Here is where the material gets recovered
Here is where the material gets recovered
- Group
- Sustainability
- Thematic reports
- Tracking Waste
- Here is where the material gets recovered
Once separated, the waste is sent to the recovery plants, thus returning within the production cycle.
Below is the list of facilities that recovered the material you separated in 2020.
The plants that recovered the green were 23: 11 compost producers, 4 biodigester plants, 4 biomass recovery plants, 1 panel factory e 3 wood chips and pre-ground wood manufacturer.
The plants that recovered the paper were 22 paper mills.
The plants that recovered the staff were 10: 6 compost producers and 4 biodigester plants.
The plants that recovered the glass were 5: 4 cullet production plants for the glass industry e 1 company that produces glassy sands.
The main plants that recovered the plastic were 122: 71 plastic production, 44 energy recovery and 7 facilities for preparation for recovery of plastic.
The plants that recovered the wood were 9: 8 panel manufacturers and 1 biomass plant.
The plants that recovered iron were 20: 10 steelworks, 6 companies that prepare material for the metal industry and 4 companies that trade in recovered material.
The plants that recovered the metals were 18: 12 companies that prepare material for the metal industry, 5 companies that trade in recovered material and 1 foundry.