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Career Day in Bologna


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Career Day in Bologna

26 Feb 2019

Also this year, Hera Group will participate with its own stand at the Career Day in Bologna, an initiative organized by the University, aimed at the meeting between graduates and companies. The initiative will be held on 26 February 2019 from 9.00 to 18.30 at the Bologna Trade Fair Center (Viale della Fiera) in Bologna.

For more information:

go to the website of the University of Bologna

go to the section Working in Hera Group

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Hera doesn’t consider silent periods

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Dal 01/02/2015
al 14/06/2015

Hera partner of "Boldini: lo spettacolo della modernità"

From 1 February to 14 June 2015, Hera will be a partner of the "Boldini: lo spettacolo della modernità" exhibition organised by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Forlì in conjunction with the Municipality.

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National CSR Manager Network Conference

24 February 2015 - 14.30 - Sala Pio XI - Cattolica University, L.go Gemelli, Milan. The results of two studies, promoted by the CSR Manager Network, will be presented during the event: the first, on the CSR Manager (Marco Guerci University of Milan) and the other on the CSR function (Mario Molteni, CSR Manager Network and ALTIS).


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Webinar "Rethinking Careers across Europe"

The online conference (at 15.00), organised by CSR Europe in conjunction with Impronta Etica, Fondazione Sodalitas e Business for Society Belgium, represents a new opportunity for comparing and exchanging experiences between companies and other large stakeholders with regard to postponing the retirement age. It will be an important opportunity for becoming more familiar with the "Lifelong Employability Assessment Tool" (LEA tool), developed to assess the capacity of businesses to include the prospect of postponing the retirement age in human resources management processes. Alessandro Camilleri, Hera Group Development, Training and Organisation Director, will be attending.

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Career Day in Bologna

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"Lighting Energy Saving 4th edition" course 9 March 2015

The 8-hour course will take place on Monday 9 March 2015 and has been laid on courtesy of the participation of Philips and in conjunction with the national agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development (ENEA), Hera Luce, Green Building Council Italy and with the sponsorship of AIDI (Italian Lighting Association), APIL (Association of Italian Independent Lighting Designers), ASSODEL (National Association of Lighting Suppliers) and ASSOLUCE (Italian Association of Lighting Equipment Manufacturers). The course is aimed at graduates and non-graduates, laboratory technicians, lighting equipment manufacturers, fitters, lighting engineers and lighting designers who are interested in sustainability and energy saving for lighting in both external and internal environments, through the analysis of new solid state sources and new technologies for controlling and managing lighting systems.

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Dal 09/03/2015
al 23/03/2015

Silent period

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Career Day in Ferrara

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Career Day in Modena

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Final Identis WEEE Life Project Conference "WEEE collection: the experience of the reverse vending machine"

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Annual general meeting (2015 AGM)

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Road show: Italian Conference - J. P. Morgan

Group Senior Management meets every year national and international funds that are interested in the infrastructure sector, in order to present Hera and its financial results as at 30 June 2016. milano_290x_s1.1438076034.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2016-09-30 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 705 00:00:00 Milan 45.465 23:59:00 Road show: Italian Conference - J. P. Morgan 1116 1 0 0 9.183 2016-09-30


From 21 to 23 September 2016, Herambiente's Reclamation division will once again take centre stage with an updated stand at the Ferrara trade fair during the Italian event specialised in the reclamation of contaminated sites, protection and regional redevelopment. The team of sales technicians will be there to provide details about the solutions it is able to plan as well as implement in a safe, effective, sustainable and innovative manner. For more information: Remtech2016_Logo_250_s1.1472199706.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2016-09-21 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 703 00:00:00 Logo REMTECH 2016 For more information 00:00:00 1114 1 0 0 2016-09-23

Road show - Italian Infrastructure Day - Milan Borsa Italiana

Group Senior Management meets every year national and international funds that are interested in the infrastructure sector, in order to present Hera and its financial results as at 30 June 2016. milano_290x_s1.1438076034.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2016-09-08 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 704 00:00:00 Milan 45.465 23:59:00 Road show: Italian Infrastructure Day - Milan Borsa Italiana 1115 1 0 0 9.183 2016-09-08

FARETE 2016. From an email to a handshake

On 5 and 6 September 2016, the fifth edition of FARETE will be held at the Bologna trade fair. This initiative is organised by Unindustria Bologna to promote visibility and networking opportunities amongst businesses. Herambiente Servizi Industriali will participate in the initiative again this year with its own stand. Its sales managers will be there to describe the business model in detail as well as the elements that set the Herambiente Group apart. For more information: farete_logo_250x_s1.1472199459.jpg Fiorenza Bavieri 2016-09-05 Fiorenza Bavieri sinistra sede_hera_110.1592477872.1603377620.jpg 702 00:00:00 Logo Farete For more information 00:00:00 1113 1 0 0 2016-09-06

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Interactive financial statements and sustainability reports
The consolidated economic results at 31 December 2023 and the 2023 sustainability report were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111