Hergoambiente, waste bin speaking
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Web Content Article On Aug 4, 2020 5:12 PM
Since 2017, we have been developing a measuring system, conceived by Hera Luce, which analyses the materials used in public lighting. What's the target? Making their life cycle circular, as well.
Categoria Progetto: Energy Efficiency Circular Economy -
Web Content Article On Aug 4, 2020 5:08 PM
Producing electricity and heat from non-reusable waste. How? In a waste-to-energy plant: it's a safe and legally compliant plant and an energy resource for the local area.
Categoria Progetto: Energy Efficiency Circular Economy -
Web Content Article On Aug 4, 2020 5:04 PM
Waste can become sofas, lamps, games, and musical instruments. But even stage sets, art objects and installations. How? We'll tell you about it in this project.
Categoria Progetto: Circular Economy -
Web Content Article · By LUCIA ALGISI On Aug 4, 2020 4:49 PM
Rimini's beaches will be 100% fit for swimming thanks to the Rimini Optimised Seawater Protection Plan (Piano di Salvaguardia della Balneazione Ottimizzato - PSBO). Discover the most important...
psbo Categoria Progetto: Heratech Project Circular Economy Water Project -
Web Content Article On Aug 4, 2020 4:32 PM
Fuel may also be extracted from vegetable oils. Used domestic vegetable oil (such as frying oil) which is recovered by multiutility services via roadside containers and drop-off points, is...
Categoria Progetto: Circular Economy -
Web Content Article On Aug 4, 2020 4:21 PM
What's Ferrara's green secret? It's underground, where a geothermal basin feeds its district heating system. The result? 87% of the thermal energy distributed in the city is "clean" and we avoid...
Categoria Progetto: Innovation Energy Efficiency Circular Economy -
Web Content Article On Aug 4, 2020 4:19 PM
The ultrasound hydrolysis system, installed in the Forlì treatment plant, makes the life cycle of wastewater sludge circular. The result: less sludge to dispose of, and more biogas produced.
circulareconomy Categoria Progetto: Circular Economy Water Project Innovation -
Web Content Article On Aug 4, 2020 3:28 PM
To obtain clean energy to power Ravenna's buses by decomposing waste in landfills.
circulareconomy Categoria Progetto: Innovation Circular Economy
Asset Publisher
Our 300,000 waste bins are talking. How? Thanks to a "tag" that always tells us where they are, how they are working and if they have been emptied. Find out more about the projects of HergoAmbiente, Hera Group's "smart" system to support waste management services.
What would a waste bin say if it could talk? Probably incredible stories of extraordinary everyday life. But above all, it could tell us some practical information: where it is, if it has been damaged and if the time has come to be emptied. We thought it was impossible to make our waste bins talk. But nothing is impossible when you want to provide a useful service to your local area.
Thanks to HergoAmbiente, the "intelligent" system designed and implemented by the Hera Group to support waste collection and street cleaning, we "tagged" each of the 300 thousand bins of our network, giving them a first name, a last name and a voice. By doing so, we can always be updated in real-time on any information concerning them, from where they are to how they are working, and when they were last emptied.
With Hera, it's not just the waste bins talking. Thanks to HergoAmbiente's dedicated technologies and cutting-edge IT systems, we have also assigned a unique identity to all other assets, including vehicles, drop-off points, and plants, to locate them in space, organise their activities over time and evaluate the quality of the services we provide.
It is an extraordinary opportunity at the service of local communities. HergoAmbiente thinks and works as a network, i.e. a network of people and devices interconnected with each other, able to govern all the processes through which its waste management services work: design, planning, operational planning, reporting management, field execution, reporting and... redesigning services, because the data analysis can always help to define and achieve new customized objectives.
What's our objective? To improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of services for the local area, optimising resources and ensuring real-time traceability of the waste we collect. A project, in short, the initiatives of which are part of the Hera Group's Utilities 4.0 plan, which is being extended every year with new ideas: in 2019, as part of the cassONetto Smarty smart waste bin project, we developed the innovative functionality that enables citizens to open the electronic waste disposal device using the "The Wasteologist" app, with NFC (Near Field Communication), without using their card.
In its waste management services, HergoAmbiente exponentially increases the value of available information by blending the contexts they are located in, geo-referencing them, connecting them together, and transforming them into a treasure trove of knowledge which can be promptly used to continuously improve the service provided to citizens. With a drastic reduction in data entry and data transmission errors. Thanks to HergoAmbiente, in fact, it is possible to: With HergoAmbiente it is now possible to know the real position of the bins in the local area, to know if they have already been emptied and when.
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