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Drinking tap water has economic and environmental advantages

TESTATA Drinking tap water has economic and environmental advantages

Drinking tap water has economic and environmental advantagess

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In this report:

Using Tap Water Advantages

Bottled water and the environment: have you ever thought about it?

  • Italy is the leading country in the world in terms of consumption of bottled mineral water, with a consumption of 200 litres per capita per year in 2019 (compared to an European average of 118 litres). (Source: The European House Ambrosetti, White Paper 2021, Water value of Italy, 2020, latest data available)
  • + 3.9% average annual increase in sales of bottled mineral water in Italy during 2017-2019. (Source: Mediobanca, Bottled water in the world and in Italy, 2021)
  • 700 thousand litres of bottled water sold every minute in the world in 2019. (Source: Mediobanca, Bottled water in the world and in Italy, 2021)
  • Only 18% of the bottles are in glass, only 20% of the water bottled in Italy travels by rail, only 46% of plastic bottles are recycled. (Source: Mediobanca, Bottled water in the world and in Italy, 2021 and Legambiente, Bottled water, a completely Italian anomaly, 2018)

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