Massimo Giusti
Massimo Giusti
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- Governance
- Board of directors
- Massimo Giusti
Massimo Giusti, born in Sassuolo (Modena) in 1967, now married with 3 children, is a social co-operator and an expert in the Third Sector, Finance and the Real Estate sector. He has been involved in voluntary work since the early 1980s.
With a diploma in Accounting and Administration from the Istituto Baggi of Sassuolo, after having gained experience working in the third sector, with social cooperation in particular, first in social assistance and later helping disadvantaged persons to re-enter the labour market. He is a promoter of the Alecrim Work social cooperative of Maranello which he chaired from its foundation in 1994 until December 2009.
He also set up the Consorzio di Solidarietà sociale of Modena, the first united consortium experience in the sector, and chaired it between 1995 and 2006.
Between 1995 and 2009 he held a number of top level provincial, regional and national positions in Third Sector Confcooperative, Ferdersolidarietà and Forums.
A member of the Government Agency for Non-Profit Organisations (also known as Third Sector) from 2009 to 2012, appointed by the Conferenza Stato Regioni.
He was a director of Banca Popolare di Aprilia (BPER Group) from 2009 to 2013.
A member of the Board of Directors of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena from 2000 to 2015, he was also Vice Chairman from 2005 to 2015.
Chairman of the Volunteer Commission, CSV and personal services of A.C.R.I., he was a member of the Council of the association that combines all Italian banking foundations (from 2009 to 2015), after being a member of the Committee for Small and Medium Foundations (2003-2009).
He is currently: a member of the Board of Directors of Hera Spa, since 2014, acting as chairman of the ethical committee and the Control and Risk and Correlated Parties Committee and an INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR; member of the Board of Directors of Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini, since 2015, acting as member of the Risk and Correlated Parties Committee and an INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR; Vice-Chairman of NADIA SPA real estate, BPER Bank Group, since 2012; member of the Board of Directors of a.r.l., since 2011; Chairman of the Board of Auditors of the Fondazione con il Sud since 2010 (member as of 2016-2010); Chairman of the Board of Auditors of the social enterprise CON I BAMBINI srl, as of 2016.
He has been and is currently a member of various management bodies (boards of directors) in the field of funding foundations and bodies in the services, real estate, finance and voluntary sectors in Milan, Rome, Bologna and Modena.
He has gained experience in the field of venture capital (control committee), crowdfunding (ethical committee) and European projects and programmes in the social and environmental sectors (project leader and project representative).
In 2009 and in 2014 the President of the Republic awarded him the title of first Cavaliere and then Commendatore of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. He has been honoured by the Order of St. Gregory the Great (2009).
LinkedIn profile not available
Page updated 10 July 2018