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Roberto Gasparetto

Testata I nostri manager

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Roberto Gasparetto

Roberto Gasparetto
Chief Executive Officer of AcegasApsAmga S.p.A


Born in Rovigo in 1957. 

Since May 2019, he has been Chief Executive Officer of AcegasApsAmga S.p.A.; he is responsible for the management of integrated water cycle services, methane gas distribution, environmental hygiene services, public lighting, electricity distribution and energy efficiency services; the company offers services to more than one million citizens and businesses.  AcegasApsAmga S.p.A. was established following the merger between Hera S.p.A. and Acegas-Aps and the subsequent merger with, among others, Amga Multiservizi Udine, and he was appointed Group Manager from its inception in May 2013.

In January 2010, he was appointed Business Unit Manager - Modena Territorial Operations Structure; the Business Unit is the result of the changes to the previous corporate structure, Hera Modena S.r.l. of which he was Group Manager from 2006. 

During 2007 he served as CEO of Sat and Satcom merged into Hera Modena S.r.l.

In April 2004, he was Group Manager of Agea S.p.A. Ferrara, a multi-utility in the province of Ferrara and, following the merger of Agea into Hera S.p.A., he was Group Manager of Hera Ferrara S.r.l.

From 2002 to April 2004 he was Chief Executive Officer of Se.T.A. S.p.A., and in 2002 Group Manager of ASM Rovigo. 

From 1998 to 2002 he was Chief Engineer at the Municipality of Rovigo; in 1996 he was appointed Group Manager of the Azienda Speciale Consortile Acquedotto Medio Delta del Po. 

From 1988 to 1996 he worked in Idroser Ente Pubblico - a Regional Agency for Environmental Policies in Bologna - as Operational Manager and previously as Technical Coordinator and Project Manager.

In 1986 he moved to the Acquedotto Consorziale di Rovigo as Deputy Technical Director.

He began his career in 1983 as a Technical Project Manager at Idroser.

He holds degrees in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering.

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Page updated 9 February 2021

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