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GDP in Ferrara


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GDP in Ferrara

23 Mar 2018

Hera Group will take part in the initiative to be held on Friday 23 March 2018 from 9.00 to 17.30 at the University of Ferrara.

For more information:

go to the website of the University of Ferrara

go to the section Working in Hera Group

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Hera doesn’t consider silent periods

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Dal 01/02/2015
al 14/06/2015

Hera partner of "Boldini: lo spettacolo della modernità"

From 1 February to 14 June 2015, Hera will be a partner of the "Boldini: lo spettacolo della modernità" exhibition organised by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Forlì in conjunction with the Municipality.

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National CSR Manager Network Conference

24 February 2015 - 14.30 - Sala Pio XI - Cattolica University, L.go Gemelli, Milan. The results of two studies, promoted by the CSR Manager Network, will be presented during the event: the first, on the CSR Manager (Marco Guerci University of Milan) and the other on the CSR function (Mario Molteni, CSR Manager Network and ALTIS).


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Webinar "Rethinking Careers across Europe"

The online conference (at 15.00), organised by CSR Europe in conjunction with Impronta Etica, Fondazione Sodalitas e Business for Society Belgium, represents a new opportunity for comparing and exchanging experiences between companies and other large stakeholders with regard to postponing the retirement age. It will be an important opportunity for becoming more familiar with the "Lifelong Employability Assessment Tool" (LEA tool), developed to assess the capacity of businesses to include the prospect of postponing the retirement age in human resources management processes. Alessandro Camilleri, Hera Group Development, Training and Organisation Director, will be attending.

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Career Day in Bologna

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"Lighting Energy Saving 4th edition" course 9 March 2015

The 8-hour course will take place on Monday 9 March 2015 and has been laid on courtesy of the participation of Philips and in conjunction with the national agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development (ENEA), Hera Luce, Green Building Council Italy and with the sponsorship of AIDI (Italian Lighting Association), APIL (Association of Italian Independent Lighting Designers), ASSODEL (National Association of Lighting Suppliers) and ASSOLUCE (Italian Association of Lighting Equipment Manufacturers). The course is aimed at graduates and non-graduates, laboratory technicians, lighting equipment manufacturers, fitters, lighting engineers and lighting designers who are interested in sustainability and energy saving for lighting in both external and internal environments, through the analysis of new solid state sources and new technologies for controlling and managing lighting systems.

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Dal 09/03/2015
al 23/03/2015

Silent period

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Career Day in Ferrara

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Career Day in Modena

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Final Identis WEEE Life Project Conference "WEEE collection: the experience of the reverse vending machine"

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Annual general meeting (2015 AGM)

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CEO Conference Mediobanca

Hera's senior management participates in the financial event of Mediobanca, where the managing directors of the major Italian listed companies present the business to national and international funds, both through round tables and plenary presentations, and during one on one meetings. Stefano Venier, CEO of the Group, also took part in the round table dedicated to the multi utility macro scenario of reference, with an in-depth analysis of the issue: "Energy transition requires upgrade of existing infrastructure; modernisation of TLC infrastructure and consolidation of local multi-utilities remain key priorities". milano_290x_s1.1438076034.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-06-27 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 751 00:00:00 Milan 45.467 00:00:00 Hera's senior management participates in the financial event of Mediobanca, where the managing directors of the major Italian listed companies present the business to national and international funds, both through round tables and plenary presentations, and during one on one meetings. 1168 1 0 1 9.188 2018-06-27

2018 dividend payment

assemblea_2018_870x320.1535623015.png Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-06-18 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 766 00:00:00 Tommaso Tomasi di Vignano e Sefano Venier 23:59:00 Ex date on 18 June 2018 and payment on 20 June 2018. 1186 1 0 1 2018-06-20

Career Day in Ferrara

Hera Group will participate this year at Career Day with a stand to meet the students. The initiative will be held on Thursday 7 June 2018 from 9.00 to 17.30 at the Unife Scientific and Technological Pole (Via Saragat). For more information: go to the website of the University of Ferrara go to the section Working in Hera Group Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-06-07 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 775 00:00:00 44.833 00:00:00 1195 1 0 0 11.599 2018-06-07

Work world orientation

Also this year, Hera Group has organized two orientation meetings for the world of work this year: one is aimed at the children of the employees, the other one is aimed at the young "neet". During the meetings we will provide useful elements to face the world of work. For more information: go to the section Working in Hera Group Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-05-21 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 774 00:00:00 00:00:00 1194 1 0 0 2018-05-21

ltalian Investment Conference 2018

Hera's senior management attends the investment conference organized by Unicredit, in partnership with Kepler Cheuvreux. The conference, organized at the Milan headquarter of Unicredit, is an opportunity for discussion on the Italian macroeconomic situation, on the strategic planning of the main listed companies and on the regulatory developments in the sector. milano_290x_s1.1438076034.jpg Michele Marsigli 2018-05-16 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 750 00:00:00 45.476 23:59:00 Hera's senior management attends the investment conference organized by Unicredit, in partnership with Kepler Cheuvreux. The conference, organized at the Milan headquarter of Unicredit, is an opportunity for discussion on the Italian macroeconomic situation, on the strategic planning of the main listed companies and on the regulatory developments in the sector. 1167 1 0 1 9.189 2018-05-17

Career Day in Bologna

Hera Group will participate this year at the initiative of the University of Bologna - Department of Computer Science and Engineering for students / new graduates of the courses of studies in computer science, information technology for management, computer engineering. The initiative will be held on Thursday 10 May 2018 from 9.00 to 17.30 in the Ercolani classrooms (Via Zamboni 2 / b) in Bologna. For more information: go to the webstie of the University of Bologna go to the section Working in Hera Group Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-05-10 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 773 00:00:00 44.497 00:00:00 1193 1 0 0 11.356 2018-05-10

Q1 Financial results will be disclosed on 10 May 2018

Meeting of the BoD to approve ad interim results as at 31 march 2018. The Board of Directors, as communicated for the previous financial year and in line with the past, in order to guarantee regularity in the information provided to the financial market and investors, has decided to continue preparing and publishing this information quarterly, on a voluntary basis and in line with current regulations. The BoD will meet in Bologna - Viale Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna. A press release on the board's discussions and resolutions will be released in real time and can be downloaded here. Michele Marsigli 2018-05-10 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 744 00:00:00 44.502 23:59:00 Meeting of the BoD to approve ad interim results as at 31 march 2018. The Board of Directors, as communicated for the previous financial year and in line with the past, in order to guarantee regularity in the information provided to the financial market and investors, has decided to continue preparing and publishing this information quarterly, on a voluntary basis and in line with current regulations. 1161 1 0 1 11.355 2018-05-10

AGM will be held on 26 April 2018

During 2018 AGM financial results as at 31/12/2017 are approved and major fiscal year events are presented to shareholders, with special focus on CSR and creation of shared value key indicators. pic_assemblea.1472555675.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-04-26 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 737 00:00:00 Shareholders' Meeting 44.502 23:59:00 During 2018 AGM financial results as at 31/12/2017 are approved and major fiscal year events are presented to shareholders, with special focus on CSR and creation of shared value key indicators. 1154 1 0 1 11.355 2018-04-26

Career Day in Milano

Hera Group will participate this year at the initiative of the University of Milan promoted by the MIP - International Polytechnic Master. The initiative will be held Friday, April 13, 2018 from 9.00 to 17.30 at the Bicocca University - pavilion 23. For more information: go to the website of the University of Milan go to the section Working in Hera Group Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-04-13 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 772 00:00:00 45.521 00:00:00 1192 1 0 0 9.213 2018-04-13

Financial results as at 31/12/2017 will be disclosed on 27 March 2018

Meeting of the BoD to approve Financial Results as at 31/12/2017. The BoD will meet in Bologna - Viale Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna at 11 am CEST. A press release on the board's discussions and resolutions will be released in real time and can be downloaded here. Michele Marsigli 2018-03-27 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 736 00:00:00 44.502 23:59:00 Meeting of the BoD to approve Financial Results as at 31/12/2017. 1153 1 0 1 11.355 2018-03-27

GDP in Ferrara

Hera Group will take part in the initiative to be held on Friday 23 March 2018 from 9.00 to 17.30 at the University of Ferrara. For more information: go to the website of the University of Ferrara go to the section Working in Hera Group Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-03-23 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 771 00:00:00 44.834 00:00:00 1191 1 0 0 11.626 2018-03-23

GDP in Bologna

Hera Group will take part in the initiative to be held on Friday 16 March 2018 from 9.00 to 17.30 at the University of Bologna. For more information: go to the website of the University of Bologna go to the section Working in Hera Group Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-03-16 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 770 00:00:00 44.496 00:00:00 1190 1 0 0 11.354 2018-03-16

Career Day in Bologna

Also this year, Hera Group will participate with its own stand at the Career Day in Bologna, an initiative organized by the University, aimed at the meeting between graduates and companies. The initiative will be held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 from 9.00 to 17.30 at the Bologna Trade Fair Center (Viale della Fiera) in Bologna. For more information: go to the website of the University of Bologna go to the section Working in Hera Group Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-02-20 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 769 00:00:00 44.51 00:00:00 1189 1 0 0 11.37 2018-02-20

Road show Business plan

Place: Milan, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Zurich, Geneva, Brussels, Amsterdam, New York, Boston, Chicago. Date: 01/11/2018 Milan 01/16/2018 London 01/23-29 Paris Bruxelles Zurich Geneva 01/25 Amsterdam 02/6-8 USA The road show was organized to present the business plan to 2021, dedicated to institutional investors and organized by Equita, Kepler-Cheuvreux, Mediobanca and IMI bank. The event was attended by the Group's senior management, with the Executive Chairman Tommasi di Vignano, the CEO Stefano Venier, accompanied by the head of IR Hansen. The long-term ESG strategy, which includes the global development goals set by the UN agenda to 2030, has been of particular interest among the investors. milano_290x_s1.1438076034.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2018-01-08 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 749 00:00:00 Milano 00:00:00 The road show was organized to present the business plan to 2021. 1166 1 0 0 2018-02-28

Italian local utility - Equita - Milan

Hera's senior management participates in the conference organized by Equita SIM, meant to put in the spot light the best players of the Italian financial market. Meetings with Italian and international fund managers will take place too, in order to discuss Group's results on the first 6 months of the year. milano_290x_s1.1438076034.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-11-30 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 748 00:00:00 45.465 23:59:00 Italian local utility - Equita - Milan 1165 1 0 1 9.183 2017-11-30

h. 11: Meeting of the BoD approves financial results as at 30 September 2017

h. 11: Meeting of the BoD approves financial results as at 30 September 2017. The BoD will meet in Bologna - Viale Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna at 11 am CEST. A press release on the board's discussions and resolutions will be released in real time and can be downloaded here. Michele Marsigli 2017-11-08 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 727 00:00:00 44.502 23:59:00 h. 11: Meeting of the BoD approves financial results as at 30 September 2017. 1141 1 0 0 11.355 2017-11-08

Silent period

Starting from 15 days prior to the price sensitive event, Hera cannot release any type of information related to the last trimester. However, it is possible to get in touch with the IR team for Q&A related to the previous periods. Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-10-30 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 726 00:00:00 00:00:00 1140 1 0 0 2017-11-08

Career Day in Bologna

Also this year, Hera Group will participate with its own stand at the Recruiting Day in Bologna, an initiative organized by the University, aimed at the meeting between graduates and companies. The initiative will take place on Wednesday 25th October 2017 from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm at the Bessiferro Plesso (via della Beverara 123 / a) in Bologna. For more information: go to the webstie of the University of Bologna go to the section Working in Hera Group Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-10-25 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 768 00:00:00 44.521 00:00:00 1188 1 0 0 11.335 2017-10-25

Career Day in Modena

Hera Group will participate this year with its own stand at the Career Day in Modena, an initiative aimed at students of the Faculty of Chemistry-Pharmaceutical Geo-biological Scientific Economic Legal Engineering Socio-educational Linguistic Communication and health professions, aimed at the meeting between graduates and companies. The initiative will take place on Wednesday 18 October 2017 from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm at the Modena Trade Fair Center. Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-10-18 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592478681.jpg 767 00:00:00 44.655 00:00:00 1187 1 0 0 10.859 2017-10-18

Herambiente at Remtech 2017

Herambiente's Decontamination division will, once again this year, play a pivotal role at the Ferrara-based fair - Italy's most specialised event on decontamination of polluted sites and territorial protection and upgrading - with a renewed stand. The technical-sales team will be on hand to give details on both the planning and the execution of solutions that are safe, effective, sustainable and innovative. remtech_250x_s1.1504260612.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-09-20 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 754 00:00:00 44.814 For more information 00:00:00 Herambiente’s Decontamination division will, once again this year, play a pivotal role at the Ferrara-based fair – Italy’s most specialised event on decontamination of polluted sites and territorial protection and upgrading – with a renewed stand. The technical-sales team will be on hand to give details on both the planning and the execution of solutions that are safe, effective, sustainable and innovative. 1171 1 0 0 11.585 2017-09-22

Milan, 20 September 2017 Aligning company strategy with the SDGs

On 20 September, at the ALTIS business school, CSR Manager Network, in association with WBCSD and ASviS, is organising a meeting entitled: "Aligning corporate strategy with the SDGs: risks and opportunities". The event will be an occasion for discussing Italian commitment to the SDGs, particularly the role, opportunities and responsibilities of companies in contributing to the goals of the 2030 Agenda, with analysis of some corporate case studies. Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-09-20 Michele Marsigli sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 740 14:30:00 45.463 18:00:00 Risks and opportunities. 1157 1 0 0 9.17 2017-09-20

Road show - Italian Infrastructure Day - Milan Borsa Italiana

Group Senior Management meets every year national and international funds that are interested in the infrastructure sector, in order to present Hera and its financial results as at 30 June 2017. milano_290x_s1.1438076034.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-09-07 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 747 00:00:00 Milan 45.465 23:59:00 Road show: Italian Infrastructure Day - Milan Borsa Italiana 1164 1 0 0 9.183 2017-09-07

Herambiente to attend Farete 2017

Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th September 2017 will see the fifth edition of FARETE take place at the Bologna trade fair centre. This initiative has been organised by Unindustria Bologna to promote visibility and nurture opportunities for meetings between companies. As in previous years, Herambiente Servizi Industriali will be participating with its own stand, where its sales managers will be on hand to illustrate the Herambiente Group business model and the features that make it unique. FARETE_2017_250x_s1.1504260306.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-09-06 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 753 00:00:00 44.51 For more information 00:00:00 Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th September 2017 will see the fifth edition of FARETE take place at the Bologna trade fair centre. This initiative has been organised by Unindustria Bologna to promote visibility and nurture opportunities for meetings between companies. As in previous years, Herambiente Servizi Industriali will be participating with its own stand, where its sales managers will be on hand to illustrate the Herambiente Group business model and the features that make it unique. 1170 1 0 0 11.369 2017-09-07

h. 11: Meeting of the BoD approves financial results as at 30 June 2017

h. 11: Meeting of the BoD approves financial results as at 30 June 2017. The BoD will meet in Bologna - Viale Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna at 11 am CEST. A press release on the board's discussions and resolutions will be released in real time and can be downloaded here. Michele Marsigli 2017-07-26 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 725 00:00:00 44.502 23:59:00 h. 11: Meeting of the BoD approves financial results as at 30 June 2017. 1139 1 0 0 11.355 2017-07-26

Silent period

Starting from 15 days prior to the price sensitive event, Hera cannot release any type of information related to the last trimester. However, it is possible to get in touch with the IR team for Q&A related to the previous periods. Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-07-17 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 724 00:00:00 00:00:00 1138 1 0 0 2017-07-26

2016 dividend payment

Ex date on 19 June 2017 and payment on 21 June 2017. Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-06-19 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 733 00:00:00 23:59:00 Ex date on 19 June 2017 and payment on 21 June 2017. 1150 1 0 1 2017-06-21

Resilient, sustainable and innovative

ASviS in discussion with institutions, universities, research, business associations and civil society on analyses and proposals to ensure more effective and efficient networks, both physical and digital, in urban contexts with a better quality of life, in view of more balanced economic and social development. The event is aimed at encouraging a multi-sided discussion - with the participation of institutional representatives, experts and other organisations involved in the issues -with specific reference to Goal 9 of the 2030 Agenda: "Innovation and infrastructure", focussing on the importance of risk prevention -through the construction of infrastructure, water facilities and innovative, safe and high-quality energy systems as well as in their production and consumption practices -in order to demonstrate how the economic and social development of a region is strictly connected with the pursuit of these objectives. The initiative is organised in association with: AICCON, Modena Companies for CSR, the University of Bologna and Urbanit. The initiative is part of the Sustainable Development Festival organised by ASviS -Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development -to promote a culture of sustainability and create awareness nationally and locally of the challenges and opportunities involved in achieving the 17 Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-05-26 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 731 00:00:00 44.416 00:00:00 1148 1 0 0 12.195 2017-05-26

Career Day in Ferrara

Also this year, Hera Group will partecipate with its own stand at the Career Day in Ferrara, an initiative organised by the Departments of Engineering, Economics, Mathematics and Computer Science, aimed at the meeting between graduates and companies. This initiative, organised by the University of Ferrara in collaboration with the Unife Job Center, will take place on Wednesday 17 May 2017 from 9.00 to 17.30 at the Polo Scientifico Tecnologico (via Saragat, 1) in Ferrara. For more information: go to the website of the University of Ferrara go to the section Working in Hera Group Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-05-17 Michele Marsigli sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 743 00:00:00 44.833 00:00:00 1160 1 0 0 11.599 2017-05-17

h. 11: Meeting of the BoD to approve ad interim results as at 31 march 2017

h. 11: Meeting of the BoD to approve ad interim results as at 31 march 2017. The BoD will meet in Bologna - Viale Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna at 11 am CEST. A press release on the board's discussions and resolutions will be released in real time and can be downloaded here. Michele Marsigli 2017-05-10 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 723 00:00:00 44.502 23:59:00 h. 11: Meeting of the BoD to approve ad interim results as at 31 march 2017. 1137 1 0 0 11.355 2017-05-10

Climate risks and socially responsible investment strategies (SRI)

The risks and opportunities of the transition towards a low-carbon economy. Many institutional investors, including pension funds, insurance companies, index providers, credit rating agencies and asset managers, are starting to pay increasing attention to environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics to assess the sustainability of companies. Specific focus is placed on organisations whose management has a positive impact on the current climate change and that adopt fossil fuel divestment strategies, with attention to the risks and opportunities entailed in the transition to a low-carbon economy, and are not a cause of high greenhouse gas emissions. The Department of Business Administration, Finance, Management and Law (DISEADE), the Italian Association of Financial Analysts and Consultants (AIAF) and the Planet Life Economy Foundation (PLEF) discuss the topic with financial experts, academics and representatives from the world of business and institutions on 3 May in the Auditorium, Building U12, at the University of Milan-Bicocca. Programma_dell_evento.1491490245.pdf Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-05-03 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 729 00:00:00 00:00:00 Climate risks and socially responsible investment strategies (SRI) 1146 1 0 0 2017-05-03

Silent period

Starting from 15 days prior to the price sensitive event, Hera cannot release any type of information related to the last trimester. However, it is possible to get in touch with the IR team for Q&A related to the previous periods. Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-05-01 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 721 00:00:00 00:00:00 1135 1 0 0 2017-05-10

2017 AGM

During 2017 AGM financial results as at 31/12/2016 are approved and major fiscal year events are presented to shareholders, with special focus on CSR key indicators. Buyback plan is going to be approved and new B.o.D appointed. pic_assemblea.1472555675.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-04-27 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 707 00:00:00 Shareholders' meeting 44.502 23:59:00 During 2017 AGM financial results as at 31/12/2016 are approved and major fiscal year events are presented to shareholders, with special focus on CSR key indicators. Buyback plan is going to be approved and new B.o.D appointed. 1119 1 0 0 11.355 2017-04-27

Career Day in Trieste

This year again, the Hera Group will have its own stand at Career Day organisedby the University of Trieste, an event aimed at creating a meeting point between undergraduates and businesses. The event will be held on 5 April 2017 from 10.00 to 18.00 at the central campus at Piazzale Europa, 1 in Trieste. For further information: go to the University of Trieste website go to the Working at Hera Group section Michele Marsigli 2017-04-05 Michele Marsigli sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 742 00:00:00 45.659 00:00:00 1159 1 0 0 13.794 2017-04-05

h.11: Meeting of the BoD to approve Financial Results as at 31/12/2016

h.11: Meeting of the BoD to approve Financial Results as at 31/12/2016. The BoD will meet in Bologna - Viale Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna at 11 am CEST. A press release on the board's discussions and resolutions will be released in real time and can be downloaded here. Michele Marsigli 2017-03-21 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 722 00:00:00 44.502 23:59:00 h.11: Meeting of the BoD to approve Financial Results as at 31/12/2016. 1136 1 0 0 11.355 2017-03-21

Silent period

Starting from 15 days prior to the price sensitive event, Hera cannot release any type of information related to the last trimester. However, it is possible to get in touch with the IR team for Q&A related to the previous periods. Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-03-10 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 720 00:00:00 00:00:00 1134 1 0 0 2017-03-21

Milan, 7 March 2017_Seize the change

The integration of sustainability into business at a strategic level and in the various operational processes is a lever that can help companies achieve long-term profitability targets, become more competitive and strengthen their reputations. To what degree is sustainability integrated into businesses today? What are the most suitable tools for integrating sustainability? Above all, what does it mean in practical terms to integrate sustainability into business? To answer these and other questions, EY and DNV GL conducted a survey on a national scale that provided an insight into the current level of integration of sustainability into business in over 1,500 companies, along with the tools currently available to support and guide companies in the integration progress. Starting from the results of the research, during the meeting we will seek to understand how, in practical terms, aspects of sustainability can be integrated into corporate strategy in support of business and profitability targets, through the testimony of exponents from various companies. Fiorenza Bavieri 2017-03-07 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 728 00:00:00 00:00:00 1144 1 0 0 2017-03-07

Career Day in Bologna

This year too, Hera Group will have its own stand at Career Day in Bologna, an event aimed at bringing together graduates and businesses. The initiative, organised by the University of Bologna, in conjunction with BolognaFiere, will be held on 1 March 2017 from 09.30 to 17.00 at pavilion 31 in the Bologna fair district. For more information: go to the University of Bologna website go to the Working at Hera Group section Michele Marsigli 2017-03-01 Michele Marsigli sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 741 00:00:00 44.51 00:00:00 1158 1 0 0 11.369 2017-03-01

Meeting of the Board of Directors to approve the 3Q2016 results

Meeting of the Board of Directors to approve 3Q2016 results. The BoD will meet in Bologna - Viale Berti Pichat 2/4 40127 Bologna at 11 am CEST. A press release on the board's discussions and resolutions will be released in real time and can be downloaded here. Laura Micaletto 2016-11-09 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 649 00:00:00 44.502 23:59:00 Meeting of the Board of Directors to approve the 3Q2016 results. 1049 1 0 1 11.355 2016-11-09

Ecomondo - XX edition

Once again it is time for Ecomondo, the much anticipated meeting that brings together national and international operators in the industry revolving around the world of environmental services and the green economy in the Rimini Fiera pavilions. The Hera Group will be located in Pavilion C1 at stand 120: an exhibition space of more than 300 m2 inspired by and designed with a view to reuse, in keeping with corporate sustainability principles and intended to bring to mind the idea of the circular economy. As the key topic of the entire 2016 edition of Ecomondo, the circular economy will indeed be the common thread of the stand and the communications that Hera, Herambiente and Waste Recyclingwill bring to the trade fair this year. Fiorenza Bavieri 2016-11-08 Fiorenza Bavieri sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 712 00:00:00 44.072 For more information 00:00:00 8-11 November 2016, Rimini Fiera 1126 1 0 0 12.527 2016-11-11

Silent period

Starting from 15 days prior to the price sensitive event, Hera cannot release any type of information related to the last trimester. However, it is possible to get in touch with the IR team for Q&A related to the previous periods. Fiorenza Bavieri 2016-10-25 Michele Marsigli sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 695 00:00:00 00:00:00 1106 1 0 0 2016-11-08

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111