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The Traceability System

TESTATA Tracking system

The tracking system

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In this report:

Tracking system

The project arises from the need to address two questions:

  • where does separated waste go?
  • how much is actually recovered?

Answering those questions takes the form of a report that illustrates where the separately collected waste goes and the quantities that are actually recovered. The report:

  • provides a valuable Hera Group reporting tool, allowing us to go beyond the separated waste collection percentages defined by European circular economy objectives;
  • traces and monitors the recycling and recovery process;
  • guarantees that the separate waste has been recovered;
  • responds to any doubts as to the actual recovery of material;
  • makes transparent the process that follows the daily commitment of each citizen to separate waste collection;
  • proves the advantages of separate waste collection, promoting virtuous behaviour.

The WEEE Coordination Centre and the 45 initial waste processing companies were also involved in drawing up the Corepla report.

The information and data contained in this leaflet have been audited by DNV. Details of the work performed and overall results are shown in the Declaration of Verification issued by DNV (one of the world's leading certification bodies).

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