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How the data is collected

TESTATA How the data is collected

How the data is collected

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In this report:

Data collection method

Collected quantities and initial processing facilities were identified for each collected material. These plants perform storage, separation, or initial processing of collected material and then send it to downstream recovery plants. Such facilities can also recover organic waste and green waste.

Businesses that manage the initial processing facilities were asked to complete a form to provide data/info on quantities sent on for recovery and their specific destination. Each company was asked to provide the following information for each plant they managed and for each type of waste:

  • the quantity of material sent on for material recovery;
  • the quantity of material sent on for energy recovery (only plastic and green waste sent to biomass plants);
  • the quantity of waste sent for disposal (surplus sent to landfill);
  • the processing plants to which the above quantities were sent (company name and municipality where the facility is located);
  • the criteria used to complete the form.

For the green and organic waste supply chain for compost production, the quantities recovered are estimated as the difference between the quantities disposed of, and the scrap produced and sent to landfills. There are process losses (weight) in the composting process that have not been considered waste but rather recovered material. 

The information requested refers only to materials delivered by Hera, AcegasApsAmga, and Marche Multiservizi (also on the basis of estimates). In the cases in which it is not possible to refer only to the flows of the above three operators, the information may refer to the total quantities processed by the plant.

To follow the path of the waste, we have also involved Corepla, the national consortium that deals with the collection, recycling, and recovery of waste plastic packaging, for the data on 8 Corepla sorting and storage centres: Argeco S.p.A., Cavallari S.r.l., D.R.V. S.r.l, I Blu S.r.l (2 plants), Masotina S.p.A., Montello S.p.A. e Tregenplast S.r.l.

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111