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Hestambiente S.r.l.

TESTATA Hestambiente S.r.l.

Hestambiente S.r.l.

Hestambiente Srl

Share capital: € 1,010,000.00
Registered office: Via del Teatro n. 5 – 34121 - Trieste
Tax Code/Venezia-Giulia Companies Register 01266190329
VAT nr. 03819031208

A company managed and coordinated by Herambiente S.p.A.

Shareholder Investment
Herambiente S.p.A. 70%
AcegasApsAmga S.p.A. 30%

The purpose of the company is the following activities: the transportation, also on behalf of third parties, treatment, disposal, temporary storage, recovery, recycling and reuse of waste and by-products in general, of any origin and kind, and related activities; the design, construction, sale, conversion, rental, swap and operation of plants of any type for the treatment, disposal, storage, recovery and recycling of waste and by-products in general; the activities of environmental engineering, global services and brokering and sale and marketing of waste at plants in Italy and abroad.

Page updated 1 September 2020

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