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Robotics at the service of humankind

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Robotics at the service of humankind

Thanks to robotics and artificial intelligence we can make our flows more efficient and develop the full potential of individuals and their intellectual capacities. With our Robotic & Intelligent Process Automation platform we have streamlined and seven processes and made them more reliable: find out which ones.

Will the future belong to machines? That is the main question that arises when dealing with issues such as Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Two disciplines that have literally revolutionized the way we do our business, radically changing its processes.

Predicting the future is not up to us. However, we are certain of one thing: automation processes are the key to increasing the value of the people who work for the Hera Group. Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, in fact, have enabled us to automate all the repetitive and low value-added business processes. By doing so, we can let people have more time for more qualifying activities and enhance their intellectual capacity on processes that generate more value for the company. 

Thanks to the Robotic & Intelligent Process Automation platform, a project that is part of our Utilities 4.0 plan, we have obtained significant results, speeding up the process and making the operations more reliable in the 7 processes we have started in recent years: the management of the suppliers' DURC (Unified Certificate of Social Security Payments Compliance), the communications between seller and energy distributors, the seller's Order Entry process, the expense reports, the service notices related to waste management services, the work orders to replace meters in the networks and, lastly, the virtual assistant for planning meetings and booking meeting rooms.

By introducing dashboards that monitor automated activities, we can act promptly on business processes, continually optimizing productivity and efficiency. The aim is to extend the scope of automated processes to new areas thanks to their continuous technological evolution, for example, with tools such as semantic text interpretation engines and optical character recognition (OCR) systems. 

The challenge to make our processes smarter and smarter is just beginning.

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Hera to hunt down water leaks with cosmic rays

Hera to hunt down water leaks with cosmic rays brunetti_maurizia_thumbnail.png First satellite leak detection, and now cosmic rays. To detect water leaks in the systems, Hera again turns to “space” technology, already used in the probe that circles around the red planet to detect water on Mars. Cosmic rays are explained to us by Maurizia Brunetti, Manager of Mains Water Coordination at Hera Spa: “These are harmless particles, neutrons, that come from space and to which our planet is continually exposed. They also interact with hydrogen, which slows down their movement. Since the water molecule is composed of hydrogen in two atoms out of three, whenthe neutrons meet the water, they are blocked and in some way hindered in their free movement. Detection of these anomalies in neutron behaviour indicates a water leak”. Compared with other technologies used, what are the biggest benefits that this brings to leak detection? It surely allows us to check a much greater number of networks than traditional methods, precisely because it can travel on any mobile transport it is assembled on,” concludes Maurizia Brunetti. “Considering that in Emilia-Romagna, we have a water supply network of 27,000 kilometres, if the results should prove really positive, that would certainly be a significant step forward. We are currently trialling it on the 200 kilometres of the network in the Bologna region: we still need to implement a calibration stage but in the next few months, the survey area will be extended to over one thousand kilometres. Detection of leaks with this technology could allow us to intervene and repair them more quickly and, as a result, to salvage important quantities of water in a sector such as water services which is increasingly subject to climate change. no

Food for the soul

Food for the soul gobbi_claudia_thumbnail.png Claudia Gobbi is a service manager in the Facility Management department, dealing with the management of spaces/premises within the Group. Like many other staff members of the Hera Group, she continued working throughout the entire lockdown. Working in the company for over thirty years, Clauda has never witnessed such a critical moment as the pandemic period, but like many other Hera employees she continued to work throughout the entire lockdown. “We immediately realised how serious the situation was. It was necessary to take action quickly to protect colleagues, following all regulations laid down by the Safety Committee. “The whole year was incredible, the first three months in particular, but the results achieved gave us some serenity and the monitoring carried out by the authorities confirmed we were following correct procedures. We felt really useful to our company and colleagues. Just as an example, the fact of keeping the company canteens open throughout the lockdown was very important for our colleagues, at a time when nowhere was open outside our premises.” As a lover of travel, music and art, Claudia suffered under the Covid restrictions which stopped her enjoying her hobbies. “Using travel to open my mind to other cultures and realities different from my own is always a very moving experience for me.” She says that what she misses most is “Food for the soul”: museums, cinema, and theatre. “It’s not enough to eat food for the body; culture is an essential part of my life. As an architect, going to exhibitions and museums served as a stimulus to open my mind and inspire new ideas and thinking also in my work.” no

A qualitative leap

A qualitative leap donati_michele_thumbnail.png Michele Donati, a 45-year-old from Ferrara, always out on the road. Since July 2020, he has been the driver of a mobile container bin lorry for the Waste Management Department of Hera, after 20 years as a coach driver for a well-known transport company. “At the end of spring, two pieces of good news arrived,” explains Michele. “The virus, which was like a bolt out of the blue, started to loosen its grip, allowing a little more freedom for everyone, and there was a new job for me. Starting work at Hera was, for me, a huge qualitative leap: I am very serene now, both regarding my contractual status and my health.Also, employment in the Covid era is even more important: I truly feel useful, and happy to be able to go out every day, to be out on the road.” And this road is the very motorway that Michele sees every day from his window and that, over these months, has monitored the rhythm of life, a life that at first seemed to have stopped with all traffic gone, and then, slowly, revved up again towards normality. “I felt miserable seeing that deserted motorway, that silence… just like scenes from a film.” It was a ‘film’ in which Michele played a starring role, thanks to his voluntary work as a fireman. Michele is a sociable person and also now, working in Hera, he has easily integrated into his new team. “Even though we don’t have many meetings, we colleagues see each other in the changing room, we chat, we discuss things: we are a close team and fairly similar, also in age”. And now it’s simply time to look to the future as Michele, despite having already reached some important goals, is ready for new projects. “In my life now, I have everything: a partner, a daughter of 5 years old, a job I like and my hobbies. Now, my family and I can think about a new house… this one is small. And, then, it’s great to dive into new adventures, never staying still…” no

Hera focuses on digitalization and reinforces Cybersecurity

Hera focuses on digitalization and reinforces Cybersecurity picchioni_franco_thumbnail.png The lockdown, and consequent remote working, accelerated the process of digitalization in many companies. Unfortunately, it also increased the targets of many cyber criminals, as people were otherwise preoccupied with the Covid-19 crisis. In such a situation, it was therefore essential for Hera to have a department within our company network to defend us from such attacks. The arrival of Franco Picchioni, Chief of Information and Cyber Security Management within the Central Administration for Innovation, in January 2020, strengthened these processes. Franco, what is your role in Hera and how long have you worked here? I deal with all problems linked to cyber security for the entire Group, taking into consideration external threats (in continuous evolution), the internal drive for digitalization, and the balancing of security with user-friendly systems. I’ve been in this role since last January, when it was created. I arrived from another Italian company in the field, where I had a similar role for the past ten years. Why is it an important issue, especially at this moment in time? As well as the question of lockdown which forced many companies to use smart working extensively, over the last few years the issue of cyber security has been growing constantly, mainly due to the fact that companies are now pushing for a move to digitalization. This evolution means the computerisation of data and processes, as well as the introduction of cyber-space as the new field of action. In this context, the area of potential attack within our companies is huge, and the resulting defences must be appropriate and prompt. How is your organizational function positioned within the Group? Given the importance of this issue and the speed with which it is necessary to respond to cybersecurity risks, my organizational function reports directly to the Chief Innovation Officer and the Executive Management Team. no

Job rotation for employee professional development and organizational motives

Job rotation for employee professional development and organizational motives addesa_lidia_thumbnail.png Developing flexible learning opportunities to make people protagonists in their own development is one of our HR strategic goals. One of the main initiatives in this regard is the promotion of circulation of staff in an increasingly common policy of job rotation. 2020 introduced a number of important innovations in the field of in-company mobility: with the introduction of a support channel, the whole company has been given the chance to indicate their own areas of interest and motivational aspects to consider in career evolution in other roles and departments/companies in the Group. Over 450 colleagues have already welcomed this opportunity, laying the ground for exchange activity which has already created some work mobility initiatives. One such example is Lidia Addesa who, after a number of years in the IT Systems Department, embarked on a new experience in the Commercial Innovation and Operations department of Herambiente. “The support channel was a chance for me to indicate my willingness to undertake an internal exchange initiative. I talked to Personnel and they supported me in my application when the right opportunity for me came up”. The company has for some time now offered the possibility of professional experiences in other departments/locations, as in the case of Tobia Desalvo, who enjoyed different experiences in the Central Market Administration and Waste Management department. “Thanks to the internal exchange scheme, my 15 years in Hera have been a journey of discovery within the company. I have been able to expand and develop my existing professional skills, in very different contexts.” no

From Padua to Udine: a valuable teamwork experience

From Padua to Udine: a valuable teamwork experience borgato_marco_thumbnail.png 2020 was a year focused on the need for resilience and skilfully-managed changes. This was put into practice by 13 colleagues of AcegasApsAmga who offered their own skills during the summer to colleagues in one of the Group’s companies, ASE, which found itself dealing with an unexpected increase in workload due to the Covid health crisis. This willing team included Marco Borgato, who transferred to Udine for two weeks to take part. Marco, what do you do in AcegasApsAmga? For about 4 years now, I’ve been working in the Water Department in Padua, where I deal with the electrical side of water systems like pumps, transformers, cathodic protection. Often, people have no idea how much electricity is involved in the water system. A multifaceted skill set, then: with the Covid crisis, were you asked to collaborate with ASE? With the end of lockdown, ASE experienced an unexpected increase in workload in a very short space of time, such as the maintenance of electrical systems in schools which needed to be ready quickly for the high school leaving exams. So I was asked to join a team of colleagues in Udine for a few weeks. What did you do during your time in ASE? ASE manages electrical systems in many public buildings in Udine. So, I was able to put my electro-technical skills into practice in various types of systems, such as checking the circuit breakers in a school. Would you recommend this experience to your colleagues if the need were to arise again? Absolutely, yes! It allowed me to meet colleagues from other locations that I would not have met otherwise. There was an instant positive work atmosphere and we became a close team really quickly, all of us trusting each other. no

The labyrinth hunter

The labyrinth hunter selli_ettore_thumbnail.png A lifetime of interests embodied in a book. Ettore Selli, 32 year old engineer at Herambiente in Bologna, is the author of “Labirinti vegetali. La guida completa alle architetture verdi dei cinque continenti” (”Garden Labyrinths. A complete guide to green architecture in five continents”), which is enjoying great success on radio and TV programmes, and in the press. The book is the result of his passion for Greek myths, adventure and the environment, the latter also leading to his job where he deals with tenders for transport and disposal of special waste in Italy and Europe. “For an environmental engineer like me, working in Herambiente is like coming home. Dealing with waste means working with the environment, it is a way to contribute personally every day to the earth’s sustainability.” His interest in Greek mythology dates back to secondary school: “I attended a classical lyceum, so I grew up with the legends of Daedalus and Icarus.” His adventurous spirit is also rooted in his childhood: “I was a scout for 16 years, I love exploring and the outside life, mountains and trekking. These are passions passed on to me from my family; my father is in fact a geology teacher.” This resulted in his desire to explore garden labyrinths around the world, gardens of all shapes and sizes that unite nature with mystery. In his illustrated book, 420 examples of these labyrinths from all parts of the world are provided, in over 60 countries: from Italy to Argentina, from New Zealand to South Africa. He has visited many of these himself: “I love travelling and, on each of my trips, wherever possible, I always include a visit to a labyrinth”. For more remote examples, he relies on geographical maps and satellite images. He has collected images and information to put together a guide which offers photos, descriptions, historic and particularly botanical background, anecdotes and legends, and geographic coordinates. In the office, procedures have changed during the pandemic, but not the motivation. “I never get tired of my job. Covid has not impeded our work, we have continued to work a lot and hard. Also because the new online working methods have optimised our working times”. What Ettore misses is the normal working relationship with colleagues. “In the office we’re now divided into two teams to avoid the possibility of any infection spreading to everyone. This means that half of the office never meets the other half. Despite this, we have never lost our friendly atmosphere and spirit of collaboration”. no

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A source of clean energy from sewers and wet waste: Biomethane

An investment of Euro 37 million. A plant that disposes of 100 thousand tonnes of organic waste produced by separate waste collection and another 35 thousand tonnes coming from green waste and pruning material. 


Biodiesel has been developed also from used food oil

Fuel may also be extracted from vegetable oils. Used domestic vegetable oil (such as frying oil) which is recovered by multiutility services via roadside containers and drop-off points, is transformed into biodiesel, which in turn is used to fuel the vehicles used for urban waste collection.


Bus fuel from trash: Hera's pilot project with "START"

To obtain clean energy to power Ravenna's buses by decomposing waste in landfills. 


Data, the key to a smart future

From city to "smart city" thanks to data: with our detection systems we can monitor traffic trends, air quality and consumption of public parks. 


Dialogue with the urban context for new energy: the Borgo Panigale cogeneration plant

District heating is already in itself a "sustainable" and environment-friendly solution, because it can guarantee better performance than traditional domestic boilers. In addition, the plant located in Borgo Panigale ensures lower emissions into the environment, more reliability and greater availability of energy. The system can heat the equivalent of 8,000 residential units. Currently, the turbines can produce 35,000 MWh of energy per year, almost twice as much as in the past.


Ferrara, the city of "green" heat

What's Ferrara's green secret? It's underground, where a geothermal basin feeds its district heating system. The result? 87% of the thermal energy distributed in the city is "clean" and we avoid about 22 thousand tonnes of CO 2 emissions.


Hera and General Electric together for energy recovery

We have installed a turbo expander at the R&M stations of Ducati's factory in Bologna. The goal is to recover electricity from the decompression process of methane gas. 


Hergo Reti: the smart approach to emergency service and maintenance

More than 130 thousand emergency response reports involving 1,500 employees in 2019. More than 50 thousand emergency response operations in the first six months of 2020, in a local area that includes Emilia-Romagna, Triveneto and Marche.


Hergoambiente, waste bin speaking

Our 300,000 waste bins are talking. How? Thanks to a "tag" that always tells us where they are, how they are working and if they have been emptied. Find out more about the projects of HergoAmbiente, Hera Group's "smart" system to support waste management services.


Innovation takes flight and offers a variety of perspectives

Hera Group's drones are alternative and supplemental investigation tools to provide quality services to the areas we serve.

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111