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Financial results as at 30 June 2021

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Financial results as at 30 June 2021

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Hera Spa
Other press releases

Thanks to Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano for his contribution to the company’s development

2023-03-02 Hera S.p.A.’s Public shareholders syndicate committee met today and approved the lists of candidates for the position of members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors for the next three years, who will be proposed for appointment at the Shareholders Meeting held on 27 April 2023. In accordance with regulations, the lists will be made public by 6 April 2023. The Committee, noting that the Executive Chairman of the Hera Group, Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, believes that he has fulfilled his mandate, which expires on the date of the upcoming Shareholders Meeting, wishes to thank him for his fundamental contribution to the growth of the company, which he has led for over twenty years. “Our deepest gratitude goes to Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano”, states the Public shareholders syndicate committee, “for accepting, since 2002, to lead the company, developing and consolidating it, and ultimately making it one of the most important multi-utility companies in the country, while maintaining the Group’s strong local roots. As is shown by the remarkable and significant results achieved over these twenty years, placing our trust in him for such a long time was the right choice. We consider the value created by this company, in terms of investments, innovation, employment, entrepreneurial and cultural development, to be particularly important for our local areas. Combining corporate growth and sustainable development, creating ever more value to be shared with stakeholders, and contributing to improving the quality of life in the localities where the Group operates, is the winning model achieved by Tommasi, and we will continue to follow it over time”. With reference to the Shareholders' Meeting of next April 27, the Syndicate committee indicated Cristian Fabbri, Hera’s current Central Market Director and CEO of the subsidiary Hera Comm, for the role of Executive Chairman, thus enhancing the internal growth of a high-level manager who has been with Hera since 2006. Orazio Iacono and Gabriele Giacobazzi, who already hold these roles in the company, were indicated for the roles of CEO and Vice Chairman of Hera. 20230302 press release shareholders syndicate committee.pdf 16:16:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 02/03/2023 alle ore 16:16:00
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Statement from Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano

2023-03-02 The Executive Chairman of the Hera Group, Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, after more than twenty years at the head of the company, believes that he has fulfilled his mandate, which expires on 27 April 2023, the date on which the Shareholders Meeting has been called. “I am proud to have contributed to the history of the Hera Group”, states Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, “and, working with a top-class management team, to have combined corporate growth with sustainable development. We have created an innovative model that remains ahead of its time, aimed at creating ever more value for our stakeholders and making the areas served increasingly competitive. I therefore wish Cristian Fabbri the best of luck with the important position he will soon cover, after the Shareholders Meeting held on 27 April. It provides recognition for the excellent work he has been doing within the Hera Group since 2006, and I am certain that he will continue to contribute to the company’s development and will also be able to turn future challenges into opportunities”. Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano has been Chairman of the Group since November 2002, and oversaw its initial public offering in June 2003. His guidance has been fundamental in realising the far-sighted vision of the Hera Group’s founding public shareholders, and with his know-how and undisputable management skills, he has helped to guide the company along a path of development and success that has made it one of the most important multi-utility companies nationwide, consolidating its leadership in the sectors in which it operates. This path of uninterrupted growth was crowned in 2019, when Hera was included in the FTSE MIB among the 40 largest companies on the Italian stock exchange, and in 2020, when it was included in the prestigious international Dow Jones Sustainability Index. For more than twenty years, the Group has been committed to creating value for all stakeholders and, thanks to its solid corporate governance, it has confirmed itself over time as a reference point for the areas served and a highly reliable systemic operator. As evidence of its steady growth, it is worth recalling that since 2002 the Group’s workforce has more than doubled (from 4,200 to over 9,300 employees), as has the number of citizens served (from 2 million to over 4.2 million) and EBITDA has increased six-fold, from 192 million to almost 1.3 billion euro. In twenty years, the significant investments made, totalling approximately 8 billion euro, and the more than 50 mergers and acquisitions carried out, have enabled the company to achieve significant synergies and expand its scope of activity. This has produced a growing economic impact on the areas served and has created value for all stakeholders, from employees, customers and suppliers to the Group’s shareholders, who have received dividends totalling more than 2 billion euro over the years. 20230302 Statement Executive Chairman Hera Group.pdf 16:07:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 02/03/2023 alle ore 16:07:00
Hera Spa
Shareholders’ meeting

Publication of documents pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting to be held on 27 April 2023

2023-02-23 Kindly note that the following documentation, pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting convened for 27 April 2023, is available to the public at the Company headquarters, on the authorised storage website 1INFO ( and on Hera Group’s website ( Hera S.p.A. Board of Directors’ Explanatory Report regarding items 6, 7, 8 and 9 on the agenda 23022023 Publication of documents pertaining to the Shareholders Meeting of 27 April 2023.pdf 09:32:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 23/02/2023 alle ore 09:32:00
Hera Spa
Shareholders’ meeting

Guidance from the Board of Directors of Hera S.p.A. to shareholders on the composition of the Board of Directors

2023-02-10 Please note that the document entitled “Guidance from the Board of Directors of Hera S.p.A. to shareholders on the composition of the Board of Directors” was published today and is available on the Company’s website at the page: and on the authorised storage platform 1INFO ( 20230210 PR Guidance from the BoD of Hera S.p.A. to shareholders on the composition of the BoD.pdf 16:54:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 10/02/2023 alle ore 16:54:00

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111