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Training activities

TESTATA Training activities

Training activities

Training activities


Training plays a fundamental role for the Group and is considered to be an indispensable factor for the growth and professional development of people, for the dissemination of company values and principles and, therefore, for the global growth of the company's value.

The Group model develops training activities in six different areas

  • Institutional and managerial training
  • Technical professional training
  • Market and customer management
  • Quality, safety and environment
  • IT systems
  • Business values and culture

In 2023, 292,351 hours of training were provided at Group level, corresponding to 31.5 hours per person, with 99% of Group personnel involved in training activities.

The main initiatives in 2023 were the following:

  • In the area of institutional and managerial training, particular mention should be made of the training activities linked to the Leadership Model, the implementation of the Middle managers training path aimed at enhancing the transition to the new qualification and adding 74 new middle managers to the Group, and the implementation of meetings with Top Management in various Group territories (Facciamo il Punto 2023).

  • As part of the HER@futura programme, the third edition of the digital skills assessment project was delivered and the two Digital Lab projects in the areas of Engineering and Innovation were implemented; the Digital Workplace change management plan for the effective use of Office 365 tools was also continued.

  • Additionally, the ecoHERA programme was continued for the strengthening of widespread knowledge and skills in the field of business chains, energy and environmental transition by providing training in the field of energy and environmental transition.

  • As regards the technical professional axis, the training and knowledge management activities implemented within the vocational academies were also continued. The following activities also deserve mention: the implementation of the Source to Contract project change management plan and the technical-operational training given on the new Procurement system (Hera_Pro); the training provided on the main changes introduced by the new Public Contracts Code; the change management plan linked to the HERA Nuova BSC project; the change management programmes linked to the organisational evolution of the Central Networks Department; and the"Agire il cambiamento" programme aimed at coordination and technical figures in the Bologna area in the Environmental Services field, designed to strengthen the logic of partnership in Temporary Regroupings of Companies (RTI).

  • For the market and customer management line, the Sales Evolution training course was delivered to Front End colleagues to start the transformation of the role towards that of energy consultant.

  • As regards the quality, safety and environment line, recurring training activities on occupational health and safety issues continued, and the workshop for Safety Managers was held as part of the Safety Leadership change plan.

  • As regards ethical values and business culture, the “Alfabetico - ABC of the Code of Ethics” training course given to all new Group employees on permanent contracts to make them fully aware of the contents of Group’s Code of Ethics was continued.

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Training activities accordion

Total training hours per area of intervention

HOURS 2020 2021 2022 2023
Technical professional training 76,746 103,709 108,657 120,856
Institutional and managerial training 25,271 31,101 30,572 31,152
Market and customer management 4,463 9,924 17,559 11,758
Quality, safety and environment 82,960 96,205 80,457 76,386
IT systems 41,420 26,582 33,794 33,114
Ethical values and business culture 4,995 5,753 6,885 19,085
Total 235,854 273,274 277,924 292,351

The data refer to Hera S.p.A., Herambiente, Hera Comm, Hera Trading, Uniflotte, Famula on Line, Hera Luce and Acantho. Includes AcegasAps (limited to the following companies: AcegasAps S.p.A., AcegasAps Service, Estenergy, NestAmbiente, Società Italiana Lining, Trieste onoranze e trasporti funebri) and Marche Multiservizi.

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Page updated 15 March 2024

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111