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Myriam Amato

TESTATA Myriam Amato

Myriam Amato

Myriam Amato was born in Pavia on 19 October 1974.

She has gained over 20 years’ experience as legal auditor for national and multinational companies and has also worked as a self-employed chartered accountant, cooperating with leading firms in Milan.
The positions in the Boards of Statutory Auditors of listed companies, as well as the last work experience as CFO of a listed company, have allowed her to acquire greater knowledge in the field of corporate governance, refining the skills already acquired also in the field of direct management corporate.
Among other positions, she is the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Hera Spa since 2017 and holds positions in the Board of Statutory Auditors of Group companies.

Since January 2019, she has been a partner of Revinet Spa, an auditing firm registered with the MEF.
Between 2015 and 2018, she was CFO of Giglio Group Spa, with offices in Italy, England, USA, China and Switzerland. She assisted the CEO in extraordinary M&A transactions, dealing with integrating the new companies acquired by the group. During these years at Giglio Group Spa, she was Head of the “transling” process on the star segment of the Borsa Italiana electronic share market, which took place in March 2018.
Between 1998 and 2000 and between 2006 and 2013, she was Senior Manager at Ernst & Young Spa and was in charge of operations for the management and coordination of the auditing of the financial statements for important companies such as: Gruppo Eni Spa, Gruppo Alfa Lavai, Gruppo Publicis, Gruppo Deborah, Gilead Sciences Srl and Kci Medical Srl.
She was Business Development Leader at Ernst & Young Spa, between 2011 and 2013.
Between 2003 and 2006, she worked as a chartered accountant for the Necchi Sorci & Associati firm and the Pastori firm, both based in Milan.
She was Senior Auditor between 2000 and 2003 in the “transaction support service” sector for Deloitte & Touche Spa.

She has attended several training and specialisation courses.

In 2002, she obtained a Master in Tax Law from Bocconi University.

She has been a qualified Chartered Accountant since 2002 and has been registered with the Register of Legal Auditors since 2003.

She graduated with a degree in Business Economics from Bocconi University.

Page updated 27 April 2023

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111