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Environmental Declarations - Plant Complex di Viale della Navigazione Interna, 34 Padova (PD) - Hestambiente S.r.l. - Renewal 2021

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Environmental Declarations - Plant Complex di Viale della Navigazione Interna, 34 Padova (PD) - Hestambiente S.r.l. - Renewal 2021

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Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera among the best utilities in S&P Global Ratings ESG evaluations

2022-12-19 The Group is among the top positions in the international ranking of Utility Networks assessed by S&P Global for its focus on sustainability and its ability to create shared value by contributing to the energy transition Following its recent confirmation, for the third consecutive year, within the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, World and Europe, the Hera Group once again ranks among the companies that pay the most attention to sustainability and ESG aspects internationally. Hera’s latest ESG Evaluation, carried out by the Sustainable Finance analysts of S&P Global Ratings, has indeed also been recently published. This is a cross-industry assessment of the Group’s ability to effectively manage, in the medium and long term, its exposure to environmental, social and governance risks, as well as to grasp opportunities arising from the changes required by a constantly evolving international context. This year, the Hera Group, among the first in Italy to have published its own ESG Evaluation as early as 2021, obtained an overall score of 81/100, making it one of the best companies internationally as assessed by S&P Global Ratings. The score obtained (81) sets it well above the international (72) and European (76) average. This comes as further important recognition for the attention that the Hera Group dedicates to ESG aspects in pursuing a strategy of sustainable, long-term growth, which has characterised it since it was established in 2002, and which complements and goes hand in hand with its financial solidity. In particular, in the ESG Evaluation just published, the Hera Group is assessed by S&P Global Ratings as being strongly prepared to implement its strategy of creating shared value, contributing to the transition towards a circular and low-emission economy. Hera has, in fact, shown itself ready to face the potential risks arising from the energy crisis, thanks to its ability to balance the need for transition with the security and availability of energy sources. The most distinctive factors to be positively evaluated include: a robust governance, characterised by a high level of independence and transparency; resilience to external shocks thanks to a multi-business model that maintains sustainability principles as an integral part of its growth and development strategy; its ability to collaborate with various stakeholders, including municipalities, local communities and universities; its ability to capitalise on circular economy principles by investing in technology and innovation to reduce its environmental footprint, including through recycling plastics and energy production from waste, with results superior to other operators; transparent annual reporting on its greenhouse gas emissions in relation to its 2030 reduction targets; the constant alignment of its financing strategy and remuneration structure with its goals in shared value creation, which has helped to strengthen the involvement of the corporate population; the level of diversity confirmed by a high percentage of women in management positions and the inclusive approach towards local communities. 20221219_Hera TOP in S&P Global Ratings ESG evaluations.pdf 10:31:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 19/12/2022 alle ore 10:31:00
Hera Spa
Other press releases

Hera top multi-utility worldwide in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

2022-12-10 For the third year in a row, Hera has been confirmed as world leader in the Multi-Utility & Water sector, providing further recognition of the Group’s twenty-year strategy that combines corporate growth with the creation of value for all stakeholders The Hera Group, one of Italy’s largest multi-utilities operating in the waste management, energy and water sectors, was confirmed for the third consecutive year as the top-ranking company in the Multi-Utility & Water sector of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for sustainability performance in all three Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) areas. This recognition comes from S&P Global, which late yesterday published the updated ranking defined by the prestigious international stock market index that assesses the social responsibility of listed companies As in past editions, this year as well Hera has been included in both the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index. More specifically, the Group achieved an overall score of 90/100, the highest in the Multi-Utility & Water sector, against a sector average of 32/100. The ratings obtained were 89/100 in Environment, 91/100 in Social and 91/100 in Economic & Governance, achieving a leadership position in all three areas assessed. These results provide further recognition of Hera’s commitment to all aspects of sustainability as an integral part of its 20-year growth strategy focused on creating value for its stakeholders. Listed since 2003 and part of the FTSE MIB since 2019, Hera stock, which has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index since 2020, was also listed on the MIB ESG Index in 2021, the first blue-chip index for Italy dedicated to ESG best practices, launched by Euronext. This year, the Hera Group also became part of the TOP 10 of Refinitiv’s international “Diversity & Inclusion Index” ranking, first overall among multi-utilities and first among Italian companies, as confirmation of its commitment to promoting diversity, inclusion and people development. 20221210_Hera in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2022.pdf 09:49:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 10/12/2022 alle ore 09:49:00
Price sensitive
Hera Spa

Ascopiave sells 8% of Estenergy’s capital to the Hera Group

2022-12-01 Ascopiave partially exercised the put option on its investment in EstEnergy, selling 8% of the capital to Hera Comm, the majority shareholder. Subsequent to the transaction, the Hera Group will hold a 60% stake in EstEnergy, the largest energy player in North-Eastern Italy with over one million customers. Today, Ascopiave S.p.A. and the Hera Group, through the subsidiary Hera Comm, signed the agreement for the sale by Ascopiave S.p.A. of an 8% stake in the capital of EstEnergy, the commercial joint venture established in 2019 that is the largest energy player in North-Eastern Italy with over one million customers. The sale derives from the partial exercise of the put option held by Ascopiave on its stake in the company, in compliance with the agreements signed between the parties upon establishing the partnership. The sale value is based on the fair market value of the company, estimated at 79.2 million euros with payment within December 2022. As a result of the transaction, which will be finalised by the end of 2022, the Hera Group’s stake in EstEnergy will rise to 60%, while Ascopiave will hold 40% of the share capital, without prejudice to the right to sell such stake under the conditions already defined, in addition to maintaining the current governance rights. The operation, which is consistent with the objectives set out in its strategic plan, will enable the Ascopiave Group to improve the sustainability of its capital structure and consequently finance medium-term investments in the core business and diversification. Similarly, the Hera Group, in line with the objectives set forth in its business plan, further strengthens its presence in North-Eastern Italy, continuing to generate concrete benefits for customers and the communities served, through high-quality services, investments, innovation, and environmental and resource protection. PR Estenergy stake ENGLISH final.pdf 11:27:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 01/12/2022 alle ore 11:27:00
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Hera Spa


2022-11-29 The partnership between the two companies, which won the public tender called by Asco Holding, is a strategic milestone in the evolution of the business portfolio of the two groups in the IT sector, consistent with their respective industrial plans. Ascopiave and the Hera Group, through its subsidiary Acantho, won the public tender called by Asco Holding for the sale of 92% of the shares of Asco TLC, held by Asco Holding itself and by the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso-Belluno. Asco TLC, a provider of ICT services since 2001, mainly dealing with corporate clients and public administrations, owns a significant network located in Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, boasting over 2,200 km of fibre optic backbone, 56 communications towers and 24 xDSL unbundled stations, and supplies its services to over 2,700 customers. This partnership is a strategic landmark in the enhancement of Ascopiave’s and the Hera Group’s business portfolio in the IT sector, in line with the industrial plans of the two groups. It also represents the first stage of a potentially broader operation which would lead, by means of the merger through acquisition of Asco TLC into Acantho, to the creation of a multi-regional player capable of achieving significant operational synergies compared to stand-alone companies, also benefiting customers. The operation in detail Ascopiave and Acantho, in partnership with stakes of 60% and 40% respectively, won the tender invited last April by Asco Holding and, subsequent to the due diligence conducted at the end of July, on 3rd November jointly submitted the binding offer, as required by the tender procedure. The purchase price, which will be settled by cash, amounts to Euro 37.2 million, against a normalised net financial position of Euro 0.1 million at 30th June 2022. The closing of the transaction is conditional upon the fulfilment of the conditions precedent set out in the tender documents, specifically the acquisition of the necessary authorisations from the competent bodies. The Hera Group is one of the leading Italian multi-utility companies, operating in the environmental, energy and water sectors and employing over 9,000 people, who are committed every day to responding to the many needs of around 5 million citizens located mainly in Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Marche, Tuscany and Abruzzi. Listed since 2003, it is one of the top 40 Italian companies in terms of capitalisation (it is included in the Ftse Mib index) and since 2020 it has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Europe Index. Acantho, a telecommunications operator, is the digital company of the Hera Group. Thanks to the development of a proprietary ultra-broadband fibre optic network extending for over 230,000 kilometres and its Data Centres in Imola and Siziano, it has been offering ICT services and tools in the Data & Voice Communication, Hybrid MultiCloud, Cyber & Physical Security and Smart City fields for over 20 years, contributing to the competitiveness of small and large enterprises and the development and innovation of the territory. - The Ascopiave Group is one of the leading operators in natural gas distribution in the country. The Group owns concessions and direct assignments for the management of activities in 308 Towns, supplying services to over 890,000 inhabitants, through a network of about 14,500 kilometres. Ascopiave is also a partner of the Hera Group in the sale of gas and electricity, through a 48% stake in Est Energy, a leading operator in the field holding a portfolio of over 1 million sales contracts to end users, mainly in Veneto, Friuli Venezia-Giulia and Lombardy regions. In the water sector, Ascopiave is a shareholder and technological partner of Cogeide, which manages the integrated water service in 15 Towns within the Bergamo Province, serving a population of over 100 thousand inhabitants, through a network of 880 km. In addition, Ascopiave operates in the renewable energy field, through 28 hydro-electric and wind power stations, with a rated capacity of 62.5 MW. Through its subsidiary Salinella Eolico S.r.l., Ascopiave is about to undertake the erection of a wind farm. Ascopiave has been listed under the Euronext Star Milan segment of Borsa Italiana since 12th December 2006. Contact: Hera S.p.A. Giuseppe Gagliano - External Relations Manager + 39 051.287138 Cecilia Bondioli - Media Relations Manager + 39 051.287138 – + 39 320.4790622 Contact: Community Group Ascopiave Giuliano Pasini Tel. +39 0438 / 980098 Auro Palomba Roberto Zava - Media Relator Tel. +39 0422 / 416111 Cell. +39 335 / 1852403 Mob. +39 335 / 6085019 Giacomo Bignucolo – Investor Relator Cell. +39 335 / 1311193 20221129 PR ASCO TLC final.pdf 15:03:00 Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg See the press release Nuova_Palazzina_110x150.1533218221.jpg
Online dal 29/11/2022 alle ore 15:03:00

Economic data 3Q 2022

Economic data 3Q 2022.xls

Press release 3Q 2022

Press Release Q3 2022.pdf

Analyst Presentation 3Q 2022

Analyst presentation Q3 2022.pdf

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111