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The high-tech giant protecting the sea at Rimini

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The high-tech giant protecting the sea at Rimini

The new (upgraded) Santa Giustina purification plant has been opened. It is the biggest in Europe with membrane technology ultrafiltration. It is the most important technological operation in the sewage system redevelopment plan for the coastal city promoted by the Municipality, Hera, Romagna Acque and Amir, which will eliminate discharges into the sea by 2020.

Santa Giustina purification plant

Over the next 5 years, the plant will treat all the wastewater of the area, which includes the Municipalities of Rimini, Coriano, Santarcangelo, Verucchio, Poggio Torriana, Bellaria Igea Marina, San Leo, Borghi (of the province of Forlì-Cesena) and the wastewater of the Republic of San Marino, centrally. The doubling in size of the purification plant received the green light from Arpa which had already conducted many checks on the purified water.

The old plant will remain operational and will continue to serve 220,000 inhabitants, plus the 340,000 served by the new purification plant (giving the total figure of theequivalent of 560,000 inhabitants): this figure corresponds to the requirements of Rimini when the tourists in the summer season are included. In addition to all of this, there will be odour control, improved management flexibility and reliability compared with the old system and natural, sustainable filters will be used.

The purification route of the new system has been organised in the following way: the pre-treatments to separate sand and oil will take place in an initial sedimentation compartment, while in the second stage the wastewater will be "cleaned" by the actual bacteria present in the water to be purified. This process is known as the biological cycle: a process in which the main protagonists are living organisms which, literally, feed on the pollutant substances in the wastewaters, with the residues being easy to isolate. The ultrafiltration membranes are activated in the third stage: they operate as tiny "straws" (0.04 microns in diameter, in other words millionths of a millimetre) and are capable of intercepting microscopic particles, for example viruses, bacteria or flakes of mud. The water that comes out is already clean, but before being returned to the rivers it goes through the last purification or final disinfection to entirely remove any last micro-organisms that might be present.

In this way, the purification plant complies with the latest restrictive legal limits when discharging the water into the Marecchia River. As well as this, Hera has installed efficient remote control and remote management systems, paying special attention to the mechanisms that enable the protection of the environment in emergency conditions. The centralised control system is equipped with two CPUs (central processing units), each one providing back up for the other one, which will allow all the wastewater collection networks for the Bellaria - Igea Marina area and the northern part of Rimini to be controlled from a single place. This allows prompt intervention if there is a breakdown or emergency situation.

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We rank first in the 2024 ESG Identity Corporate Index

For the fourth consecutive year, we are on the podium of the overall index ranking, which rewards Italian companies that stand out for integrating ESG factors into their governance


Hera Group BoD approves results for 1Q 2024

The consolidated quarterly report at 31 March shows improvement in the main operating and financial indicators


Hera Shareholders Meeting: 2023 financial statements approved and dividend increased to 14 cents

The Group continues along its path of uninterrupted growth, closing 2023 with record performance in the main operating and financial indicators, thus constantly creating value for its stakeholders


Hera Group approves results as at 31/12/2023

The year closed with main financial indicators rising and the targets included in the strategic Plan to 2026 exceeded three years ahead of schedule


The passing of Hera S.p.A.'s Vice Chairman, Mr. Gabriele Giacobazzi

We hereby inform you that on March 3, 2024, the Vice Chaiman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Gabriele Giacobazzi, passed away.


Hera Group and Panasonic Industry together for the diffusion of NexMeter on the national market

The Japanese electronics leader collaborates with the multi-utility to distribute the NexMeter 4.0 gas meter, with advanced features in the field of measurement


Over 1 million new electricity customers as of 1 July

With the 7 lots awarded in the tender for the Gradual Protection Service for non-vulnerable household customers, the Hera Group consolidates its position as the sector’s third largest operator in Italy


Hera Group expands in the industrial waste sector with TRS Ecology

With the acquisition of 70% of the Piacenza-based company, the Group reinforces its leadership in the waste management sector


Hera Group presents Business Plan to 2027

Development, resilience and creating shared value for stakeholders are at the heart of the Group’s new strategic document, which foresees investments totalling 4.4 billion to speed up the ecological transition and enhance asset resilience to climate change


Top Employer for the 15th Consecutive Year

Once again in 2024, we confirm our position among the best performers in human resources management, thanks to substantial investments in welfare, training, and skill development

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Shareholders' Meeting 2020: find out how to participate

assemblea_soci_110 Due to the ongoing health emergency, the Hera Group Shareholders' Meeting, confirmed for 29 April, 2020, won't be held in the usual modalities. However, we have prepared all the instructions and procedures so that members can take advantage of the voting right. We therefore invite the shareholders to send their voting instructions, regarding each item on the agenda, to an Appointed representative, who will act on them during the Meeting. On this page, it's possible to find everything required to proceed in addition to a few tools intended to make the necessary procedures simpler to comprehend. We remind that this participation procedure demands earlier deadlines respect to the ones used in the past. assemblea_soci_870 /group_eng/corporate-governance/shareholders-meetings 2020-04-15 For further information assemblea_870x320_eng.1587045076.jpg Due to the health emergency, this year the Meeting won't be able to see the physical presence of the members. To take advantage of the voting right, all legitimate shareholders must send the proxy and the voting instructions to the Designated Representative as soon as possible. The deadline for submitting the form is Monday 27 April. /group_eng/corporate-governance/shareholders-meetings Find out how to participate assemblea_soci_110

Hera Group's financial statement 2019 is online: check it out!

BE_2019_ENG_110 Just a few days after the approval of the financial results as at 31 December 2019, Hera Group's financial statement 2019 can today be consulted in full online. In just a few clicks, you can browse the various sections, read the comments of the Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano and of the Chief Executive Officer Stefano Venier, and consult the data that bear witness to the work of all business areas. The graphic layout guarantees a simple and instant user experience, with numerous interactive graphs regarding the main economic indicators, benchmarks and the goals for 2023. It also enables users to compare the latest results with those of the previous year, and provides useful information for all stakeholders, for example about Stock market trends and relations with shareholders. Investor Case is a useful tool for those interested in investing into Hera, with data that provide a general overview ofbusiness, of growth factors and of the Group's sustainable approach, from the viewpoint of shared value. These two themes are precisely the focus that enriches the web version of the financial statements 2019. In fact, sustainability and shared value are the two pillars on which the Group strategy is built, combining economic and financial targets with environmental and social goals, in keeping with the objectives of the UNAgenda 2030. More specifically, five aspects of Group management are analysed in terms of sustainability: returns on investment, green finance, crisis management, payment system and proxy advisor management. The web version of the Financial statements 2019 is therefore the fruit of the commitment to absolutely transparent accounting, and details a year closed with improved performance, confirmation of a development programme now 17 years in progress. Development that continues to balance internal and external growth, with the achievement of major economies of scale and greater synergies, thanks to a multi-business strategy which has proved a winner over the years. BE_2019_ENG_870 2020-04-10 To find out more be_870x320_eng.1586514890.jpg The result of our commitment to reporting with transparency, the online version of the Financial Statements tells about 17 years of continuous growth, with the improvement of the main economic-financial and sustainability indicators /documents/1514726/4210686/Financial+results+as+of+31_12_2019.pdf/ca71a0b9-a147-d1af-4660-7e0a8c6f7b6b?t=1629971549137 /-/hera-group-approves-results-at-31-12-2019 Consult the version of performance Y2019 Go to the press release about performance Y2019 BE_2019_ENG_110

The Hera Group approved the financial statement results

Financial results as at 31 December 2019 Turnover at 7,443.6 million euro (+12.3%) Ebitda at 1,085.1 million euro (+5.2%) Net profits at 402.0 million euro (+35.5%) Proposed dividends at 10 Euro cents per share The Hera Group closed 2019 with growing results, validated by the Board of Directors on 25 March and pending approval by the Shareholders' Meeting scheduled for the end of April. The partnership with Ascopiave, completed last December and responsible for the creation of the largest energy operator in the North-Eastern Italy, will be consolidated in the results of 2020. The Group’s path of development, in its 17 years of life, continues to combine internal and external growth, reaching significant economies of scale and increasing synergies, thanks to a multi-business industrial strategy that over time has proven to be a winning strategy for Hera, now Italy’s leading multi-utility by capitalisation. The improvement in operating-financial results goes hand in hand with the growing creation of shared value, which has long become the thermometer of the company's progress towards sustainability. Good contribution to growth coming from business areas, especially the gas, water and waste management sectors Positive results thanks to both internal and external growth Sharp rise in energy customers, which reach roughly 3.3 million thanks to the partnership with Ascopiave Sorted waste increases to an average of 64.6% across the areas served Improvement in all sustainability indicators, with shared value Ebitda growing to 422.5 million euro (+13%) “These results - commented the Executive Chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano commented - demonstrate the merits of Hera’s multi-utility formula which, in a year made difficult by factors including a significant negative impact in the safeguarded customer segment, was able to deploy a wide range of development projects that guaranteed, quarter after quarter, positive growth in all activities. Our expectations were thus outperformed and, at the same time, our track record with 17 years of uninterrupted growth was confirmed, further improving our financial solidity in a year in which unprecedented efforts were seen in capital expenditures. In 2019, furthermore, two fundamental targets included in the business plan to 2022 were reached in advance: the finalised transaction with Ascopiave led the Hera Group to amply meet its objective of 3 million energy customers and, with our enlarged set of waste treatment plants, we were fully able to grasp the positive market trends seen as of 2019”. "The growth achieved with these results - added the CEO Stefano Venier - is also characterized by the creation of value. A value that continues to progress towards a greater sharing and in respect of 11 out of 17 fundamental goals defined by the UN. The progress made by this value shows that it is increasingly shared, respecting 11 out of the 17 fundamental goals defined by the UN. The Group’s risk profile, now more important than ever, continues to be extremely conservative, and has allowed the Group to continue expanding through a transaction, involving Ascopiave, that brought us among the highest-ranking companies in Italy for energy sales, only behind the two ex-incumbent energy groups. These are solid grounds, therefore, on which to rely in difficult moment, such as the one currently witnessed due to COVID-19, with respect to which we were able to activate, in a short period of time, all measures necessary to guarantee that our activities are not interrupted and health protection is provided for our employees and for all our stakeholders, along with proactive assistance for all our customers, whether households or companies”. Financial results as at 31 December 2019 2020-03-25 For further informations be_870x320_eng.1585142936 (1).jpg 17 years of continuous growth, with the improvement of the main economic-financial and sustainability measures. /-/hera-group-approves-results-at-31-12-2019 /group_eng/investors Press release Investor Relations Financial results as at 31 December 2019

Legality and transparency: Hera has achieved ISO 37001 certification

Legality and transparency The sustainable growth of companies is often threatened by the risk of corruption. Thanks to the new UNI ISO 37001 standard, all companies and organizations have an additional tool to actively contribute to the fight against corruption. The directive, which is adhered to on a voluntary basis, provides for a certification issued only in the presence of certain characteristics. The Hera Group has obtained the important certification after a careful study conducted by company working groups on some areas of intervention. With the involvement of the company structures that operate on sensitive processes, it was possible to guarantee compliance with the requirements of the standard. As required by UNI ISO 37001, the Group has therefore defined a specific Anti-corruption Policy, a Training Plan and a Compliance Function coinciding with the Supervisory Body. We therefore continue in the wake already traced by the Code of Ethics, which contains the commitments and responsibilities that those who work at Hera assume in the context of every company activity and in the relationship with colleagues. The achievement of this certification further enhances the effectiveness of the tools already present in the multiutility to counter any cases of corruption, including the 231 Organization and Management Model which governs the liability of entities for administrative offenses resulting from a crime. "This important result - underlines the Internal Auditing Director of the Hera Group, Antonella Esposito - further strengthens the objectives of excellence that the Group has always pursued and targets the constant commitment of each employee in the prevention of corruption". Legality and transparency 2020-03-25 For further informations 870x320_C.1582791414.1599117168 (1).png It represents a further tool for the fight against corruption /group_eng/corporate-governance/internal-auditing Visit the web page dedicated to the Internal Auditing Department Legality and transparency

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111