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Francesco Perrini

TESTATA Francesco Perrini

Francesco Perrini

Born in Bari on 10/12/1965.

Chartered accountant, auditor and, since 2006, full professor of “Economics and Business Management” at the Department of Management and Technology of Bocconi University in Milan. Managing Partner of Clearwater International Italy.

Since 2022, a member of the Board of the School of Management of Bocconi University, and a lecturer of “Corporate and Real Estate Finance” at the same School since 1994.

Director and creator of the Master's Degree in Transformative Sustainability, and Director of the courses in “Strategic Analysis, ESG and Financial Valuation”, “Strategic Finance”, “Business Administration and Management”, “Corporate distress and Turnaround Management”, “Business Ethics & CSR”, “Sustainability Strategy”.

Since 2017, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Commission “Business crisis, restructuring and recovery”, at the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan.

Delegate of the President of the National Council of Chartered Accountants and an expert in Accountancy Europe - Sustainability Reporting Standard Group (SRS WP).

Other positions currently held: Member of the Board of Directors of Walcor SpA (2022); Extraordinary Administrator of Gruppo Biancamano (2021); Chairman of the Board of Directors of Brera Advisory - Clearwater International (2017); Statutory Auditor of Leonardo International SpA (2018), Raccorderie Metalliche SpA (2014) and Pernigotti (2022); Court-appointed administrator of Lamezia Multiservizi SpA in composition with creditors (2018); Infocontact, (2014).

From 2012 to 2022 at Bocconi University he was the Rector's Delegate to the Presidency of the Sustainability Committee. Until 2014 he was Director of CReSV – Research Center on Sustainability and Value.

Between 2008 and 2015 he was also member of a number of scientific committees, including that of Top Utility "Independent Italian Think-Tank on Italian utilities”, that of the Ministry of Economic Development on energy efficiency, as well as the one for the project "Local public services SSPPLL (water, gas, waste and local transport)”.

Main past positions include: member of the Board of Directors of Salini Costruttori SpA; Chair of the Board of Directors of Everel Group SpA and Energy Trading Srl; Chair of the Board of Statutory Auditors of NatCo SpA-Natuzzi Group (NYSE) and Gimel Srl (Alviero Martini); Statutory Auditor of Leonardo/Finmeccanica SpA; Statutory Auditor of Europa TV SpA; Statutory Auditor of Prima TV; Statutory Auditor of Società Idroelettrica Meridionale; Member of the BoD of Oxfam Italia Onlus.

Graduated in Business Administration from Bocconi University in Milan; postgraduate education: ITP - International Teachers' Programme at the Stern School of Business, New York University; Prevention of Corporate Financial Fraud, Bocconi University; Advanced Studies on Stock Exchanges and Other Regulated Markets, Bocconi University; ESADE Business School - Barcelona. PIM - Programme in International Management.

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Page updated 16 May 2024​​​​​​​

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