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Wölmann S.p.A.

TESTATA Wölmann S.p.A.

Wölmann S.p.A.

Wölmann S.p.A.

Share capital € 400,000 fully paid-up
REGISTERED OFFICE: V.le Carlo Berti Pichat n. 2/4 - Bologna
Milan Company Register Tax code/VAT code no. 03364160139.

The Company's purpose is the design, purchase, sale, installation and maintenance on a turnkey basis for companies and individuals, as well as the construction and use (also on its own account) of electrical systems, photovoltaic systems, and systems that use green energy in part or in full.

Company subject to the management and coordination of Hera Comm S.p.A.

Shareholder Stake
Hera Comm S.p.A. 90%
SBS Services S.r.l. 10%


Page updated 31 december 2020

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111