energy data to obtain a consumption simulation model
      Candidate: Pennacchi
    • Electrochemical storage systems (energy storage)
      Candidate: Passalacqua
  • Engineering Area
    • Modelling and analysis of the Modena water distribution networks
      Candidate: Furlani - 2015
    • Controlling medium-voltage distribution grid voltage through direct communication with distributed generation within the smart grid project
      Candidate: Montesano - 2015
    • Investigation into electricity distribution systems, distribution grid protection methods and bases for the design of medium-voltage distribution systems
      Candidate: Marchinelli - 2014
    • Technical and economic comparative assessment of renewable source energy production plants
      Candidate: Gambuti - 2014

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111