Circular economy: Hera's position
Circular economy. How is Hera ranked?
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- Circular economy: Hera's position
In 2017, the European Union approved a package of measures to transition towards a circular economy, that sets three goals for municipal waste.
With only 3% of waste going to landfills, Hera's service area has been ahead of schedule for the target for more than 15 years, ranking it at the level of the best performing European countries. Instead, Italy had a high usage of landfills, above the European average of 23%.
The EU’s packaging waste target is to achieve a recycling rate of 65% by 2025. A further target is set for 2030: 70%.
Hera has already reached the 2030 goal thanks to separated waste collection amounts above the national Italian average and to high recycling rates, especially for paper.
An overall municipal waste recycling rate of 55% is the target for 2025.
Further targets are set for 2030 (60%) and 2035 (65%). Hera has already achieved the target for 2025.