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Marianna Girolomini

TESTATA Marianna Girolomini

Marianna Girolomini

Marianna Girolomini was born in Riccione (RN) on 3 September 1970.

Since 2000 she has been an associate of the firm “Studi Commerciali Associati Ferrini, Giglietti, Montemaggi, Berardocco, Girolomini”, based in Rimini.
She is also an associate of the firm “Girolomini Studio Commerciale Associato”, based in Coriano (RN).
She deals with corporate, accounting and tax consulting, accounting and tax due diligence, management of corporate, accounting and tax obligations during extraordinary transactions (mergers, demergers, contributions, transformations, liquidations, purchase and sale of companies), and company valuations and appraisals, and serves as party-appointed expert witness.

She has worked as Official Receiver and Expert Witness appointed by the Court of Rimini.
Since April 2014, he has been a member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Hera Spa, where she holds further positions on the Boards of Statutory Auditors of Group companies.

She has been registered with the Association of Chartered Accountants of Rimini since 2000 and with the Register of Auditors since 2001.

She graduated with a degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Bologna.

Page updated 27 April 2023

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111