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Galsi S.p.A.

TESTATA Galsi S.p.A.

Galsi S.p.A.

Galsi SpA

Paid up share capital € 37.419.179 

REGISTERED OFFICE: Foro Buonaparte n. 31 - 20100 MILANO

Revenue Code/VAT reg. no. and Milano Registry of Companies no. 03836340962

Partner Stake
Hera S.p.A. 11,76%
Edison S.p.A. 23,53%
Enel Produzione S.p.A. 17,65%
Sonatrach S.p.A. 47,06%

Technical feasibility study for the construction of a direct natural gas pipeline from Algeria to Italy via Sardinia.

Page updated 4 September 2015

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111