Green waste
Green waste
Green waste
The plants that recovered the green were 23: 11 compost producers, 4 biodigester plants, 4 biomass recovery plants, 1 panel factory e 3 wood chips and pre-ground wood manufacturer.
11 compost producers
- Agriflor S.r.l. - Perugia (PG)
- Aimag S.p.A. - Carpi (MO)
- Bioman S.p.A. - Maniago (PN)
- Enomondo S.r.l. - Faenza (RA)
- Herambiente S.p.A. - Ostellato (FE)
- Herambiente S.p.A. - Ozzano dell'Emilia (BO)
- Mirr S.r.l. - Tolentino (MC)
- Sesa S.p.A. - Este (PD)
- Società Agricola Lunarda S.r.l. - Ravenna (RA)
- Tercomposti S.p.A. - Calvisano (BS)
- Verde Noghere - Noghere (TS)
4 biodigester plants
- Herambiente S.p.A. - Cesena (FC)
- Herambiente S.p.A. - Lugo (RA)
- Herambiente S.p.A. - Rimini (RN)
- Herambiente S.p.A. - Sant'Agata Bolognese (BO)
4 biomass recovery plants
- Enomondo S.r.l. - Faenza (RA)
- Recicla S.r.l. - Copparo (FE)
- T.S.B. S.n.c. - Morrovalle (MC)
- Zola Predosa Teleriscaldamento - Zola Predosa (BO)
3 wood chips and pre-ground wood manufacturer
- Lambertini Biomasse S.r.l.s. (Socio unico) - Valsamoggia (BO)
- Recywood S.r.l.- Faenza (RA)
- Sabar S.p.A. - Novellara (RE)
1 panel factory
- Fantoni S.p.A. Osoppo (UD)