Workshop - Waste cycle sustainability and new lifestyles in a changing society
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- Workshop - Waste cycle sustainability and new lifestyles in a changing society
Workshop - Waste cycle sustainability and new lifestyles in a changing society
The environment sector, the players involved and the regulatory system
Bologna, Spazio Hera, viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 14 December 2015
14.00 Partecipants' registration
15.00 Opening of the session
Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano
Executive Chairman, Hera Group; Chairman, HerAcademy Coordination Committee
15.15 Outline of the background paper
Environment Sector, Waste Cycle, Regulation: Current State of Play
Gilberto Antonelli
University of Bologna; Chairman, HerAcademy Scientific Committee
Anna Montini
University of Bologna
Contribution by the Minister for the Environment, Land and Sea
Gian Luca Galletti
The Waste sector in Italy: gap compared with Europe and national strategic priorities
Roberto Prioreschi
Director Practice Energy & Utilities - Bain & Company
16.45 Round table
The environment sector, the players involved and the regulatory system
Paola Fico
Environmental Lawyer, "Il Sole 24 Ore" expert
Simonetta Tunesi
Strategic Environmental Consulting
Mattia Pellegrini
Head of Unit for Raw Materials, Metals, Minerals and Forest-based Industries - European Commission
Duccio Bianchi
President, ASM Pavia
Davide Tabarelli
President, Nomisma Energia
Filippo Brandolini
Vice President, Utilitalia
Claudio Galli
CEO, Herambiente
18.30 Close of session
Stefano Venier
Chief Executive Officer, Hera Group
Note: Coffee Station open at all times and aperitif at end of session