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Financial results as at 30 June 2021

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Financial results as at 30 June 2021

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Hera Spa
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Resignation of a member of the Board of Directors

2023-06-15 Lorenzo Minganti, a non-executive and independent member of Hera S.p.A.’s Board of Directors and of the Company’s Control and Risk Committee, has announced his resignation, due to unforeseen professional commitments, effective as of 19 June 2023. Also note that to the Company’s knowledge, Mr. Minganti holds 6,700 Hera S.p.A. shares. 20230615 Resignation of a member of the Board of Directors.pdf 18:29:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 15/06/2023 alle ore 18:29:00
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Integrated Governance Index 2023: Hera Group once again among top three companies

2023-06-14 Hera achieves second place in the overall ranking published by the index measuring the degree to which ESG factors are integrated within the governance of Italy’s top 100 listed companies. Among Italy’s top companies for the last three years, Hera ranks second in 2023 thanks to its full and deliberate integration of sustainability policies into its business strategies and governance structure. This has been confirmed by the Integrated Governance Index, the main quantitative index measuring the integration of ESG factors in the governance of the top 100 Italian listed companies, managed by ETicaNews and presented today in Milan at the ESG Business Conference. “We are satisfied with this recognition”, remarks Cristian Fabbri, Executive Chairman of the Hera Group, “which rewards the attention we have always paid to sustainability which is a driver of our business development strategy and is fully integrated into our corporate governance. Close ties with the local areas served are crucial for a company like ours, always aware of and attentive to its institutional and social role, which is all the more significant in today’s constantly evolving context. Local roots and focus on ESG objectives are one of Hera’s hallmarks, showing that it has always been committed to giving full value to people, thus generating a tangible impact and helping the communities served move towards a more equitable future in environmental, economic and social terms. The Hera Group’s sustainable growth is, in fact, the result of a business model that always considers the generation of value as the cornerstone of its relations with all stakeholders, from the local ecosystem and future generations to customers, shareholders, workers and suppliers. Sustainability and the creation of shared value therefore stand out as the Hera Group’s fundamental traits and define its underlying purpose, which was officially included in the Articles of Association two years ago. This made Hera one of the first companies in Italy to fully affirm its commitment to the energy transition and the circular economy, through innovation and digitalisation, as well as to promoting social equity. Sustainability at the heart of Hera’s strategies Ever since the Hera Group was founded, the full and deliberate integration of sustainability in its business strategies has been one of the key elements enabling it to meet all its challenges, because for Hera growth and sustainable development necessarily go hand in hand. This path has been built over time, starting from the Group’s corporate culture: in 2016 it was among the first companies to report shared-value Ebitda, which was later explicitly included in the Business plan and in the management incentive system. 20230614 Hera Group on Top 3 of IGI 2023.pdf 15:20:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 14/06/2023 alle ore 15:20:00

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111