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Sara Lorenzon

TESTATA Sara Lorenzon

Sara Lorenzon

Current positions
University of Ferrara, Department of Legal Studies. Professor of Introduction to Italian Law
University of Ferrara, Department of Legal Studies. Research fellow in European Union Law
Ministry of the Environment. Senior legal advisor for European environmental policies

Professional experience
July 2015 – January 2017. Framework agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and Unioncamere. Senior legal advisor. Legal consultant in European environmental law, preparation of new internal regulations adapting the guidelines for marine strategy 2008/56/CE (biodiversity-amp, alien species, eutrophication-internal waters, marine waste, offshore energy, hydrographic conditions, contaminants, aquaculture, marine noise) coordinated with 2000/56/CE (water guidelines), European commission report, participation in technical regional and inter-ministerial committee.

June 2015 – December 2015. Agreement between the Ministry of agriculture, produce and forests - General direction of marine fishing and aquaculture, and the University of Ferrara. Senior legal advisor. Legal consultant for the reconciliation of current national policies and tools for the fishing and aquaculture sectors. Legal analysis and implementation of the operating program for the FEAMP (European fund for maritime affairs and fishing), concerning sectors governed by regulation (PCP) 1380/2013 and Marine strategy framework directive 2008/56/EC and Maritime special planning 2014/89/EU.

Since November 2015. Council on international educational exchange (CIEE) NGO non-profit organisation based in Portland, Maine, USA. Professor of European Law, a course recognised by the University of Ferrara and intended for American students coming to Europe and studying at Italian universities.

July 2013 – December 2014. Agreement between the Ministry of the environment and CURSA (University consortium for socio-economic and environmental research). Legal advisor (advisory group CURSA, “Intersea 1” project). Legal consultant with expertise in the sector of European environmental policies, in particular for the EU’s Integrated maritime policy and Marine strategy. Work in European negotiations, consulting and internal implementation of European sector regulations within the Intersea 1 project financed by the Ministry of the Environment, concerning: Framework legislation for Marine strategy; Legislation for planning maritime space; Integrated management of coastal areas; Offshore legislation (energy and the environment); Barcelona agreement in the UNEP international program

October 2013 – November 2013. Pontificia Universidad Catòlica del Perù (PUPC), Lima. Visiting scholar for the project “RED: Justicìa, Derecho, Constituciòn y Proceso” with the Universidad de Granada (Spain), Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina), Universidade Federal de Goiàs (Brasil), Universidad Catòlica de Santiago de Guayaquil (Ecuador)

October 2013 – October 2017. University of Ferrara, Department of Legal Studies. Professor of Introduction to Italian Public Law (taught in English). 

August 2012 – September 2013. New York University, Jean Monnet Center, NYU, Emile Noel Fellow-in-residence. Visiting scholar, 2012-2013 academic year. Post-doctoral specialisation at the Jean Monnet Center for International ,European and Regional Legal Studies

October 2009 – October 2014. University of Ferrara, Department of legal studies. Lecturer and senior research fellow in constitutional ,public and European law.

2005-2006. Court of Justice of the European Union, cabinet of Judge Professor P. Mengozzi. Junior referendaire at the cabinet of Judge Professor P. Mengozzi

2005-2006. Studio Legale Da Ros & Associati, Treviso, Italy. Legal apprenticeship in the field of Italian and European administrative law and Italian civil law

2012-2013. New York University, Jean Claude Monnet Center, NYU. Emile Noel Fellow-in-Residence. Post-doctoral program, visiting scholar at the Jean Claude Monnet Center for International, European and Regional Legal Studies.

2009. University of Ferrara, IUSS (Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori) Law School. PhD in law. Dissertation title: “The doctrine of direct effect and the application of the law. The effect of European self-executing law between the interpretation of the European Court of Justice and the national courts”. Final examination result: excellent. Board of examiners: prof. Carlo Casonato (Trento University, Faculty of Law, chair of Comparative Constitutional Law), Judge prof. Marta Cartabia (Judge of the Italian Constitutional Court and chair of European Constitutional Law, Milan Bicocca University, Faculty of Law), prof. Roberto Bin (Ferrara University, chair of Constitutional law)

2005. University of Ferrara, Faculty of Law. Degree in Law, summa cum laude. Thesis in European Law, title: Preliminary ruling procedure: relevance and the effects of ECJ judgements on the Italian legal system. Supervisor prof. Roberto Bin (European constitutional law). Other supervisors: prof. Serena Forlati (International law), prof. Cristiana Fioravanti (EU law)

2000. High School Diploma, Liceo Classico Marconi. Certificate: five years of attendance, classical studies. Final examination result 94/100

Grants, Awards and Fellowships
2012-2013 Emile Noel Fellowship. New York University, Jean Claude Monnet Center for International, European and Regional Legal Studies. One-year senior research fellowship in European Union Law.

2011 “La note dei ricercatori” Prize. University of Ferrara and the Italian Ministry of Research, Education and University.

2009-2014. Research fellowship. University of Ferrara, Department of Legal Studies. Research fellowship in Constitutional and European Law

2009. Best Dissertation in Law, a.y. 2008-2009 University of Ferrara, IUSS (Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori). Doctoral thesis evaluated “excellent” by the examining committee. Proze awarded with publication by the IUSS as best doctoral thesis of the 2008-2009 academic year

2006. Young researcher Prize 2006. University of Ferrara, Department of Legal Studies. Awarded the “2006 Young Researcher Prize” as proponent and supervisor of the project entitles “Collective security and fundamental rights under menace of international terrorism”

2006-2009. Doctoral Grant. University of Ferrara, Department of Legal Studies, Faculty of Law. Recipient of a three-year PhD scholarship

Teaching experience
2013-2017. University of Ferrara, Department of Law. Adjunct professor of Introduction to Italian Law (taught in English)

2011. Bicocca University of Milan, Department of Law. Seminar lecturer on “European citizenship, free circulation and actual protection of fundamental rights”

2009-2012.  University of Ferrara, Department of Law. Case studies and materials on “European constitutional law and constitutional law” (complementary to the course held by prof. R. Bin and prof. A. Pugiotto)

2009-2010. University of Trento, Department of Law. Seminar lecturer on “Protection of genetic and delicate data in European law: biobanks, consent and academic research”

2007. University of Padua, Department of Political Science. Seminar lecturer on “The UN sanctions against international terrorism in Community law: blacklisting and UN sanctions against subjects suspected of terrorism”

2006-2007. University of Ferrara, Department of Law. Seminar lecturer on “Preliminary ruling procedure: relevance and effects of CJEU judgements”, as part of the course in European Union Law 

Editorial activities
Since 2009. Quadrerni Costituzionali, Il Mulino, Bologna. Member of the editorial staff of Quaderni Costituzionali, Sezione Euroscopio (Italian journal of Constitutional and European Law), supervised and directed by Judge prof. Marta Cartabia, Il Mulino

Organisation of conferences
2013. “Understanding the EU and its crisis through the lens of democracy: a conversation”. NYU, Jean Monnet Center. Promoted acting as 2012/2013 Emile Noel Fellow in residence, following an initiative of prof. Kalypso Nicolaidis (joint Straus/senior Emile Noel fellow, NYU school of law; professor of international relations, University of Oxford) and prof. Joseph Weiler (director, Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law and Justice; director, the Straus institute for the Advanced Study of Law and Justice, NYU School of Law)

2011. Seminar entitled “Workers’ rights in the European Charts of fundamental individual rights”, with prof. A Guazzarotti and Dr. S. Borelli. Sponsored by the University of Ferrara, Faculty of law and Faculty of Economy

2011. Seminar entitled “Biotech innovations and fundamental rights”, with prof. R. Bin and Dr. N. Lucchi. “PRIN” project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research

2007. Workshop entitled “Collective security and fundamental rights under the menace of international terrorism”. University of Ferrara, Department of Legal Studies. Sponsored and funded after being awarded the “2006 Young Researchers Prize”

Other professional experiences
2012-2014. Webmaster of Webmaster and promoter of the website “Con la costituzione sul banco”, part of a project in local constitutional academic dissemination financed by the CaRiPaRo Excellence Prize

2006-2013. Teaching “Constitutional principles and fundamental individual rights” at elementary, junior high and high schools. Multi-year project sponsored by the University of Ferrara Department of Law, the CaRiPaRo Foundation and the cultural association “Viva la costituzione”. The aim of the program, subdivided into two autonomous sections, is on the one hand to introduce students of elementary, primary and secondary schools to “Citizenship and Constitution”, and on the other to train the teachers in question in the elements and tools of public Italian and European law.

Recent publications
La governance ambientale marittima dell’Unione Europea [The EU’s maritime environmental governance], monograph, forthcoming (July 2017)

Tutela ed effettività dei diritti sociali in Europa. Accesso al sistema di welfare state europeo: il ruolo della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea [Protection and effectiveness of social rights in Europe. Access to the European welfare state system: the role of the European Union Court of Justice], in Constituciòn, Derecho y Derechos, Libro de Ponencias del Primer Encuentro de la Red Justicia, Derecho, Constituciòn y Proceso RED, Pontifica Universidad Catòlica del  Perù (PUCP), 2016, pp. 31-48

“European citizenship and the social welfare state in Europe”, in Jean Monnet Working Paper, NYU, 2014

“Representation and citizenship in Europe: in search of a locus standi for accountability and legitimacy in understanding the EU and its crisis through the lens of demo[i]cracy: a conversation”, NYU, Jean Monnet Center, 2013

C. Ecjes – S. Lorenzon, Italian elections and the European Union: till politics do us part, in ACELG, Blog active EU, March 2013

“I diritti sociali secondo la Corte Europea di giustizia: l’ermeneutica incide sui costi dei diritti?” [Social rights in the EU according to the jurisprudence of the CJEU], in S. Borelli, A. Guazzarotti, S. Lorenzon, I diritti dei lavoratori nelle Carte europee dei diritti fondamentali, Jovene, 2012

“Genetic research and European integration”, in R. Bin, S. Lorenzon, N. Lucchi, ed., Biotech innovations and fundamental rights, Springer, 2011, p. 227

“Cittadinanza europea e principio di attribuzione delle competenze: l’integrazione europea alla prova del test di integrazione” [Union citizenship and EU consequences: integration through the judicial proportionality test], in M. Cartabia, ed., Dieci casi sui diritti in Europa, 2011, pp. 159-171

“‘Tanto va la gatta al lardo…’ Il caso El Dridi e le conseguenze sulla politica repressive italiana in material di immigrazione” [El Dridi case law and its impact on the Italian legal system as regards immigration policy], in Quaderni csotituzionali, 3/2011

“La regolamentazione delle biobanche tra diritto dell’unione e discrezionalità legislative nazionale: alla ricerca di un punto di equilibrio tra riservatezza e libertà di ricerca scientific” [Regulating biobanks at the interface of EU law and the National margin of discretion. Looking for a balance between privacy and freedom of scientific research], in C. Casonato, C. Piciocchi, P. Veronesi, La disciplina delle biobanche a fini terapeutici e di ricerca, 2012

“La Corte di giustizia e il riconoscimento degli effetti orizontali delle direttive comunitarie: il caso Kucukdeveci” [Kucukdeveci case law. The ECJ and the horizontal effects of EU directives], in Quaderni costituzinoali, 2/2010, p. 430

“Completezza ed effettività del sistema di rimedi giurisdizionali di fronte alla Corte europea di giustizia: un breve sguardo d’insieme alle novità introdotte dal Trattato di Lisbona” [New compentences of the ECJ after Lisbon], in Quaderni costituzionali, 1/2010, p. 135

“Teoria degli effetti diretti e applicazione del diritto. L’efficacia delle norme self-executing nell’interpretazione della Corte di giustizia e del giudice interno” [The doctrine of direct effect and the application of the law. The effect of European self-executing law between the interpretation of the European Court of Justice and national courts], in Annali on-line dell’Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Ferrara, vol. II, pp. 1-136 (2009)

(Translation) Jo Shaw, La Corte europea di giustizia di fronte al diritto di cittadinanza: una sfida alla sovranità nazionale dei Paesi membri?, in Quaderni costituzionali 3/2010, pp. 612-617

Other publications
Sull’insegnamento di cittadinanza e costituzione nella scuola italiana: l’uso di strumenti, metodi e materiali alternative, in C. Bergonzini, Con la Costituzione sul banco, Franco Angeli, 2013

S. Borelli, A. Guazzarotti, S. Lorenzon, ed., I diritti dei lavoratori nelle carte europee dei diritti fondamentali, October 2012, Jovene

R. Bin, S. Lorenzon, N. Lucchi, ed., Biotech innovations and fundamental rights, Springer, 2011

S. Lorenzon, G. Vaccari, V. Zanetti, ed., Sicurezza collettiva e diritti fondamentali in tempo di terrorismo, atti del workshop tenutosi a Ferrara il 26 settembre 2007, Aracne 2008

Languages spoken

B = basic, VG = very good, E = excellent

English E E E
French* E E VG
Spanish B B B
Italian native speaker

*French: course in legal French (final grade: 30/30)

  • DELF 2ème degré “Diplôme d’études en langue française”, Alliance Française, Venice (corresponding to a B2 level according to the Common European Framework of reference for languages: Learning, teaching, assessment, 2011, Council of Europe)
  • Trinity (grade 7 with distinction) and Pitman qualifications (higher intermediate, proficiency)
  • Toefl (ibt 93) (corresponding to level B2 according to the Common European Framework of reference for languages: Learning, teaching, assessment, 2011, Council of Europe)
  • Legal English publications and Legal English teaching (2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015)

LinkedIn profile not available

Page updated 10 July 2018

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