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President Cristian Fabbri

Testata Management - Cristian Fabbri

Hera Group President Cristian Fabbri

Cristian Fabbri

Executive Chairman
and Market Group Manager ad interim


Born in Forlì in 1970.

Since 27 April 2023, Executive Chairman of the Hera Group.

From April 2014 to April 2023 Market Group Manager and he is responsible for the management and development of the Group's activities in the energy markets. He is responsible for all activities related to electricity production, trading, sales of electricity and gas and value-added services, management of the relationships with energy customers and administered services (water and waste management), and the district heating business.

His responsibilities include all Group companies dedicated to these activities.

From February 2009 to May 2023, he was Chief Executive Officer of Hera Comm S.p.A. and Estenergy S.p.A. and he is the President of Hera Comm Marche S.r.l. He was also Chief Executive Office of Ascotrade S.p.A. and he is a member of the Boards of Directors of other group companies.

Since July 2006, first as Group Manager and then as Chief Executive Officer, he has been in charge of Hera Comm, the Hera Group's commercial company dedicated to the sale of electricity and gas, and has been Chief Executive Officer and member of the Boards of Directors of other Group companies. Previously, in 2005 he joined the Hera Group as Head of Strategic Planning.

From 2001 to 2005 at Bain Company, as a Manager, he was responsible for multiple projects in a wide variety of areas, mainly in the utilities sector: M&A, post-merger integration, support in logistics and production, organisation, planning and control.

From 1998 to 2001, he gained diversified experience in Enel in the areas of planning, control and budgeting as well as in operations.

From 1997 to 1998 he was with the Eni group in the gas production area.

He graduated with honours in Electrical Engineering and holds a Medea Master's degree in Energy and Environmental Management.

LinkedIn profile

Page updated 28 June 2023

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111