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Filippo Bocchi

Testata I nostri manager

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Filippo Bocchi

Filippo Bocchi
Manager of Shared Value and Sustainability

Born in Fidenza (PR) in 1969.

Since March 2019, he has been Manager of Shared Value and Sustainability (formerly Corporate Social Responsibility) with responsibility for proposing and defining, at Group level, the corporate guidelines relating to shared value creation (CSV) and sustainability, as well as policies on non-financial reporting and accountability. He is also responsible for managing the definition and implementation of the Balanced Scorecard system, in line with the company's planning cycle (Multi-year Business Plan and Budget).

Since 2019 he has been a member of the board of directors and since 2023 managing director of Impronta Etica, an association of companies for the promotion and dissemination of the principles of social responsibility and sustainability, and from 2019 to 2022 he has been a member of the management board and vice-president of the National Foundation Global Compact Network Italia, an organisation that aims to develop the United Nations Global Compact in Italy. Since 2023, he has also been a member of the board of directors of Sustainability Makers, a third sector body that works to qualify and promote professionalism and skills in the field of sustainability.

Since 2018 he has been a member of the Ethics and Sustainability Committee of Hera Group.

In 2005, following the merger by incorporation of Agea into Hera, he became Head of Corporate Social Responsibility for the Hera Group. In 2000 he joined Agea S.p.A., a multi-utility company based in Ferrara, as Head of Management Control. 

In 1997 he joined Smaer S.r.l. as a business consultant in the field of social and environmental reporting and sustainability. 

In the two-year period 1995-1996, he was a researcher at CDS - Centro Documentazioni e Studi in Ferrara and worked in the Management Control area of the Municipality of Bologna. 

He holds a degree in Economics.

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Page updated 31 July 2023

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111