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SGR Servizi S.p.A.

TESTATA SGR Servizi S.p.A.

SGR Servizi S.p.A.

SGR Servizi SpA

Paid up share capital € 5,982,262.
Registered office: Via Chiabrera n. 34/b - 47900 RIMINI
Revenue Code/VAT reg. no. and Romagna Forlì-Cesena e Rimini Registry of Companies 00338000409

Partner Stake
Hera Comm S.p.A. 29,61%
Gas Rimini S.p.A. 70,39%

Purchase and sale of energy and services.

Page updated 1 September 2020

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111