The purchase system
The purchase system
- Group
- Suppliers
- Becoming a supplier
- The purchase system
Purchasing and Contracts Department (PCM)
The Purchasing and Contracts Department is made up of purchasing line functions divided by business line, serving homogeneous groups of internal customers. It also includes the logistics line function, which focuses on inventory management, and the staff function, which is involved in cross-functional processes and line support functions (in particular regulatory support, supplier management, supplier evaluation, reporting and administrative support). The current organisational model aims to provide a service that is more closely aligned with the company’s business areas and to further integrate cross-functional procurement management processes.
The Purchasing and Contracts Department:
- ensures the qualification and evaluation of suppliers for all Hera Group companies using the Group’s e-procurement systems;
- manages procurement for Hera SpA and Hera Group companies using the PCM procurement service;
- in collaboration with the internal customer, plans procurements and explores opportunities to streamline needs for all Hera Group companies;
- provides procurement guidelines and advice to Hera Group companies within the scope of Decree 231.
The Procurement Guidelines, in line with the Group’s Code of Ethics and the organisational model according to Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001 and the related Protocol, serve as a reference for the company’s supplier selection and outline the guiding principles for the Group’s procurement activities in the purchase of goods, services and work.