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Hera Group approves results as at 31/12/2023

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Financial Results
Hera Spa
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Hera Group: 1H 2024 results approved

The consolidated half-year report at 30 June indicates growth in the Group’s main operating-financial indicators and shows its considerable financial solidity, fully in line with the targets set out in the Business Plan. With the approval of its Climate Transition Plan, with a Net Zero target by 2050, Hera has once again confirmed its commitment to the sustainable development of the areas it serves, creating value for all stakeholders.

Online since 31-07-2024 at 12:57
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Hera Spa
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Hera Group Italy’s first multi-utility with a Net Zero target

The Hera Group’s climate change mitigation strategy is now enriched with the definition of the Climate Transition Plan and the goal of reaching Net Zero by 2050 as regards direct and indirect emissions.

Online since 31-07-2024 at 11:37
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Hera Spa
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Hera Group finalises acquisition of TRS Ecology

Online since 30-07-2024 at 11:11
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Hera Spa
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Circular economy: partnership between Fincantieri and Hera Group

Online since 18-07-2024 at 12:00
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Hera Spa
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Shareholders’ meeting


(drafted pursuant to article 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis, of Consob Regulation 11971 / 14 May 1999)

Press releases
Hera Spa
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Quality, Safety and Environment: Hera Group confirms a solid protection in compliance with international standards

<p><em>The Bureau Veritas’ certifications have been renewed, with a focus on innovation for sustainability</em></p>
Press releases
Hera Spa
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Hera Group ranks first in the 2024 ESG Identity Corporate Index (formerly IGI)

<p><em>For the fourth consecutive year, the Group is on the podium of the overall index ranking, which rewards Italian companies that stand out for integrating ESG factors into their governance. This comes as further recognition of the Group’s commitment to creating long-term value for its shareholders and all its stakeholders</em></p>
Online since 19-06-2024 at 11:08
Press releases
Hera Spa
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Inrete Distribuzione Energia acquires Soelia’s gas network

<p><em>The Hera Group, through its subsidiary operating in the natural gas distribution sector, strengthens its presence in the area served</em></p>
Online since 11-06-2024 at 11:57
Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
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Hera Spa

Publication of documents pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting

Online since 15-05-2024 at 10:35
Press releases
Price sensitive
Hera Spa

Hera Group acquires Soelia’s gas network

Through its subsidiary Inrete Distribuzione Energia, the Group was awarded the tender for the gas distribution plants and network serving the municipality of Argenta in Ferrara area

Online since 15-05-2024 at 10:38
Press releases
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Financial Results
Hera Spa

Hera Group BoD approves results for 1Q 2024

<p>The consolidated quarterly report at 31 March shows improvement in the main operating and financial indicators. The Group’s financial solidity and commitment to sustainability and the ecological transition were confirmed, along with the creation of value for all stakeholders and significant investments in the areas served to improve our assets resilience and to guarantee service quality and continuity</p>
Online since 14-05-2024 at 12:41
Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa
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Hera Shareholders Meeting: 2023 financial statements approved and dividend increased to 14 cents

The Group continues along its path of uninterrupted growth, closing 2023 with record performance in the main operating and financial indicators, thus constantly creating value for its stakeholders.

Online since 29-04-2024 at 12:53
Press releases
Hera Spa
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Hera Group at the top of ARERA’s water service quality ranking

The multiutility confirms itself among Italy’s most outstanding operators, securing the first and third positions, with reference to all macro-indicators, as proof of the very high standards adopted by the Group in this field. A commitment that the Hera fulfils with significant investments to ensure the highest quality and continuity of service to around 3.6 million citizens and an increasingly efficient and circular use of resources. Important results have been achieved, particularly in Emilia-Romagna.

Other press releases
Hera Spa

Publication of the Draft Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements as of 31.12.2023, the Sustainability Report - Consolidated Non-Financial Statement, the Corporate Governance Report, and the Report on Remuneration and Compensation Paid

Hera Spa
Other press releases

Rigid plastics recycling: one of Europe’s most innovative plants to be built in Modena

<p><em>Thanks to investments totalling approximately 50 million euro, the Hera Group will build a state-of-the-art facility within its own plant complex. Starting from plastic waste that has so far been difficult to recycle, it will produce high quality polymers with characteristics similar to those shown by virgin materials, thus making sectors such as consumer electronics and the automotive industry increasingly sustainable</em></p>
Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa

Publication of documents pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting to be held on 30 April 2024

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Hera Spa
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Financial Results

Hera Group approves results as at 31/12/2023

<p><em>The year closed with main financial indicators rising and the targets included in the strategic Plan to 2026 exceeded three years ahead of schedule. The Group’s financial solidity and flexibility allowed it to continue along its path of industrial growth, increasing its investments and successfully grasping market opportunities, both internal and external, while continuing to generate value benefitting all stakeholders. The proposed dividend was raised, reaching 14 eurocents per share</em></p>
Online since 26-03-2024 at 12:47
Press releases
Hera Spa
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Green energy and a new urban forest: the Hera Group’s Energy Park arrives in Bologna

<p><em>Sustainability, decarbonisation, liveability and biodiversity protection are the keywords of this project, which will be developed in the northern part of the city and will contain a new urban park with facilities, complemented by areas dedicated to protecting animal and plant species, and an agrivoltaic field that will allow an annual saving of 6,000 tons of CO2.</em></p>
Press releases
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa
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The passing of Hera S.p.A.'s Vice Chairman, Mr. Gabriele Giacobazzi

We hereby inform you that on March 3, 2024, the Vice Chaiman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Gabriele Giacobazzi, passed away.

Press releases
Hera Spa
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Hera Group among Europe’s leaders in sustainability and the fight against climate change

<p><em>The Group achieved the leadership band in the CDP questionnaire and was included among “TOP 1%” Multi and Water Utilities of the S&amp;P Global’s Sustainability Yearbook 2024. These recognitions prove Hera’s commitment to sustainable development and creating shared value for local areas.</em></p>

Asset Publisher

Hera Group approves results as at 31/12/2023

The year closed with main financial indicators rising and the targets included in the strategic Plan to 2026 exceeded three years ahead of schedule. The Group’s financial solidity and flexibility allowed it to continue along its path of industrial growth, increasing its investments and successfully grasping market opportunities, both internal and external, while continuing to generate value benefitting all stakeholders. The proposed dividend was raised, reaching 14 eurocents per share

Financial highlights

  • Revenues at 14,897.3 million euro

  • Ebitda* at 1,494.7 million euro (+15.4%)

  • Net profit* for shareholders at 375.2 million euro (+16.5%)

  • Gross operating investments at 815.8 million euro (+15.0%)

  • Net financial debt improves to 3,827.7 million euro (-10%), with Net debt / Ebitda* at 2.56x

  • Proposed dividend rises to 14 eurocents per share (+12%)

Operating highlights

  • Strong performance from internal growth with contributions coming from acquisitions

  • Significant contributions from the energy area, growth in the waste management sector, and network resilience pending the adjustment of the tariff return effective from 2024

  • Consolidation of ranking as Italy’s first operator in the waste management sector, second in water and third in energy

  • Shared-value Ebitda rises sharply to 776.0 million euro (+16%) and shared-value investments amount to 558.4 million euro (69% of total investments)

Today, the Board of Directors of the Hera Group, chaired by Executive Chairman Cristian Fabbri, unanimously approved the consolidated financial results as at 31 December 2023 and the Report on remuneration policy and compensation paid, as well as the Sustainability report.

Cristian Fabbri, Executive Chairman of Hera Group:
We closed 2023 with record performance in our main operating and financial indicators, achieved within a macroeconomic environment that was volatile and uncertain. Ebitda reached almost 1.5 billion, net profit attributable to shareholders grew by 16.5% and investments were up by 15%, exceeding 800 million euro. As a result, the economic value distributed to stakeholders in the areas in which we operate reached 2.3 billion euro, up 36%. We achieved these results mainly thanks to the contribution coming from the waste management and energy areas. In the energy area in particular, we achieved significant growth supported by commercial development, last resort markets and energy efficiency services. At the same time, debt fell by 10%, bringing us to a Net debt / Ebitda ratio of 2.56x, allowing the Board of Directors to propose a 12% increase in dividends, equal to 14 eurocents per share. The 2023 results thus confirm the validity of our Group’s strategic vision and constitute the solid building block of our new business plan, approved in January.

Orazio Iacono, CEO of the Hera Group:
In 2023, Ebitda exceed the targets set in the previous Plan to 2026 three years ahead of schedule. The normalisation of energy prices made it possible to reduce net working capital achieving a significant financial structure and a Net debt / Ebitda ratio of 2.56x. The Group thus regained its usual financial flexibility and can continue to seize further growth opportunities in its reference markets, still highly fragmented. Evidence of this lies in the transactions carried out in 2023, which also confirm our focus on generating sustainable growth in the local areas served. This commitment was confirmed by the increase in both shared-value Ebitda, up by 16% to 776.0 million euro, 52% of overall Ebitda, and in CSV investments, which amounted to 558.4 million euro in 2023, approximately 69% of total investments. Finally, we proved our ongoing commitment to sustainable finance, a driving force for our investment plan and confirmation of our desire to create value in the areas served, with particular attention going to objectives including decarbonisation, circular economy, innovation and resilience, consistent with our corporate purpose and the path set out by the Business Plan.”

Record year for the Group, that continues to create value for stakeholders and increase its scope of operations
Thanks to effective choices made by management and the numerous development actions implemented, which also made it possible to seize market opportunities, the Hera Group closed the 2023 financial year with main operating results showing strong growth compared to the previous year. In particular, the Group leveraged its financial flexibility to successfully participate in recent last resort market tenders, and to acquire strategic assets in the waste management area.
In a year characterised by an international geopolitical situation that remained unstable, with high energy market volatility in the first half of the year and prices that have not yet returned to the levels seen prior to the crisis, as well as a series of extreme weather and climate phenomena that affected the areas served, the Hera Group has continued to ensure service continuity and quality and the creation of value for all stakeholders. This concrete and transparent value was quantified through shared-value Ebitda and investments, with the data in question subjected for the fifth consecutive year to an external auditing company in order to validate these distinctive aspects of the Group’s reporting to all stakeholders. Hera pursued corporate growth and, at the same time, sustainable development, as shown by the increased investments in innovation and resilience of the assets managed, the circular economy and the energy transition, with concrete projects consistent with major national and international policies.
In addition to internal growth, in 2023 Hera continued to expand its scope of operations through external development, with the aim of providing its customers with increasingly innovative and competitive solutions.
In the waste management area, the new plant for biomethane and compost production in Spilamberto, near Modena, became fully operational, as did the partnership with A.C.R. di Reggiani Albertino, an important company operating nationwide in remediation, industrial waste treatment, decommissioning of industrial plants, and civil works related to the oil & gas sector.
In the IT-TLC sector, the acquisition with Ascopiave of 92% of Asco TLC, followed by its merger by incorporation into Group subsidiary Acantho, enabled Hera to enhance its connectivity, telephony and data centre services in more than one region of Italy.
In the area of renewable energy, acquisitions concerned the Ferrara-based company Tiepolo, for the construction of a photovoltaic solar park in Bondeno in Ferrara province, and of 60% of the Rimini-based company F.lli Franchini, involved in installing plumbing and electrical systems and photovoltaic solutions for business customers. The Hera Group and Orogel company also established the NewCo Horowatt for the construction of a sustainable, state-of-the-art agrivoltaic plant at the Cesena facilities owned by this agricultural cooperative. In the energy area, in November 2023 the Hera Group’s holding in EstEnergy, the largest energy operator in Northeastern Italy, rose to 75%. Furthermore, as regards the valuable intangible asset represented by its customer base, in February 2024, 7 lots were awarded in the national tender called by the Single Buyer for the gradual protection service for non-vulnerable domestic customers. The liberalisation process in the electricity sales market will lead to the entry, as of 1 July 2024, of more than 1 million new customers in the electricity service, further consolidating the Group’s position as the third largest operator in the energy sector nationwide.

Lastly, as regards creating value, the Group continued to show its commitment to sustainable finance. In 2023, more than 1 billion in financing was allocated to the green transition, thanks to the issue of the Group’s second sustainability-linked bond, which included carbon neutrality and circular economy objectives, and the Revolving sustainability-linked credit line obtained. In addition, Hera obtained a dedicated loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for more than 60 Group projects, mainly intended for the Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia regions and aligned with the European Taxonomy that, in addition to responding to the objectives set by the UN Global Agenda 2030, will accompany the communities served towards an ecological transition strongly rooted in the social and industrial fabric. Thanks to this strong focus on green finance, the portion of the Group’s debt financed with ESG instruments has progressively increased over the years, reaching 57% in 2023.

Revenues at approximately 15 billion euro
The Hera Group’s 2023 revenues amounted to 14,897.3 million, down from 20,082 million in 2022 (-25.8%), mainly due to the normalisation of energy commodity prices and gas volumes, lower trading and the mild weather seen in the first part of the year. This decrease was partially offset by higher electricity volumes sold, thanks to commercial activities related to the sale of value-added services and solutions for energy efficiency and self-generation, Consip tenders, the 2 lots of the safeguard service awarded for 2023-2024 and the gradual protection service for supplying electricity to micro-businesses starting from 1 April 2023. Revenues in the waste management sector were also up, due in particular to new operations in the industry market, above all the partnership with Modena-based A.C.R di Reggiani Albertino.

Ebitda* rises to almost 1.5 billion euro (+15.4%)
Ebitda* for 2023 increased to 1,494.7 million, up 15.4% compared to the 1,295.0 million recorded at 31 December 2022. This growth is due to the overall contribution coming from the energy areas, amounting to 169.4 million euro, especially thanks to commercial development, last resort market tenders and opportunities arising from incentives for energy services. A good performance also came from the waste management area, up 15.4 million euro, while the water cycle contributed with 9.5 million euro and the other services area with 5.4 million euro.

Ebit* increases to 741.0 million euro (+18%)
Ebit* rose to 741.0 million euro, +18% compared to 2022, with growth exceeding that of Ebitda*, since depreciation, amortisation and provisions increased less than the rise in Ebitda.

Net profit* increases to 417.0 million euro
The tax rate for the 2023 financial year stood at 26%, unchanged from 2022, thanks to nonrecurring concessions, tax credits for the purchase of electricity and gas, and benefits from the redemption of certain higher values arising from corporate acquisitions. Net profit* at 31 December 2023 also rose by 12%, reaching 417.0 million euro, as against 372.3 million during the previous year.

Net profit* attributable to shareholders rises
Net profit* attributable to shareholders amounted to 375.2 million, up 16.5%.

Increased investments and improvement in net financial debt
In 2023, the Hera Group’s operating investments, including capital grants, reached 815.8 million euro, up 15.0% compared to 709.5 million in 2022. Investments were mainly allocated to work on plants, networks and infrastructures, in addition to regulatory adjustments in gas distribution for the large-scale meter replacement, as well as the purification and sewage sector. This effort towards investing in the industrial growth of the Group’s regulated activities led its RAB to rise to 3.33 billion euro, up by 144 million euro compared to 2022.
Net financial debt decreased to 3,827.7 million euro, as against 4,249.8 million as at 31 December 2022, mainly due to the positive performance of net working capital* caused by the progressive reduction in energy commodity prices compared to the amounts seen in late 2022, the increase in tax credits for subsidiary Hera Servizi Energia (due to the acceleration of works incentivised by expiring tax bonuses), the decreased VAT position and the lower value of gas storage, both in terms of prices and volumes.
The Group’s financial structure therefore showed significant improvement, with the Net debt / Ebitda* ratio decreasing to 2.56x, compared to 3.28x at 31 December 2022.
The result from operations recorded a double-digit return on equity (ROE*), coming to 11.1%. Return on invested capital (ROI*) also improved, rising to almost 10% (9.8%), as against 7.9% in 2022 and above the figures seen prior to the crisis, with an increase in value creation, due to both higher margins and a decrease in invested capital, as a result of the normalisation of net working capital.

Shared-value Ebitda and investments up to 776.0 million (+16% compared to 2022) and 558.4 million (69% of total investments) respectively
As confirmation of the Group’s commitment to sustainability and creating value in the areas served, 2023 shared-value Ebitda, referring to business activities that respond to the objectives of the 2030 UN Global Agenda, rose to 776.0 million, up 16% from 670.3 million in 2022 and corresponding to 52% of overall Ebitda. This result is in line with the direction defined by the Business plan and the goal of reaching over 1 billion euro in 2027 (equivalent to 64% of total Ebitda), along a path that generates concrete benefits for the local areas and communities served, alongside the company’s own development. Shared-value investments also rose, amounting to 558.4 million in 2023, roughly 69% of total gross operating investments. Moreover, about 92% of the investments eligible for the Taxonomy are already aligned with the criteria of this European Regulation and thus contribute to environmental objectives including climate change mitigation, circular economy, water resource protection and pollution prevention.
The Hera Group’s best practices in ESG factors led it to be confirmed, for the fourth consecutive year, as part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, World & Europe, one of the world’s most authoritative stock market indices for evaluating social responsibility, with the highest rating in the Environmental and Social areas for companies in the Multi & Water Utilities sector. Furthermore, Hera was confirmed as a European leader in terms of commitment and transparency in the fight against climate change, achieving the “A-” level in the assessment drawn up by CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), the international non-profit organisation specialising in assessing the climate strategies and performance adopted by companies.

Proposed dividend increases to 14 eurocents per share
Consistently with what was announced last January when presenting the Business plan to 2027, and in consideration of the significant results achieved, the Board of Directors decided to propose to the Shareholders Meeting held on 30 April to pay a dividend coming to 14 eurocents per share, up 1.5 eurocents compared to the last dividend paid (+12%). This increase will be extended to the entire dividend policy for the period covered by the Plan, reaching 16 eurocents per share in 2027, with net earnings per share rising by an average of 7% per year.

The ex-dividend date has been set for 24 June 2024, with payment as of 26 June 2024. The dividend will be paid to the shares recorded on 25 June 2024.

Report on remuneration policy and compensation approved
The Board of Directors also approved the Report on the remuneration policy and compensation paid, in line with international best practices.

Ebitda* for the gas area, which includes natural gas distribution and sales, district heating and energy services, amounted to 516.9 million euro at 31 December 2023, as against 585.1 million in 2022.
The decrease in Ebitda for the gas area is linked both to reduced volumes, due to the mild weather seen in the first part of the year, and lower margins for storage and trading activities, as well as the opportunities arising in the energy services segment from incentives for energy efficiency in households (110% super-bonus and insulation bonus) and the increased customer base, partially due to the last resort market and Consip tenders awarded. In particular, Hera Comm was awarded 8 of the 9 lots of the last resort gas service in 16 regions for the period from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2025, all 9 lots of the gas default service tender and 3 lots of the Consip tender for supplying natural gas to public administrations in 2023-2024.

The overall number of gas customers increased to 2.1 million (+1.3%).
In 2023, net investments came to 190.9 million euro (+22.4% compared to 2022), mainly going to distribution, involving nonrecurring maintenance and development of networks and plants, smart gas meter commissioning, including the innovative NexMeter patented by Hera, initiatives related to acquiring new customers, district heating and energy services, with the activities of the company Hera Servizi Energia, and work on networks and plants.
In the Udine area, 2023 saw the start of the gas distribution service for the 18 municipalities included in the ATEM Udine 2, following the tender awarded to AcegasApsAmga in late 2021. The new service contract includes over 90 thousand users, distributed along a network coming to over 1,200 km.
At the end of the year, the second phase of experimentation, involving the first trials of this kind in Italy, was completed in Castelfranco Emilia, near Modena, on the use of a mixture of methane and hydrogen (2%), in a municipal gas distribution network. This asset readiness test on the network is part of Hera’s strategy to promote green gas, in line with EU indications, and allowed it to include gas distribution among the eligible activities for the European Taxonomy. The two Hydrogen Valleys under construction, in Modena and Trieste, which will produce about 800 tonnes per year of green hydrogen, will be home to photovoltaic parks to power the electrolysers, contributing to the decarbonisation of the industrial and local public transport sectors and, more generally, local areas in question, while at the same time redeveloping disused areas. The plants will be completed by 2026, partially thanks to NRRP contributions. The development of a supply chain for this renewable energy vector will therefore have significant and positive environmental, social and economic consequences.
The gas area accounted for 34.6% of Group Ebitda.


The electricity area, which mainly includes services in electricity distribution and sales, saw a sharp rise in Ebitda, which came to 309.2 million euro, as against 71.6 million in 2022. This was mainly due to sales activities, that benefitted from lower modulation charges compared to 2022 and a significant increase in the customer base, in both traditional and safeguarded markets. Value-added services were up, with increased earnings coming to approximately 3 million euro, partially thanks to the entry of the company F.lli Franchini within the Group’s scope of operations, in a partnership that brought new technical skills to Hera and expanded its portfolio of solutions for business customers, further strengthening its presence in the Italian energy market. One of the M&As aimed at supporting decarbonisation and electrification of consumption in the communities served was the aforementioned acquisition of the company Tiepolo for the construction of a photovoltaic solar park in Bondeno in Ferrara province.
In addition, 4 lots of the Consip electricity tender for supplying electricity to public administrations in 2023 were awarded, in Rome, Campania, Calabria and the Italy lot; 3 lots of the gradual protected service for supplying electricity to SMEs for the period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024, in 9 regions; 2 lots of the safeguarded service for 2023 and 2024, in 4 regions; 1 lot of the gradual protected service for supplying electricity to micro-businesses from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2027, in 2 regions and 3 provinces in the North-East Italy.

Electricity customers rose above 1.7 million (+19.2%), with growth occurring especially on the free market, thanks to reinforced commercial actions. Customer appreciation and loyalty was also confirmed, thanks to the value-added services offered by the Group. In particular, the market positioning strategy pursued by the Group led it to capitalise on the success achieved in all tenders in last resort services (both gas and electricity), supporting strong growth in results and laying the foundations for further market development.
In the electricity area, gross and net investments amounted to 124.5 million, up 59% compared to the previous year. The interventions carried out mainly concerned nonrecurring maintenance on plants and distribution networks in the Modena, Imola, Trieste and Gorizia areas; a large-scale meter replacement and improvements in network resilience. Requests for new connections also increased slightly compared to the previous year.
The electricity area accounted for 20.7% of Group Ebitda.

Water cycle

Ebitda for the integrated water cycle area, which includes aqueduct, purification, and sewerage services, amounted to 271.4 million euro, up from 261.9 million in the previous year, fully offsetting the increase in network and plant operating costs due to the rise in prices for materials and services. In addition, the Group was able to more than compensate for the considerable effect of inflation on costs, which was only recognised in tariffs as of 1 January 2024.
Also note ARERA’s recognition of the significant investments, state-of-the-art plants and use of the best technologies for an efficient management of the water cycle in the areas served, in line with the Group’s sustainability and circular economy strategies. In particular, the Hera Group was awarded first and third place in the overall ranking of Italian utilities, proving the very high-quality standards adopted in managing this service.
Including capital grants, investments amounted to 228.2 million euro (+9.7%), mainly going to extensions, reclamations and upgrading on networks and plants, as well as regulatory adjustments mainly in the purification and sewerage areas. The main interventions concerned the aqueduct, with ongoing reclamation activities on networks and connections, as well as major nonrecurring maintenance and restoration work following the flood emergency in May 2023.
Considerable maintenance work continued on the intake from the Setta river, serving the Sasso Marconi drinking water treatment plant near Bologna, as well as upgrading on water networks in other areas served and a large-scale meter replacement. Furthermore, development began on the project for the new Castel Bolognese supply system in Ravenna province, and on the significant reclamation of a water adduction pipeline from Pontelagoscuro to Ferrara. In the sewerage sector, work continued on the Rimini seawater protection plan, one of the largest state-of-the-art works in Italy of its kind, and in network redevelopment and drain upgrading in other regions. In purification, note the construction of the new power-to-gas plant at the IDAR purifier in Bologna, as well as the expansion of the San Giovanni in Persiceto plant near Bologna, and ongoing revamping of the Gramicia purification plant in Ferrara. 2023 was also an important year for the consolidation of relations between the networks of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto integrated water system managers, in order to improve the resilience of these systems, and projects financed by the NRRP, among others, were launched. Also note the interventions in the area of climate change to prevent flooding in both Trieste, with interventions on streams, and Padua, with nonrecurring cleaning and connections for new sewerage networks.

The integrated water cycle area accounted for 18.2% of Group Ebitda.

Ebitda for the waste management area, which includes waste collection, treatment and disposal services, rose to 353.4 million euro, up 4.6% from 338 million in 2022, mainly due to the good performance of the waste treatment area, whose Ebitda came to 294.4 million, up 16.9 million, while Ebitda for environmental services involving collection and sweeping amounted to 59.0 million. The contribution from changes in the scope of consolidation due to recent acquisitions, the excellent performance of energy management and the higher volumes treated offset the increased costs due to inflation, the closure of the Ca’ Lucio landfill in the Marche region and the negative trend in the recovery market.
In special waste treatment, the results of subsidiary ACR, which recently entered the Group’s scope of operations, were particularly noteworthy, creating approximately 4 million euro in synergies thanks to its full integration into the Group’s activities.
The Hera Group is Italy’s leading operator in the waste management sector and operates in the complete waste cycle with approximately one hundred municipal and special waste treatment and plastic regeneration plants. The care and attention Hera gives to its set of plants has always set it apart, including ongoing efforts to equip plants with the best available technologies and achieve growth in this sector, favoured by regional expansion and its solid management and commercial policies. In 2023 as well, the main lines of development characterising the evolution of the Group’s activities were confirmed, transforming waste into resources with a view to the circular economy. One example of this is the new plant that became fully operational in 2023 in Spilamberto, in Modena area, born from the partnership between Herambiente and Inalca by converting an old biodigester into a state-of-the-art plant to transform organic waste and agrifood waste into 100% renewable methane and compost, making a concrete contribution to decarbonisation. Its annual production of about 3.7 million cm of biomethane will avoid the use of fossil fuels amounting to roughly 3,000 TOE (tonnes of oil equivalent) and 7,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Protecting environmental resources was therefore confirmed as a priority objective, as was their maximal reuse. This is also proven by the special attention dedicated to increasing sorted waste collection, which, thanks to the strong commitment that the Group has made in all areas served, rose to 72.2%, up 4.4% compared to 67.8% seen in 2022.
Gross investments in the waste management sector amounted to 150.8 million euro, mainly involving maintenance and expansion of the set of plants. This includes, for example, in addition to the previously mentioned new plant built in Spilamberto, the revamping on the Trieste waste-to-energy plant and the Ravenna F3 plant, as well as preparatory work for constructing Aliplast’s innovative rigid plastics regeneration plant in Modena.

The waste management area accounted for 23.6% of Group Ebitda.

Special items and operational adjustments / balance sheet reconciliation

IFRS financial statements

Income statement

Statement of financial position


Online from 26 March 2024 at 12:47:00

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Hera Spa

HERA Group, European targets on packaging recovery and disposal in landfills already reached in 2015

2016-05-02 Venier_thumb.1406802185.jpg The Group's 2015 Sustainability Report recently approved by the Shareholders' Meeting. Focus on local areas and communities, with a view to shared value and the centrality of the circular economy: these are just some elements of a framework of continuous improvement that launches the Group towards meeting future challenges. /documents/1514726/4186020/Sustainability_Report_2015_Highlights.1461227434.pdf/440aef6b-977e-b830-5357-9a96220b96d5?t=1596720592827 /documents/1514726/4186020/Sustainability_report_2015.1461755057.pdf/3a2e69cb-69f3-a848-3dfd-a13409b06f77?t=1596720595021 2015 Sustainability Report highlights (pdf - 1116KB) 2015 Sustainability Report (pdf - 2154KB) "The year 2015 saw a succession of important events that represent cornerstones of sustainability for the coming decades, from the agreement reached in Paris at the COP 21 to the European Commission's package for the transition to the circular economy, as well as the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development signed by the United Nations Member States: these are all pieces of an overall scenario that confirms the importance of a mobilisation to safeguard the future of the planet, in which businesses also can and should play a role", noted Stefano Venier, Hera CEO. "Again this year, our Report contains excellent results in terms of economic, social and environmental sustainability, of which we provide an accurate, completely transparent account to all of our stakeholders, while also laying out targets for the near future, and which confirm our active role, even on several very advanced frontiers, in supporting the local areas and communities in which we operate, with a view to shared value". 2016-06-24 sinistra 17:00:00 Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2015 More informations
Online dal 02/05/2016 alle ore 17:00
Shareholders’ meeting
Price sensitive

Hera Shareholders' Meeting: dividend at 9 cents

2016-04-28 assemblea_azionisti_870x320_eng.1462442256.1469545447.jpg 2015 financial statements approved and dividends confirmed matching those of recent years, as foreseen by the business plan. Hera Shareholders' Meeting: dividend at 9 cents The Hera Shareholders' Meeting was held in Bologna this morning, with both ordinary and extraordinary sessions. Approval of the financial statements and the sustainability report. Dividend at 9 cent./share In the ordinary session the Meeting approved the financial statements and the sustainability report for 2015, along with the Board of Directors' proposal to pay dividends of 9 euro cents per share, matching those paid in the previous financial year, as priorly announced in the business plan to 2019. In particular, the 2015 financial year closed with positive economic results and a rise in all main indicators, thanks to the Group's solid business model and a good operational, financial and fiscal management: revenue reached € 4,487.0 million (+7.1% over the previous year), EBITDA settled at € 884.4 million (+1.9%) and net profit post minorities came to € 180.5 million (+9.5%). The ex coupon date was set at 20 June 2016, with payment beginning on 22 June 2016. The dividend paid, based on the price of Hera stock at 31/12/2015, corresponds to an annual return of approximately 3.7%. Amendment of article 4 of the Articles of Association In the extraordinary session the Meeting approved amendments to article 4 of Hera's Articles of Association, consisting in an explicit statement that Hera S.p.A.'s company purpose also includes the possibility of engaging in activities involving management and/or supply of integrated energy services. The activities in question are already practiced by the Company, but this must now be specified in the Articles of Association in order for Hera S.p.A. to obtain certification pursuant to UNI CEI 11352 regulations. This is because legislative decree 102/14, which implements EU directive 2012/27, requires companies, as of July 2016, to obtain this certification in order to be qualified to carry out a number of activities in the field of energy efficiency promotion, such as energy diagnosis, and to obtain white certificates. Other resolutions approved The Shareholders' Meeting, in addition to the report on corporate governance and compensation policy, lastly approved the renewal of the Board of Directors' authorisation to purchase treasury shares (along with the conditions of their disposal), for a maximum exchange value of € 180 million, for 18 months. This authorisation was requested so as to pursue the goals allowed by current regulations and accepted market practices, among which investment opportunities involving the use of treasury shares to increase the creation of value and possible acquisitions of stakeholdings that also include share exchanges. Shareholders' Meeting of 28 April 2016 GH_AS_AssembleaSoci_2016_eng.1461846119.pdf 2016-04-05 13:49:00 Hera Shareholders' Meeting: dividend at 9 cents
Price sensitive

Julia Servizi Più enters the Hera Group

2016-04-08 riunione_.1469545191.jpg Hera Comm has completed its acquisition of 100% ownership of the gas and electricity sales company. Through this purchase, the Hera Group acquires new customers and consolidates its presence in Abruzzo. Julia Servizi Più enters the Hera Group Following the definitive sale approved by the City Council, today in Bologna the final steps were carried out to transfer ownership of the gas and electricity sales company Julia Servizi Più, owned at 100% by the City of Giulianova (TE), through the signing of the divestiture contract with Hera Comm, an Hera Group company already active in Abruzzo and Marche through the activities of Hera Comm Marche. Julia Servizi Più, which reported over EUR 7.3 million in revenues in 2014, has approximately 14,700 customers distributed throughout the municipality and the province of Teramo. Existing contracts with customers will remain in place and the operation will not lead to any changes in the sales and customer support structure: indeed, the company will continue to operate in the Giulianova area with specific personnel and channels of communication. In addition, new services and offers will gradually be introduced. As a matter of fact, Hera Comm's experience in managing more than 2.1 million customers throughout Italy will enable it to effectively meet local area requirements through a variety of options tailored to its specific needs, in terms of both gas and electricity, taking advantage of Hera's network of qualified agents. The Hera Group is a major Italian multi-utility company active in the sectors of energy (distribution and sale of electricity and gas), the environment (waste collection and treatment) and water (water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment). Over 8,500 employees work for the Group and strive every day to respond to the multiple needs of 4.4 million people in more than 350 municipalities, mainly located in Emilia-Romagna, the Marche and Triveneto. The sales company Hera Comm, controlled at 100% by Hera S.p.A., operates throughout the country and also maintains a presence in Abruzzo and Marche, selling gas to more than 130,000 customers and electricity to over 50,000 customers. "This operation allows us to further develop our presence in the liberalized gas and electricity market and represents an important step forward in a process of development in the Adriatic regions, an established area of activity for us," explains Cristian Fabbri, CEO of Hera Comm. "Our local roots, our continual efforts to improve the services we offer, the availability of affordable options designed to meet the needs of customers: these are the ingredients that have led to a progressive increase in the number and satisfaction of our clients in recent years. We are thus confident that the existing customers of Julia Servizi will appreciate the new services and integrated options offered by the Hera Group in its effort to be ever more customer-centered." "With the contract signed today, the 8th of April," declared Francesco Mastromauro, the Mayor of Giulianova, "the Hera Group formally becomes 100% owner of Julia Servizi Più. The transfer of Julia, required by the provisions regarding municipally-owned affiliates, has allowed the City to earn 850 thousand euros over the asking price set at auction, for a total of 5.387 million euros. This is not just an economic matter, however. The current employment levels will also be safeguarded, and the headquarters will remain in Giulianova, based on a decision I and the majority made, as established in a specific clause of the call for tenders. With the transfer of Julia to the Hera Group, one of Italy's leading operators in this sector, not only will the company's presence in the local area be maintained, but customers will also be able to enjoy significant benefits thanks to additional services and new jobs." Julia Servizi Più enters the Hera Group 20160408_CS_acquisizione_Julia_Servizi_eng.1460121964.pdf 2016-04-05 12:58:00 Hera Group: control of Aliplast reaches 80%
Shareholders’ meeting
Price sensitive
Financial Results

Publication of draft Separate and consolidate financial statements at 31/12/2015

2016-04-05 Publication of draft Separate and consolidate financial statements [block]div:row-fluid::db:hr_ir::box:58[/block] The dossier containing the draft Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements at 31/12/2015, approved by the Board of Directors, is now available to the public at the Company's central offices and its internet site, as well as on the authorised storage mechanism 1 Info ( At the same locations, the Hera S.p.A. Board of Directors' Explanatory Report for Item 2 on the Agenda - Ordinary Part is furthermore available. press_release_comunicazioneY2015.1459853227.pdf 2016-04-05 10:56:52 Hera Spa
Price sensitive
Financial Results

Hera Group approves results as at 31/12/2015

2016-03-22 Interactive annual report 2015 The year comes to a close with growth in all main indicators, thanks to the Group's solid business model and its constantly and continuously improving operational, financial and fiscal management. Internal and external growth confirmed as the key factors of development. Proposed dividends set at 9 euro cents per share, as forecasted by the business plan. Hera Group approves results as at 31/12/2015 /documents/1514726/4210770/ComunicatoStampa_GruppoHera_Y2015_eng.1458639129.pdf/67d3f23f-32a5-cdf8-d327-f1b0ca7c1e93?t=1597911331232 /documents/1514726/4210770/Financial+results+as+of+31_12_2015.pdf/ded70eaf-9074-9d6f-4d57-37e8dc3fca5a?t=1629971643225 /documents/1514726/4210770/Dati_finanziari_31_12_15_eng.1458639931.xls/d3f03aa1-5cf6-c32b-43a8-98df1ceb0916?t=1597911332086 /documents/1514726/4210770/Hera_ENG_Y2015.1458640309.pdf/a121e477-7580-edf9-1445-cc9cfebcc4cc?t=1597911332500 /documents/1514726/4880888/conference+Y2015+results.1460975381.mp3/8c700c19-92c4-94b8-00b7-b3d9cae921f3?t=1610038380139 /documents/1514726/4210770/Analyst_presentation_Y2015.1458651093.pdf/f5c8a3cb-a909-7832-2ad2-6e06eda256e4?t=1597911332940 Press release Annual report 2015 Financial data as at 31 December 2015 Newsletter: Y2015 results Audioconference: Y2015 results Analyst presentation: Y2015 results Financial highlights Revenue at € 4,487.0 million (+7.1%) EBITDA at € 884.4 million (+1.9%) Adjusted net Group profits at € 202.6 million (+11.8%) Net profit post minorities at € 180.5 million (+9.5%) Net debt at € 2,651.7 million Proposed dividends confirmed at 9 cents/euro per share Operational highlights Growth remains driven by continuous improvement in operational, financial and fiscal management Excellent performance in the gas area, due to greater volumes sold Solid customer base in energy markets, with approximately 2.2 million customers Today, the Hera Group's Board of Directors unanimously approved the consolidated economic results as at 31 December 2015, along with the Sustainability Report. An upward trend in results, with attention focused on environmental, social and economic sustainability The 2015 financial year concluded for the Hera Group with all main indicators up from 2014. These positive results are the fruit of a solid business model that has always been distinguished by its balanced multi-service portfolio, focused on core activities, continuous improvement in efficiency across all fields and synergies extracted from integrations. On the one hand the Group's multi-business strategy guarantees a balanced range of economic and financial actions; on the other, a combination of two forms of leverage, internal growth and M&A, has allowed it to continue to expand in spite of an increasingly challenging scenario from an economic, regulatory and competitive point of view. The results reached confirm, furthermore, the Group's attention towards the various facets of sustainability: environmental, social and economic. Our purely economic results are in fact flanked by data that bears witness to a reduction in environmental impact, an increase in sorted waste, greater care towards energy efficiency and continuous improvement in customer service, all of which provides further confirmation of the company's attention towards all stakeholders and the localities in which it operates. Revenue at around € 4.5 billion Revenue reached € 4,487.0 million in 2015, up 7.1% compared to € 4,189.1 million in the previous year. This result was achieved thanks to greater volumes sold in gas services, heat management and district heating, due to the cooler temperatures with respect to the same period in 2014, an increase in volumes of electricity sold in line with the trend in demand, more sizeable commercial activities and an increase in trading of both gas and electricity. Approximately € 884 million in EBITDA EBITDA rose to € 884.4 million, up with respect to the € 867.8 million seen in 2014 (+1.9%).This result was mainly due to the results of the gas area, which increased by € 19.8 million, and the integrated water cycle, which rose by € 15.4 million, more than compensating for the slight drop in other business areas. In general, the growth in EBITDA was driven by better weather conditions, an enlargement of the market share in liberalised markets, in addition to the positive impact of the new tariff method and the efficiencies and synergies derived from integrations. The efficiencies reached over € 15 million, and the synergies that emerged from the merger with AcegasapsAmga contributed in 2015 with € 4.2 million (thus reaching over 20 million synergies from early 2013 until present). The results reached by the Group in 2015 in terms of EBITDA are all the more significant bearing in mind that in 2014 the Company benefited from non-recurring income amounting to over € 20 million, linked to the equalisation fund for electricity networks in Gorizia, the valorisation of white certificates and recording turnover dating to previous financial years. Growth in operating results and pre-tax profits, improvements in financial management Operating profits came to € 442.2 million, in line with the € 441.2 million seen in 2014, even subtracting higher depreciations and provisions connected to the enlarged operating area. The result of financial management is € 126 million, with a € 12 million improvement on the same period in 2014. This reduction is mainly due to lesser borrowing costs and a rise in profits coming from subsidiaries, in particular Est Energy. Adjusted pre-tax profits, i.e. prior to non-recurring income and expenses, therefore increased by € 12.9 million, passing from € 303.2 million in 2014 to € 316.1 million in 2015 (+4.3%). Net profits post minorities up, reaching over € 180 million Adjusted net profits rose by 11.8%, passing from € 181.2 million in 2014 to € 202.6 million in the corresponding period in 2015, thanks to lesser taxes. Considerable improvement was seen in the average tax rate, which went from 40.2% to 35.9% thanks to a reduction in IRAP and the elimination of the Robin Tax for energy companies and other fiscal optimisations. These effects more than compensated for the negative impact brought about by bringing anticipated and deferred tax assets into line with the change in IRES tax rates foreseen as of 2017. In spite the approximately € 8.2 million of non-recurring financial expenses on the 2015 statements, Net profits post minorities rose to € 180.5 million, increasing compared to the € 164.8 million seen in 2014 (+9.5%), thanks among other factors to a reduction in minority interests following the full acquisition of Akron and Romagna Compost, carried out during the year and backdated to 1 January 2015. Investments for roughly € 350 million, net debt/EBITDA ratio stable at 3x In 2015, Group investments amounted to € 332.7 million. Including capital grants for € 13.7 million, overall investments came to € 346.4 million, in line with 2014, mainly destined to interventions on plants and networks. Adaptations to new regulatory standards also contributed, above all in the purification and sewerage area. Net debt for 2015 amounts to € 2,651.7 million, substantially in line with the € 2,640.4 seen in 2014. This result is even more significant considering that the positive operating cash flow completely financed both dividend payments (for € 142.4 million) and numerous M&A operations (for roughly € 76 million) mainly implemented at the end of the year. The NFP/EBITDA ratio remains stable at 3.0, with a slight improvement compared to the previous year. This result is influenced by the acquisitions that occurred at the end of 2015, which contributed to the economic results partially and only as of their entrance within the Group's operating scope. Proposed dividends: 9 cents per share On the basis of the results attained, the Board of Directors has decided to put to the Shareholders' Meeting to be held on 28 April 2016 a dividend of 9 cents per share, in line with the amount paid one year ago and previously announced in the business plan through 2019. The ex-dividend date has been set at 20 June 2016, with payment as of 22 June 2016. Gas The gas business EBITDA, which includes services in natural gas distribution and sales, district heating and heat management, rose to € 295.8 million (+7.2%) from € 276 million in 2014. This result was obtained above all thanks to an increase in volumes of natural gas sold to final customers (332.1 million m3) due to both the cooler winter temperatures in 2015, in spite of the year closing with a discrepancy compared to seasonal averages, and an increase in the customer base, along with greater volumes in trading (434.7 million m3). In 2015, investments in the gas area came to € 86.5 million, with an increase of € 7.4 million compared to 2014. In gas distribution, the increase is mainly due to the effects of the enlargement of the operating area in parts of the Triveneto region, as well as a massive meter substitution involving new generation devices. The number of gas clients rose to roughly 1.3 million, as an effect of both commercial and customer loyalty initiatives set in place to counter competition, and thanks to the enlargement of the customer base, in particular in Central Italy with the acquisition of Alento Gas in May 2015. The gas area accounts for 33.4% of Group EBITDA. Water The integrated water cycle business, which includes aqueduct, purification and sewerage services, recorded an EBITDA of € 232.5 million (+7.1%) compared to € 217.1 million in 2014, mainly as an effect of the continuous recovery of operating efficiency and energy savings, as well as the full effectiveness of the new tariff system, that foresees a convergence towards fully covered costs. Net investments in the integrated water cycle area amounted to € 114.9 million, with an increase of € 21.3 million on the previous year. Including capital grants, investments in this area came to € 127.2 million, of which € 59.1 million in aqueducts, € 34.3 million in sewerage and € 33.8 million in purification. The interventions concerned above all extensions, reclamations and network and plant upgrading, as well as adaptations to new regulations that mainly involve purification and sewerage. The integrated water cycle area accounts for 26.3% of Group EBITDA. Waste management The waste management business EBITDA, which includes waste collection, treatment and disposal services, reached € 230 million compared to € 241.8 million in 2014. In a generally positive context for all production chains, this area suffered from a reduction in the price of energy and the volumes of waste commercialised recorded a drop of 2.2%, as a consequence of the temporary lack of space in landfills; work is currently being done on restoring the complete functionality of these plants. Volumes of urban waste treated recorded a slight increase (+0.2%). Results in the field of sorted urban waste are positive, with further progress from 54.0% in 2014 to 55.4% in 2015. In addition to a qualitative and quantitative improvement in gathering, activities in the waste management area were focused on increasing the efficiency of and enlarging the plant base, to complete the Group's presence in new national markets with demand and prices in continuous expansion. In particular, the market position and the new plants deriving from the acquisition in late 2015 of Waste Recycling in Tuscany and some activities of Geo Nova in the Veneto region will fully contribute to operating results in 2016. The Hera Group, it should be recalled, is the leading national operator in the waste management sector with 85 urban and special waste treatment and disposal plants. The waste management area accounts for 26% of Group EBITDA. Electricity area The electricity business, which includes services in electricity production, distribution and sales, recorded an EBITDA of € 104.7 million, with an improvement of € 4 million compared to the 2014 data, in a level comparison that does not consider the roughly € 10 million in non-recurring items linked to the equalisation fund for networks in the area surrounding Gorizia. This result was reached thanks to the efficiency enhancement initiatives introduced and the greater volumes sold to end customers. Driven above all by growth in the free market area, the number of electricity customers reached over 850,000 (+7.7% compared to 2014), confirming the trend seen in recent years, mainly due to a reinforcement of commercial action. The electricity area accounts for 11.8% of Group EBITDA. STATEMENTS Statement by Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano The year came to an end with positive results and a rising trend, in line with our history. Confirming the validity of our multi-business model, this allows us to put to the Shareholders' Meeting a payment of dividends per share in line with both the previous year and that which we had announced in our business plan" affirms Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, Executive Chairman of Hera. "External growth was concentrated in late 2015 on mono-business enterprises whose contribution will become fully visible in the 2016 results, leading the Hera Group to widen its reference markets. We continue, concurrently, to analyse the best opportunities among multi-utilities bordering on the geographical areas in which we operate, to increase synergies and create ever greater value for our shareholders". Statement by CEO Stefano Venier "Thanks to our commitment to innovation and greater efficiency in operational and financial structure management, the Hera Group has been able to generate sufficient financial resources to self-finance both its own activities and an enlargement of its operating area", explains Stefano Venier, CEO at Hera. "These results are all the more appreciable considering that they are accompanied by a creation of value for the entire area in which we operate, amounting to €1.6 billion, and an increase in customer and employee satisfaction, as testified this year as well by surveys carried out by third parties, and the improvement of the various indicators of social and environmental sustainability that appear in the Sustainability Report, approved today by the Board of Directors". The manager responsible for drafting the company’s accounting statements, Luca Moroni, declares, pursuant to article 154-bis paragraph 2 of the TUF, that the information contained in the present press release corresponds to the documentation available and to the account books and entries. The financial statement and related materials will be available to the public pursuant to the terms established by law at the Company Headquarters, on the website and on the authorised storage platform 1Info (, within 5 April 2016. Unaudited extracts from the Interim Financial Statements at 31 December 2015 are attached. Profit & Loss(m€) 31/12/2015 Inc% 31/12/2014 Inc.% Ch. Ch.% Sales 4,487.0 4,189.1 +297.9 +7.1% Other operating revenues 330.8 7.4% 324.5 7.7% +6.3 +1.9% Raw material (2,256.6) -50.3% (1,965.5) -46.9% +291.1 +14.8% Services costs (1,132.1) -25.2% (1,143.6) -27.3% -11.5 -1.0% Other operating expenses (62.3) -1.4% (57.1) -1.4% +5.2 +9.1% Personnel costs (510.8) -11.4% (496.9) -11.9% +13.9 +2.8% Capitalisations 28.5 0.6% 17.3 0.4% +11.2 +64.8% Ebitda 884.4 19.7% 867.8 20.7% +16.6 +1.9% Depreciation and provisions (442.2) -9.9% (426.6) -10.2% +15.6 +3.7% Ebit 442.2 9.9% 441.2 10.5% +1.0 +0.2% Financial inc./(exp.) (126.0) -2.8% (138.0) -3.3% -12.0 -8.7% Pre tax profit adjusted 316.1 7.0% 303.2 7.2% +12.9 +4.3% Tax (113.5) -2.5% (122.0) -2.9% -8.5 -7.0% Net profit adjusted 202.6 4.5% 181.2 4.3% +21.4 +11.8% Non-recurring financial items (8.2) -0.2% (8.1) -0.2% +0.1 +0.0% Non-recurring fiscal items - 9.3 0.2% -9.3 -100.0% Net profit 194.4 4.3% 182.4 4.4% +12.0 +6.6% Attributable to: Shareholders of the Parent Company Minority shareholders 180.5 13.9 4.0% 0.3% 164.8 17.6 3.9% 0.4% +15.7 -3.8 +9.5% -21.3% For a better comparison of above data, please note that some of the non-recurring items below the Net Profit line have been reclassified. Balance Sheet (m€) 31/12/2015 Inc% 31/12/2014 Inc.% Ch. Ch.% Net fixed assets 5,511.3 106.9% 5,445.8 106.8% +65.5 +1.2% Working capital 157.0 3.0% 153.1 3.0% +3.9 +2.5% (Provisions) (513.5) (10.1%) (499.5) (9.8%) (14.0) +2.8% Net invested capital 5,154.8 100.0% 5,099.4 100.0% +55.4 +1.1% Net equity 2,503.1 48.6% 2,459.0 48.2% +44.1 +1.8% Long term net financial debt 2,743.6 53.2% 2,969.3 58.2% (225.7) (7.6%) Short term net financial debt (91.9) (1.8%) (328.9) (6.4%) 237.0 (72.1%) Net financial debts 2,651.7 51.4% 2.640.4 51.8% +11.3 +0.4% Net invested capital 5,154.8 100.0% 5,099.4 100.0% +55.4 +1.1% Interactive annual report 2015 2016-03-21 14:32:00 9M2015
Price sensitive

100% of Julia Servizi Più goes to Hera Comm

2016-03-10 riunione_.1469543703.jpg Hera Group reinforces its presence in Abruzzo thanks to the acquisition tender for the gas and electricity sales company held by the Municipality of Giulianova. 100% of Julia Servizi Più goes to Hera Comm The Hera Group has further stabilised its presence in Abruzzo following a tender for the acquisition of 100% of Julia Servizi Più, a gas and electricity sales companyentirely held by the Municipality of Giulianova (TE). Julia Servizi Più, whose revenues in 2014 amounted to over € 7.3 million, serves roughly 14,700 clients across the area of this municipality and the province of Teramo. The clients of Julia Servizi will thus be able to benefit from the Hera Group's services and offers, developed while managing over 2.1 million clients. The assignment of the tender Today, at the Municipality of Giulianova, the public session held to open the binding offers presented on 7 March 2016 took place.Hera Comm, the Hera Group's sales company, was provisionally awarded the tender. The price at which the tender was awarded, a total amount of € 5.387 million, was formulated on the basis of the economic situation, as well as the financial situation and the reserves, ofJulia Servizi Più. The municipal administration, in accordance with the tender notice, will now proceed in verifying the necessary requisites for stipulating the contract and, in the event of a positive outcome, will definitively award the tender. Within the following 30 days the share transfer contract will be drafted, sealing the transfer of ownership. The Group's presence in the area Following the merger of Julia Servizi into the Hera Group, the helpdesks found in the area in question will be maintained and flanked by new communication channels. Customers will thus be able to take advantage of new services, as well as numerous electricity and gas promotions that are closer to their needs. Hera Comm is the sales company of the Hera Group, 100% controlled by Hera S.p.A., and operates across the entire nation; in the Abruzzo and Marche Regions, where it is also present thanks to Hera Comm Marche and Fucino Gas, it sells gas to over 130,000 customers and electricity to over 50,000 customers. With the acquisition of Julia Servizi Più, which follows up on the acquisition of Alento Gas in 2015, the Hera Group continues to pursue its path of development in the Marche and Abruzzo regions, both bordering on the Adriatic sea, consolidating a presence that has already seen this multi-utility form partnerships with various economic forces of the area. "For the Hera Group, the acquisition of Julia Servizi is an important result in a wider process of development aimed at extending our presence in the gas and electricity free markets within the regions bordering on the Adriatic sea, an area in which we have historically been present", explains Cristian Fabbri, Chief Executive Officer of Hera Comm. 100% of Julia Servizi Più goes to Hera Comm press_release.1457706659.pdf 2015-11-12 16:51:00 Hera Group: control of Aliplast reaches 80%
Price sensitive
Financial Results

Hera Luce, € 21 million from the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti for investments in public lighting

2016-03-07 hera_luce.1469541514.jpg The deal will guarantee significant benefits for Municipalities served by Hera Luce, estimated at savings for at least 60% in costs for electricity consumed and similar reductions in CO2 emissions. Hera Luce: investments in public lighting Savings are soon to come for Municipalities served for public lighting by Hera Luce. The Hera Group company and the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti have in fact signed a long-term financing deal for approximately € 21 million, destined for energy efficiency investments in public lighting in these Municipalities. The financing consists in two credit lines: the first is intended for concessions that have already been signed, and the second is available for investments involved in new concessions that are expected to be signed within 2016. The two lines will expire respectively in December 2032 and December 2033. This initiative will allow Municipalities to benefit from significant savings, estimated at 60% of electricity consumption at least, and a similar percentage of CO2 emission reductions. The operation bears witness to the significance that energy efficiency has for Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, whose new Business Plan foresees constant attention towards initiatives in this sector in favour of Public Administrations. For the Hera Group, this project is part of a constant commitment towards energy efficiency and innovation across the entire area served. Today, Hera Luce is the second largest public lighting server in Italy. The company projects, creates, maintains and manages public lighting and traffic light facilities in roughly seventy Municipalities in the following regions: Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Umbria, Tuscany, Lombardy and Lazio, in which it manages approximately 300,000 lighting points. Hera Luce: energy efficiency investments in public lighting press_release.1457444770.pdf 2015-11-12 14:54:00 Herambiente acquires Waste Recycling
Press releases
Hera Spa

Hera in first place for the website "careers" category

2016-02-23 campri_s1.1468598360.jpg This year once again, the research company Potential Park ranked Hera Group among the top ten companies in Italy which are "gaining" recent graduates looking for their first job using the internet. "This recognition is very pleasing because, for some time, Hera Group has been among the top companies in Italy making major investments in updating and in the personal and professional development of its employees also creating many opportunities for listing to employees, like meetings between top management and workers and the internal climate surveys. Human capital is our main resource with whom we wish to share the distinctive values of our corporate culture" commented Giancarlo Campri, Hera Group´s Director of Personnel and Organisation. "The use of various tools (website, LinkedIn page, networking with universities and business schools) to communicate and interact with potential candidates has helped us, in time, become one of the most attractive companies in Italy receiving over 13,000 curricula vitae per year". Giancarlo Campri Hera in first place for the website "careers" category 2019-07-02 sinistra 16:43:58 Hera in first place for the website "careers" category
Online dal 23/02/2016 alle ore 16:43
Press releases
Hera Spa

Hera: "Un Pozzo di Scienza" (A Well of Science) is 10 years old and it is putting the brains of young people to work in order to change the world

2016-02-19 BLQ_COPERNICO_1_4745_s1.1468599028.jpg The "absolute" Top Utility award went to Marche Multiservizi, a subsidiary of the HERA Group operating in the province of Pesaro-Urbino. For its part, Hera was recognised for its excellent work in business training and human resources. The "absolute" Top Utility award went to Marche Multiservizi, a subsidiary of the HERA Group operating in the province of Pesaro-Urbino. For its part, Hera was recognised for its excellent work in business training and human resources. [block]div:row-fluid::db:hr_press_comunicazione::box:54[/block] These awards were announced on Thursday 28 January 2016 in Rome, during a convention entitled "The Transformation of Utility Companies in a Changing Italy". Marche Multiservizi, a HERA Group subsidiary and this year's "Top Utility", was recognised "for its ongoing commitment to achieving excellent performance throughout its corporate functions and local activities", according to the justification provided for the award. Marche Multiservizi is the leading multi-utility company in the Marche region based on turnover as well as business size and the top merger on a regional level among companies operating in the local public services sector. Hera, which over the years has been recognised as the best utility company and has also received a variety of other rewards in other categories, was ranked first in educational, training and human resources activities this year. In 2015, HERA Group provided a total of approximately 262,000 hours of training, meaning at least 31.4 hours per capita, involving 99% of its staff (including employees in the Triveneto of AcegasApsAmga and in Marche). These figures place Hera at the very top national positions, given that, according to the Top Utility report, the national average is 14.2 hours per worker with an involvement of 76%. Indeed, for the multi-utility company, human capital is considered to be the main resource for sharing the distinctive values of the corporate culture and training plays a fundamental role as an indispensable factor for the evolution and professional development of people and, therefore, for the global growth of business value. To this end, 2011 saw the creation of HerAcademy, the Group's Corporate University, with the aim of further developing excellent skills and behaviours. The corporate university involves all 8,500 employees, from new recruits to managers and operational staff, in a range of training courses, with internal resources accounting for around 40% of the trainers. Lastly, the Group has defined a systematic strategy for working with the education system - Hera Educational - by developing a model for the management of work-study programmes (starting in the coming weeks with 180 work-study programmes and summer internships in 3 years) and launching the "Hera teaches you a vocation" initiative based on the co-design and offer of academic courses at technical institutions in the communities we serve. 'Un Pozzo di Scienza' compie 10 anni e mette al lavoro i cervelli 2019-07-02 14:27:14 'Un Pozzo di Scienza' compie 10 anni e mette al lavoro i cervelli
Online dal 19/02/2016 alle ore 14:27
Press releases
Hera Spa

Hera and Marche Multiservizi: two awards, one single Group

2016-01-28 The "absolute" Top Utility award went to Marche Multiservizi, a subsidiary of the HERA Group operating in the province of Pesaro-Urbino. For its part, Hera was recognised for its excellent work in business training and human resources. The "absolute" Top Utility award went to Marche Multiservizi, a subsidiary of the HERA Group operating in the province of Pesaro-Urbino. For its part, Hera was recognised for its excellent work in business training and human resources. [block]div:row-fluid::db:hr_press_comunicazione::box:54[/block] These awards were announced on Thursday 28 January 2016 in Rome, during a convention entitled "The Transformation of Utility Companies in a Changing Italy". Marche Multiservizi, a HERA Group subsidiary and this year's "Top Utility", was recognised "for its ongoing commitment to achieving excellent performance throughout its corporate functions and local activities", according to the justification provided for the award. Marche Multiservizi is the leading multi-utility company in the Marche region based on turnover as well as business size and the top merger on a regional level among companies operating in the local public services sector. Hera, which over the years has been recognised as the best utility company and has also received a variety of other rewards in other categories, was ranked first in educational, training and human resources activities this year. In 2015, HERA Group provided a total of approximately 262,000 hours of training, meaning at least 31.4 hours per capita, involving 99% of its staff (including employees in the Triveneto of AcegasApsAmga and in Marche). These figures place Hera at the very top national positions, given that, according to the Top Utility report, the national average is 14.2 hours per worker with an involvement of 76%. Indeed, for the multi-utility company, human capital is considered to be the main resource for sharing the distinctive values of the corporate culture and training plays a fundamental role as an indispensable factor for the evolution and professional development of people and, therefore, for the global growth of business value. To this end, 2011 saw the creation of HerAcademy, the Group's Corporate University, with the aim of further developing excellent skills and behaviours. The corporate university involves all 8,500 employees, from new recruits to managers and operational staff, in a range of training courses, with internal resources accounting for around 40% of the trainers. Lastly, the Group has defined a systematic strategy for working with the education system - Hera Educational - by developing a model for the management of work-study programmes (starting in the coming weeks with 180 work-study programmes and summer internships in 3 years) and launching the "Hera teaches you a vocation" initiative based on the co-design and offer of academic courses at technical institutions in the communities we serve. 2019-07-02 14:13:03 Dalle Marche al Nord Est, il Gruppo Hera è al 'Top'
Online dal 28/01/2016 alle ore 14:13

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Group Director of Communication And External Relations

Giuseppe Gagliano






Telephone: +39 051 287111


Viale Carlo Berti Pichat nr. 2/4 - 40127




Telephone: +39 051 287111


Viale Carlo Berti Pichat nr. 2/4 - 40127



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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111