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GrEnFIn Project - Greening Energy Market and Finance

TESTATA GrEnFIn Project - Greening Energy Market and Finance

GrEnFIn Project - Greening Energy Market and Finance

GrEnFIn Project - Greening Energy Market and Finance

GrEnFIn Project

Goals and content of the project:
The GrEnFIn project introduces knowledge and skills in higher education and vocational training in the energy sector, to create a new “Sustainable Energy Expert”, through an innovative and interdisciplinary approach consisting of:

  • A Master's degree in Green Energy and Finance addressed to university students
  • A Professional Module for specialists in this field

These two main goals are part of a broader context, whose purpose is to develop and consolidate the network and cooperation between companies of the industry and the academic world and share best practices, in order to address future challenges in the energy sector in a perspective of sustainable development of the European Union.

In the GrEnFIn project, Hera Group is the lead company in planning the Professional Module, an international course for professionals that ensures high-level specialist skills to operators in the green energy and sustainable finance sector.

The pilot of the Professional Module will be launched in June 2021, and its purpose will be to test the content and methodology of the course, which consists of a first part with lessons held by experts of the Group, companies and Partner Universities, available on the platform in video lesson format, and a more applicative part dedicated to a Case Study on a very topical issue for the energy sector, that will be developed over the 3 days of Summer Training.

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111