Paola Gina Maria Schwizer
Paola Gina Maria Schwizer
- Group
- Governance
- Board of directors
- Paola Gina Maria Schwizer
Paola Gina Maria Schwizer was born in Milan on 30 May 1965.
Since 2003, she has been Professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries at Parma University and has held the “Risk management and value creation in banks” course for the Master’s Degree in Finance and Risk Management and E-banking, for which she has held the position of Vice-Chairman of the Council since 2018.
Since 1990, she has been Affiliate Professor at SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan, Financial Intermediation and Insurance Area. She is the manager of courses on Management Skills Development in the Banking and Finance sector.
She also holds a number of scientific positions in Italian and foreign universities and is the author of many publications, including "Internal governance. New rules, experiences and best practices for the organization of banks' internal controls" and "The determination of reputational risk in the banking sector”.
Since 2019, he has been Affiliate Professor of the Faculty of Economics University of Rome 3 as Lecturer of the Master's Degree in Governance, Control System and Auditing in Public and Private Entities.
Since 2016, she has worked as Monitoring Trustee on behalf of the European Commission on UBI Banca as part of the resolution of Banca delle Marche, Banca dell'Etruria e del Lazio and Cassa di Risparmio di Chieti. Since 2013, she has been a member of the board of lecturers of the PhD Economics and Management of Innovation and Sustainability at the University of Parma and the University of Ferrara. Since 2013, she has also been a member of the Board of Arbitrators of Aifirm, Italian Association of Financial Industry Risk Managers. Since 2010, she has been appointed as independent expert in civil and criminal proceedings. In this area, she provides consulting mainly with regard to internal auditing, internal control and compliance. She is also a member of 231 Supervisory Bodies.
She holds many positions in Management and Control Bodies, including independent Director of Cellularline Spa (a Company listed in the STAR segment), where she is also Chairman of the Control and Risk Committee, and independent Director of Ferrovie dello Stato Spa and, since 26 April 2023, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Detsche Bank Spa.
She has also served as independent director of Credito Emiliano Spa (a company listed in the MTA Segment), as well as Chairwoman of the Group Risk Committee, member of the Remuneration Committee, member of the Committee of Independent Directors (Committee for Related Party Transactions), and member of the Monitoring Committee of IGM SGR placed under compulsory administrative liquidation, upon appointment by the Bank of Italy and the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Between 1998 and 2003, she was chairman of the Degree program in Environmental and Cultural Economics at the University of Lecce.
She graduated with a degree in Business Economics from Milan’s Bocconi University.
Share ownership of the HERA stock
Page updated 16 May 2024