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Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Via dell'Energia - Zona Industriale, Pozzilli (IS) - Renewal 2021

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Environmental Declarations - Plant complex Via dell'Energia - Zona Industriale, Pozzilli (IS) - Renewal 2021

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Hera Spa
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Hera Top Employer for the 15th Consecutive Year

2024-01-18 The company reaffirms, once again in 2024, its position among the best performers in human resources management, thanks to substantial investments in welfare, training, and skill development. Hera Group is certified Top Employer for the 15th year in a row, ranking among the top three Italian companies, standing out for employment policies. The Top Employers program this year recognized and certified more than 2,300 Top Employers in 121 countries globally. Awarded by the Dutch Top Employers Institute, a global certifying body for HR excellence, this is among the most prestigious international recognitions for companies meeting high standards in human resources management. The certification is granted after a meticulous and increasingly selective annual analysis, focusing on specific parameters such as remuneration policies, working conditions, career opportunities, corporate culture, training and people development. "We have firsthand witnessed the extraordinary performances of certified companies, and how Top Employers have shown a genuine interest in the well-being of their people. They have committed to improving working conditions, thereby contributing to the collective enhancement of workplace landscapes," stated David Plink, CEO of the Top Employers Institute, at the 2024 certification. Well-being of individuals, training, professional growth, and enhancement of individual skills with a focus on people and their talents: these are the key assets that have earned the Group the recognition. The role of HerAcademy, the corporate university founded in 2011 and the first of its kind in Italy in the multiutility sector, has proved vital. Through competence development, the academy guides individuals and the organization in addressing changes in view of the ongoing energy, environmental, digital, and technological transition. An example is the training center in Ferrara. Hera Group’s multifunctional facility - among the first in the country - is equipped with innovative tools and provides hands-on learning for safe operations on water, gas, and electric networks. A real training ground that offers an ideal space for experimenting and developing specific technical skills. With today’s workforce - more focused than ever on personal wellbeing in view of a better work-life balance - Hera aims at fostering leadership that through trust, full inclusion and constant development guides them through finding the profound meaning in their work. While actively contributing shared value to the company, each individual is indeed a central player in his own growth journey. On the welfare front, involving 99% of the company's population, Hera Group invests over 6 million euros annually. Each worker can allocate his per capita shares for health benefits, insurance, social security, personal services, well-being and income support. The plan is highly flexible, as workers may even convert part of their performance bonuses into services. It is an inclusive plan that leaves no one behind and makes no distinction between contractual levels. "Our people are our main resource, and the recognition we have once again been awarded with this year by the Top Employers Institute only reaffirms the empowerment and training policies we have long embraced," stated Cristian Fabbri, Executive President of Hera Group. "The constant professional and satisfaction growth of Hera Group employees allow us to continue improving the quality and sustainability of our services and to face new challenges, effectively managing even the most complex scenarios." 20240118 PR Hera Top Employer for the 15th Consecutive Year 09:38:00 sede Hera_110X150.jpeg See the press release
Online dal 18/01/2024 alle ore 09:38:00
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera Group has obtained the “Gender equality certification”

2024-01-02 A further confirmation of the importance of Hera’s achievements in terms of gender equality and inclusion The Group has obtained the “Gender equality certification” for its 11 largest companies, which comes as additional confirmation of Hera’s achievements in this area thanks to the commitment towards creating an inclusive and people-oriented corporate culture. Ever since its establishment, the Group has promoted cross-cutting gender equality initiatives, from selection and recruitment to career management, from salary increases, welfare and reconciliation policies to awareness and communication projects to guarantee a corporate culture that is inclusive and free of stereotypes and prejudices. This is an important acknowledgement for the Group, where women workforce stands at 28% with a constant growth of women in roles of responsibility, consistently with the gender breakdown: in 2022 female personnel among middle managers and executives came to roughly one third. These are significant figures for a utility company, as the workforce in this sector is traditionally male. The introduction of a management system for gender equality, pursuant to the UNI/PdR 125:2022 reference practice, involves the measurement, reporting and evaluation of a set of indicators covering six areas: culture and strategy, governance, HR processes, opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company, pay equality by gender, programs for parenthood and work/life balance. This is aimed at overcoming any gaps that may currently exist and producing a sustainable and lasting change over time, thanks to a dedicated strategic plan. Following up on the actions foreseen by the UNI/PdR 125:2022 management process, the Hera Group’s Board of Directors has also approved its “Gender equality Group policy”, in order to guarantee equal opportunities in the workplace, and has appointed a Control committee to ensure that it is effectively adopted. “The UNI/PdR 125: 2022 certifies the path we set out some time ago, whose most important stages include the signing in 2009 of the Italian “Charter for equal opportunities and equality on the workplace” and the establishment in 2011 of a Diversity management working group, made up of a cross-skills team of colleagues. This certification comes alongside our inclusion for several years in both the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and the Top100 companies of Diversity & Inclusion Index, managed by Refinitiv” remarks the Hera Group’s Executive Chairman Cristian Fabbri. “This is one further step that bears witness to the Group’s commitment and achievements in removing all barriers, including cultural ones, to assure an off-limits access to professional growth within our company also in terms of gender. This is significant for a company that wishes to provide a virtuous example, also in terms of social responsibility and fairness.” Roberta Prati, I&F Director of Bureau Veritas Italia, states that “at an historical moment when great attention is paid to gender issues, it is fundamental for companies such as Hera, who operate in sectors with a clear male majority, to express their commitment to gender equality on the workplace. These technical environments are exactly where we expect the most significant progress to be made, thanks to a more widespread enhancement of the presence and potential of women, including in managerial roles. The indicators presented by Hera show highly interesting trends, which give us reason to hope for a fully balanced workforce in STEM disciplines as well.” 20240102 Hera Group has obtained the Gender equality certification.pdf 12:11:00 See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_1_110x150_s1.jpg
Online dal 02/01/2024 alle ore 12:11:00
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the fourth year straight

2023-12-09 Group confirmed as one of the world’s sustainability leaders in both the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index, once again recognizing Hera’s decades-long strategy for long-term value creation for its shareholders and for all stakeholders The Hera Group, one of Italy’s largest multi-utilities operating in the waste management, energy and water sectors, was included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the fourth year in a row. The composition of the DJSI, the authoritative international stock market index, includes the best performing listed companies in the Environmental, Social and Governance & Economics dimensions. As was the case in previous years, and as announced yesterday evening by S&P Global, Hera is included in both the global and European indices and achieved the highest score in the Environmental and Social areas among the companies in the Multi-Utility & Water sector included in the indices. This inclusion provides further recognition of the company’s achievements in creating shared value benefitting all stakeholders in line with the company’s purpose. Publicly listed since 2003 and on the FTSE MIB since 2019, Hera stock, which is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index since 2020, was also included in 2021 in the MIB ESG Index, the first blue-chip index for Italy dedicated to ESG best practices, launched by Euronext and Borsa Italiana. The Hera Group has also been included for some time in Refinitiv’s Diversity & Inclusion Index and in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, confirming its commitment to promoting diversity, inclusion and people development. Hera in the DJSI for the fourth year straight.pdf 09:20:00 See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_1_110x150_s1.jpg
Online dal 09/12/2023 alle ore 09:20:00
Shareholders’ meeting
Hera Spa

Communication of the overall amount of voting rights

2023-12-04 (drafted pursuant to article 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis, of Consob Regulation 11971 / 14 May 1999) Communication of the overall amount of voting rights Bologna, 4 December 2023 - The following table contains the data concerning the shares outstanding and the number of voting rights representing the share capital as at 30 November 2023. Updated situation Previous situation Number of shares constituting the Share capital Number of voting rights Number of shares constituting the Share capital Number of voting rights Total of which: 1,489,538,745 2,229,163,314 1,489,538,745 2,229,225,313 Ordinary shares (regular dividend rights: 01.01.2021) - cod. ISIN IT0001250932 Current coupon: n. 20 749,914,176 749,914,176 749,852,177 749,852,177 Ordinary shares with increased voting rights (regular dividend rights: 01.01.2021) - cod. ISIN IT0005159972 Current coupon: n. 20 739,624,569 1,479,249,138 739,686,568 1,479,373,136 12_2023 Communication-overall-amount-of-voting-rights-art-85-bis.pdf 09:35:00 See the press release Communication of the overall amount of voting rights
Online dal 04/12/2023 alle ore 09:35:00

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111