Enrico Di Stasi
Enrico Di Stasi
- Group
- Governance
- Board of directors
- Enrico Di Stasi
Born 08/07/1978.
Since 2021, he has been head of the political secretariat of the mayor of the Metropolitan City of Bologna, also supporting the mayors in their relations with the authority's sectors, and the mayor's delegate in: Atersir (Territorial Agency of Emilia Romagna for Water and Waste Services), Legality Policies and European Funds.
From 2016 to 2021, he worked at the City Hall of Bologna, in the Mayor's Cabinet, playing a supporting role in Urban Security, Civil Protection, Trade Policies, Legality, Sport and Institutional Liaison.
From 2011 to 2016, he was private secretary to the Mayor of Bologna, responsible for relations with metropolitan municipalities, and in Atersir.
From 2004 to 2009, he was the councillor for Public Works, Heritage, Roads, and Environment in the municipality of Pianoro (BO). In the same years, he was also President of “Made in Bo s.r.l.”, a company that organises trade fairs and events in Bologna.
From 1999 to 2004, he was employed at “Estragon soc. coop.”, which operates in the field of culture and music promotion.
He holds a degree in Labour Consulting and Corporate Relations.
Share ownership of the HERA stock
Page updated 30 april 2024